Recommended fruits and vegetables for dogs

Recommended fruits and vegetables for dogs
Recommended fruits and vegetables for dogs
Recommended fruits and vegetables for dogs
Recommended fruits and vegetables for dogs

In its natural habitat, the dog would feed exclusively on meat, since it is a carnivorous animal. Through the half-digested food of its prey, the dog would also absorb the nutrients and vitamins provided by the fruits and vegetables, very necessary to keep its body in perfect condition.

Since in our house the dog cannot hunt and we are the ones who provide him with the food to survive, we must take into account what our dog needs to select the best diet for him. Experts always recommend opting for a varied diet, made up of dry feed and, in small quantities, natural fruit and vegetables. Do you want to know which are the best? Keep reading and discover on our site what are the good fruits and vegetables for dogs

Benefits of fruits and vegetables for dogs

In general, quality dog food has the proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats and oils that our dog needs in a balanced way. However, they also have nutritional deficiencies that, in the long run, can affect our dog's he alth, such as a lack of fiber and antioxidants.

You have probably heard how important it is for us to eat foods rich in antioxidants to eliminate free radicals and thus prevent aging premature, but did you know that they are also very beneficial for animals? A lack of antioxidants will not be reflected in the dog in the form of wrinkles, but cellular oxidation will manifest itself through cellular injuries that will decrease its immune system and favor the appearance of degenerative diseases typical of old age, cardiovascular diseases or cancer.

For its part, fiber helps prevent constipation in our dog and favors the digestive system as long as it is provided properly. We must bear in mind that the percentage that our body needs of fiber is not the same as the one that our dog needs. Veterinarians recommend that fiber does not exceed 3.5% of the diet, as an excess could result in an obstruction of the digestive tract, among other problems. However, if consumed properly, it can be very beneficial for our dog.

If the food we provide our dog does not contain antioxidants or fiber, the best way to provide it is through raw fruits and vegetables. In addition to supplying feed deficiencies, we will break with our companion's eating routine, offering him a varied diet that will help him not get tired of food, and we will prevent him from stopping eating feed.

Recommended fruits and vegetables for dogs - Benefits of fruits and vegetables for dogs
Recommended fruits and vegetables for dogs - Benefits of fruits and vegetables for dogs

Good Fruits for Dogs

Although there are many recommended fruits for dogs, you should keep in mind that not all of them are valid, as many others are highly toxic to them. Consult our article on fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs and avoid consuming them at all costs. The best fruits for dogs are the following:

  • Blueberries One of the most outstanding properties of blueberries is their high content of antioxidants, being one of the best fruits to prevent appearance of diseases related to the heart in our dog. They are also rich in vitamin C and fiber. Of course, do not forget to remove the seeds that are inside before providing this food to your dog, it can cause serious damage.
  • Apple Both for its digestive and astringent properties, ideal for treating diarrhea in dogs and other stomach problems, and its high content of vitamin C, calcium and anti-inflammatory properties, the apple is a very good fruit for them. Before giving it to him, remember to wash it well and remove the heart with the seeds. If you want to give your dog an apple to treat diarrhea, it is better to remove the skin, but if you want to combat constipation, give your dog apple pieces with skin.
  • Pera 80% of its composition is water, so its caloric intake is very low. It is a perfect source of fiber and potassium, so in addition to promoting intestinal transit, it will help prevent cardiovascular conditions and are suitable for dogs with diabetes.
  • Banana This fruit contains a high content of insoluble fiber, so an excess of it can cause serious consequences in our dog. In very small amounts, it can be beneficial for him and help him have a bowel movement if you notice that he has constipation. If your dog is in perfect condition and you see that after giving him a bite of banana he has diarrhea, eliminate this fruit from his diet.
  • Apricot and peach Both fruits are rich in soluble fiber and, therefore, favor the regulation of intestinal transit in our dog. In addition, their high iron content helps them prevent the onset of anemia, they are a powerful natural source of antioxidants and they are mainly made up of water, so they do not promote obesity in our dog. Remember to remove the stone and skin before giving this fruit to your dog.
  • Strawberry Like blueberries, strawberries represent one of the best antioxidants, making them ideal for maintaining skin he alth of our dog and prevent cell oxidation. On the other hand, they are highly beneficial for your bones and have diuretic and digestive properties that improve your intestinal transit.
  • Watermelon. They are also mainly made up of water, so giving your dog small, seedless portions can help him beat the heat. Of course, we should give watermelon in moderation due to its high fructose content.
  • Melón It is an excellent source of vitamin A and E, in addition to having powerful diuretic and antioxidant properties, very important for maintaining the he alth of our dog. As in the rest of fruits, we must remove the seeds and chop the fruit before giving it to our faithful companion.
Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs - Good Fruits for Dogs
Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs - Good Fruits for Dogs

Good vegetables for dogs

In general, the best vegetables for dogs are green leafy vegetables, due to the wide variety of vitamins they contain, antioxidant properties, fiber and endless benefits. However, they are not the only ones, because within the vegetables suitable for them there are also others rich in highly recommended beta-carotene.

  • Spinach This vegetable helps our dog regulate bowel movement thanks to its fiber content. In addition, it is rich in vitamins A, C, E, B and F. We must provide this vegetable to our dog raw, well washed and chopped, otherwise it could get stuck in the throat and cause significant damage.
  • Lettuce and Cabbage. Both vegetables are rich in iron, antioxidants and have analgesic and purifying properties. Before giving the dog these products, we must also wash and chop them to avoid possible suffocation.
  • Celery Just as celery is highly beneficial for us, so is our dog. Of course, in moderate amounts, washed and well chopped. It is also a powerful natural antioxidant, so important to maintain our dog's he alth in perfect condition, it is diuretic, digestive, anti-inflammatory and strengthens the immune system. It is ideal for dogs with arthritis, as it helps reduce pain. You can provide this vegetable in its natural version, or prepare a juice and give it to your dog once a month, in the morning and on an empty stomach.
  • Green beans and peas Rich in vitamins A and C and with antioxidant, digestive and, above all, energetic properties, these vegetables are highly beneficial for our dog in moderate amounts. If your dog is a dog that is not used to chewing its food, do not give it peas, it could choke.
  • Carrot We can say that they are one of the best vegetables for dogs not only for their antioxidant, depurative and digestive properties, but also for their your ability to strengthen your teeth. We will provide you with a good piece of peeled carrot to chew on and help remove plaque bacteria.
  • Pumpkin. It is recommended, above all, for dogs suffering from constipation. It is rich in fiber, antioxidant and diuretic, so we can provide it moderately, always peeled, chopped and seedless.
Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs - Good Vegetables for Dogs
Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs - Good Vegetables for Dogs

How to give my dog fruits and vegetables

As we mentioned at the beginning, dogs are carnivorous animals, so fruits and vegetables should be a complement that they help fill the feed gap. Experts and veterinarians recommend that 15% or 20% of our dog's diet be made up of fruits and vegetables, no more!

We must bear in mind that the dog's body is not the same as ours, so it does not require the same amounts of food as we do. Thus, if our diet should be made up of a considerable percentage of fruits and vegetables, yours should not. The high degree of sugar that fruits contain, for example, is not as digestible for dogs as it is for us, being toxic for them in large quantities.

If the food we provide our dog already contains fruits and vegetables, the quantity of these raw foods should be less. If it is not made up of these products, then we will have to give it 15% in its natural version. How? We must provide our dog with all peeled and chopped fruits, without seeds or pits. The vegetables, for their part, will have to be washed and chopped as well, remember that if you don't do this our dog could suffocate.

It is not recommended to give natural fruits and vegetables more than once a week, nor always give the same product. We will have to vary them and insert them.
