Forbidden Fruits and Vegetables for Cats - Complete Guide

Forbidden Fruits and Vegetables for Cats - Complete Guide
Forbidden Fruits and Vegetables for Cats - Complete Guide
Forbidden fruits and vegetables for cats
Forbidden fruits and vegetables for cats

Cats are carnivorous animals that, as such, must base their diet on protein of animal origin from meat or fish. In other words, we do not need to include fruits or vegetables in their menu, although, if we are interested for some reason or the cat wants to eat them, they can be given in small quantities.

But for this it is essential to know which ones are recommended for cats and, conversely, which fruits and vegetables we have to avoid because they are potentially harmful to these felines. In this article on our site we review the forbidden fruits and vegetables for cats

Why are fruits and vegetables prohibited for cats?

As we go forward, cats do not need to consume fruits or vegetables to cover their nutritional requirements. But, in addition, some of these products are harmful to them because their composition contains potentially harmful and toxic substances for this species, as we will explain in the following sections. Hence, they are considered prohibited foods or foods consumed occasionally and in very small quantities.

If our cat eats any fruit or vegetable from this list in sufficient quantities, he may suffer from poisoning and we must take him to the veterinary center as soon as possible. You may need hospitalization to stabilize it. In the mildest cases, at least we will have to contact the professional to give us the guidelines to follow. However, luckily, food poisoning is not very common in cats, since they are not very likely to eat what they find. We must watch for signs of intoxication such as the following:

  • Hypersalivation.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Increased water consumption.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Incoordination.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Pupil dilation.
  • Heart rate increased.
  • Respiratory difficulties.
  • Yellowish discoloration of the skin.
  • Seizures.
  • Shock.

In any case, the severity will depend on the type of fruit or vegetable ingested, the quantity, the weight of the cat, its previous state of he alth or the speed with which we put it in the hands of the veterinarian to start the treatment.

Fruits and vegetables prohibited for cats - Why are there fruits and vegetables prohibited for cats?
Fruits and vegetables prohibited for cats - Why are there fruits and vegetables prohibited for cats?

Toxic fruits for cats

Many fruits, in small quantities, can be consumed without problem by cats, but there are some that could cause problems. Next, we review the toxic fruits for cats that you should not give them:


Its high fat content makes it one of the forbidden fruits for cats. The result of its ingestion can be a disease called pancreatitis. In addition, if any specimen swallowed the bone or a part of it, it could suffer an intestinal obstruction. Its consumption is also associated with the appearance of digestive problems. Avocados contain a toxin called persin, although it rarely affects cats.

Grapes, raisins and currants

Grapes and also raisins or currants are harmful to the kidneys of cats, and can cause acute kidney failure and even death just by consuming a small amount, hence we should not give them these fruits or add them to any recipe that we are going to offer them.

Oranges, lemons, tangerines and grapefruit

Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, tangerines or grapefruit are considered harmful fruits for cats due to their acidity, which is what can cause irritation gastric However, these are not fruits that these animals are particularly attracted to.

Apples, peaches, plums, pears and cherries

The apple is a he althy fruit for cats, but we include it in the list because its seeds contain substancescapable of generating cyanide , which could be harmful to them. Specifically, cyanide inhibits an enzyme that is necessary for the transport of oxygen between cells. Therefore, if we offer it to you, it had better be clean pieces of any seed or leaf. This same problem is also caused by the stones of other fruits, such as peaches, nectarines, plums, pears, cherries or apricots.

For more details, don't miss this other article: "Can cats eat apples?"

Toxic vegetables for cats

A good part of the vegetables that we consume as part of our regular diet are also perfectly suitable for cats. Still, there are some cat-toxic vegetables, and tubers, too, that are best avoided. In particular, you have to be careful with the ones mentioned below:

Onions and garlic

Both onions and garlic contain a substance called thriosulfate, which is related to the appearance of hemolytic anemia, a problem due to the breakdown of red blood cells that can lead to a fatal outcome. Of course, for this our cat would have to consume large amounts or small doses over a long period of time. Also, onion and garlic can cause diarrhea and vomiting. Leeks, shallots and spring onions also contain triosulfate and are therefore included in the list of prohibited vegetables for cats.


Potato is a tuber that contains solanine, which is toxic to cats as well as people and dogs. The good news is that can be removed by cooking the food So they can eat it, but in small amounts. Potatoes would provide them, above all, with carbohydrates.


Although their appearance is not reminiscent of a potato, they are from the same family, the Solanaceae. Therefore, tomatoes also contain solanine, when they are not fully ripe, and therefore can be harmful to cats. Care must also be taken with the plant, because if the cat has access to it, it could chew and ingest its leaves or stems, which also contain solanine.
