What do BABY BIRDS eat? - Newborns and Young

What do BABY BIRDS eat? - Newborns and Young
What do BABY BIRDS eat? - Newborns and Young
What do baby birds eat?
What do baby birds eat?

During the breeding season it is not uncommon to find little birds on the ground that are not yet capable of feeding or flying on their own. If we have to take care of one, the main thing is to know what baby birds eat We will explain it in this article on our site.

In any case, if we can't take care of it or we don't know, the ideal thing is to pick up the chick and take it to a specialized centerat bird recovery or at least a veterinary clinic.

What do newborn birds eat?

If we find chicks in our environment, it is essential that we have information about what the fallen baby birds eat Birds do not they are mammals, so their young, as soon as they leave the egg, do not need to feed on milk. But this does not mean that they can eat alone.

We are going to meet birds that, to guarantee their survival, depend on one or both of their parents taking turns providing them with food. This will vary depending on the species, since there will be birds with diets based on insects, grains, seeds, fruits, etc.

Parents, to feed these little ones, have to put the food in the back of their mouths. In general, the chicks chirp in the nest demanding food and instinctively learn to recognize their parents, so that, as soon as they arrive, they open their beaks completely. Thus, the parents can deposit the food almost in the throat, which is essential for their young to eat.

Therefore, when faced with a newborn bird, which we will pick up without feathers, covered or not with down, the first thing is to identify what species it belongs to, to know what that bird eats, since it does not it is the same thing that baby sparrows eat as, for example, blackbirds. We can orient ourselves by the shape of its beak, which is usually thin, elongated and straight in insectivores and shorter and conical in granivores. In any case, in specialized stores we can find the appropriate grass paste. An example of home-made porridge is made with cat food soaked in water, boiled egg and breadcrumbs, all mixed to a pasty consistency.

But not only food is important. To breed successfully we also have to get the bird to open its mouth when it sees us, since it must relearn that we also mean food. If these assumptions are not met, the little bird will die.

What do baby birds eat? - What do newborn birds eat?
What do baby birds eat? - What do newborn birds eat?

What does a baby bird eat?

So, at the beginning of their life, these little birds will need to be fed directly in the mouth. If we have any questions or want to confirm the species, we can seek help at rehabilitation centers for birds, biologists, ornithology experts, veterinary clinics or specialized establishments. In no time, these chicks will grow up and be able to eat on their own.

In this new phase, knowing what small birds eat will also depend on the species again. In the market we will find different types of food and we ourselves can include in the diet seeds, insect crumbs, fruits, etc., always depending on the species.

As we can see, it is not always easy to raise these babies. They are not toys and, before even picking up a bird from the street, we must wait and watch in case the parents are nearby and return to look for it. It is also a good idea to try to locate the nest and, if there are live chicks in it, we can return the one that has fallen. On the other hand, once picked up, if we can't get him to eat, we should contact a specialized center so that people with experience can take charge successfully.

What do baby birds eat? - What does a baby bird eat?
What do baby birds eat? - What does a baby bird eat?

How much does a bird eat?

Once we have allowed ourselves to be advised on the most suitable food for the bird that we have found, our objective will be to get it to open its mouth. We can stimulate it by exerting a light pressure inward on the corners of the beak This will open it up a bit, enough to insert the breeding paste with small tweezers or a syringe, of course without needle. We must get as deep as possible in the mouth. Of course, this process must be done very delicately.

Little by little the little one, as soon as he sees us, will open his mouth completely. At first we should offer him food very often but, once he gets used to it and is satisfied, we can space out the feeds. The bird will eat during the day, but not at night. What the baby birds eat will tell us themselves, since, after a few minutes of gobbling, they will stop opening their mouths, remain still and close their eyes. That means they are full.

Once they learn to eat by themselves we will have to leave them the food on demand, that is, the feeder must always be full, as they will be snacking all day and regulate themselves. In the same way, the drinking fountain will always have fresh and clean water

What to feed a street bird?

Seeing what baby birds eat, sometimes, it's not that we pick up these babies from the street, but that we decide to give food to the birdsthat live around us because we like it, we think they need it or we simply want to attract them to our garden, orchard or balcony. As we have insisted, the food will depend on the species of bird in question.

The most common thing is to buy or make a feeder for birds and hang it near the house. In it they usually put from the traditional breadcrumbs, better integral and always soaked, to mixtures of seeds or prizes for birds that we can buy in stores. Homemade, rice and boiled eggs, well-ripened fruit, sunflower seeds or corn, not popcorn, which is too s alty, are alternatives that we can offer you.

Of course, giving food to stray birds can make them get used to easy food and stop looking for it on their own. It is not recommended that they depend so much on us. Let's not forget that they are not pets.
