The family Hirundinidae contains a varied number of birds known as swallows, which are grouped into various genera. However, it is in the genus Hirundo where the typical swallows are included, although those found in other genera maintain various similar features with them.
These birds have a wide distribution and are characterized by their small weights and sizes, however, they are very agile when it comes to flying and hunting, which they do in a peculiar way. Keep reading this article on our site and find out what swallows eat.
Type of feeding of the swallows
Swallows feed primarily on insects, so they are often considered insectivorous because they in certain species these constitute 99% of their diet. However, in some cases they also opportunistically consume some fruits, seeds and grasses.
Depending on the species and availability of insects in the habitat, swallows can be selective because they do not consume all kinds of these animals either. Some species avoid, for example, stinging insects such as bees or wasps.
Don't miss this other article with all the Types of swallows.
How do swallows hunt?
These birds are very agile when it comes to catching insects, being able to do it flyingIn fact, it is the usual way of feeding because swallows are very good gliders, which they can do for a long time. Also, depending on the type of these birds, there are certain height preferences to capture their prey, some doing it closer to the ground and others at greater heights.
In certain cases, it is common for swallows that inhabit in cultivated areas to fly behind the machines or tractors used in these areas, since they take the opportunity to catch the insects that escape in the presence of these heavy vehicles. On the other hand, additionally, the swallows come to feed on the trees or even on the ground, either by breaking insect nests, taking small portions of some fruit or seed that they include in their diet. Swallows can become dispersers of certain seeds in some regions.
A curious fact about these birds is that they also drink water by flying, brushing their bodies over it as they drink. This action to drink water also allows them to catch any insect that they get on the surface.

What do adult swallows eat?
As we have mentioned, depending on the species, swallows can feed on insects or parts of certain plants sporadically. Here are some examples:
The Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) is the most widespread species of swallow worldwide and its diet is based on:
- Flies
- Grasshopper
- Crickets
- Dragonflies
- Beetles
- Moths
- Aphids
- Seeds
- Herbaceous plants
For its part, the blue swallow (Hirundo atrocaerulea) feeds mainly on small, soft-bodied flies, as well as various arthropods. It has the peculiarity of being very good at trapping its prey in thick fog.
Other swallows that also prefer flies in their diet, although this does not limit them to other insects, are the Pacific swallow (Hirundo tahitica) and the wire-tailed swallow (Hirundo smithii). This is how certain species of swallows can have between 50 and 75% diptera such as flies among their main foods.
What do baby swallows eat?
Now that you know what swallows eat in their adult phase, let's see what they feed on and how newborn swallows eat. The baby swallows are fed by their parents, since in the first weeks of life they totally depend on them. It is common for the young to be cared for by both parents, as is the case with the Barn Swallow, even in this species some juvenile swallows can help feed the newborns.
Now, as for what baby swallows eat, their diet is based on insects that are compressed by the parents in their mouth and they give them directly to each chick. Two peculiar aspects of these birds is that, on the one hand, the parents bring food to the nest up to 400 times a day, an undoubtedly arduous task. On the other hand, an adult swallow can feed a young while hovering and the little one perched on a branch.

What to feed a newborn swallow that has fallen from the nest?
Swallows are birds that can live associated with urban or rural centers, so they are used to living in areas where people are present in an important way. This is because it is not common for them to be afraid of or shy around humans. In this sense, on certain occasions it may be that a newborn swallow falls from its nest and its parents do not notice, so it is exposed and, being so vulnerable, it may die. If this were to happen, a first option might be to try to return the bird to the nest, but if this is not possible, offering some food and water could help.
Among the foods that are suitable to give to a swallow chick, there are certainly the insects, so you can check if in a pet store they sell them as food. We must remember that the parents of these baby swallows offer them crushed, in this sense, it is important to imitate this action and give them directly to the beak You could also collect some insects, if possible, in the area where the bird has been found. Additionally, quality commercial feeds for insectivorous birds can be useful in these cases because they are usually balanced and nutritious.
Finally, whenever we find a bird that we are going to take care of while it grows and becomes independent, it is important to have it reviewed and guided by a specialist, so Going to a veterinary center, a research center, a wildlife recovery center or a foundation that works with animals should be an option to consider in order to guarantee that the little swallow is in good condition and we are offering adequate care for its development. In these places, they will also be able to reinsert the swallow back into its habitat so that it can live in freedom.
Now that you know what swallows, hatchlings and adults, eat, don't stop learning and don't miss these other articles:
- Are swallow nests protected?
- Difference between swallow, swift and house martin