Chausie Cat - Characteristics, Care and Character

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Chausie Cat - Characteristics, Care and Character
Chausie Cat - Characteristics, Care and Character
Cat chausie
Cat chausie

Stunningly beautiful based on its wild appearance, which is logical given its origins, the chausie is a hybrid cat born of the mixture between wild cats and domestic cats. A wonderful feline but not suitable for all audiences. We want to tell you everything possible about the fascinating chausie cat, where it comes from and everything that such a special breed can offer us. Do you want to meet this mysterious feline? You're in luck, on our site we unravel all the mysteries about the chausie cat breed!

Origin of the chausie cat

Chausie cats are originating in exotic Egypt It was there that controversial breeding programs took place that crossed wild jungle cats, or chaus cats, with domestic short-haired cats. We say that it was quite controversial because there is a lot of debate among breeders, who question whether it is ethical and opportune to mix wild cats with domestic ones in a "forced" way.

Be that as it may, through these crosses the first chausie kittens appeared, on the banks of the Nile River. This breed was recognized in 1995, when the TICA established its standard, although it was not until 2003 that it was recognized by most of the international feline organizations.

Characteristics of the chausie cat

Chausies are often confused with Abyssinian cats due to the similarities they present in terms of coat and color, however, chausies are cats of considerable size, beingLarge or even giant , as their weight is usually between 6, 5 and 9 kilograms, although males, as is common, are larger than females. The height at the withers is between 36 and 46 centimeters. Their average life expectancy is about 16 years.

Going now into the physical characteristics of the chausie cat, its body has a magnificent combination of strength and harmony, having a slender and stylized figure, with an elongated body but, at the same time, with highly developed muscles, especially in the case of males. Its legs are long and its tail is also long and thin. Its head is flattened and long-snouted, with prominent cheekbones and a sweet expression. The eyes are large and oval in shape, with a color that must be yellowish green. Their ears are large, set high and pointed, although, in general, somewhat smaller than those of the Abyssinian cat.

The coat of a chausie is short-haired, although somewhat longer than that of common short-haired breeds, it is dense and tight, close to the body. Accepted chausie colors are brown brindle, black, either solid or brindle, and silver.

Chausie cat character

When analyzing the character of a chausie cat we must always keep in mind the fact that it descends almost directly from a wild cat breed. That is why there are typical wild cat traits in these wonderful domestic cats. One of these traits is his restlessness and his character tremendously active, being a feline with high needs for activity and exercise. For this reason, it is not a good option for living in closed spaces.

The chausie is a very independent cat, sometimes being really difficult to train him, as he is quite stubborn. However, let this not deceive us, since it is a very alert and intelligent feline, as it learns to open doors and windows with amazing ease. In this sense, it is important to pay attention and monitor the chausie cat, since they are not fearful at all, exposing themselves to danger without caring about the risk they may be running.

On the other hand, he is a cat very faithful and affectionate, becoming very fond of his human companions, whom he he adores and is very loyal. Of course, he does not adapt particularly well to children and other animals, something that we will have to take into account when adopting him.

Chausie cat care

The main requirement that we have to meet if we intend to have a chausie cat is to be completely sure that we can allow our pet to do a lot of exercise, which must be vigorous, stimulating and enriching, on a daily basis. Otherwise, our cat will be restless and may develop problems such as anxiety or aggressiveness.

Removing that, a chausie will only need the basic care that any other cat, such as receiving a lot of affection and having a he althy and balanced diet that covers its caloric and nutritional requirements. Their general he alth must also be kept in good condition, taking care of their fur, eyes, ears and mouth. Likewise, environmental enrichment is part of chausie spending care, so it will be essential to offer a variety of toys, scratchers with different heights, etc.

Cat he alth chausie

Because they are descended from wild cats, chausie cats have really strong he alth Still, we must not neglect them, we must take them regularly to visit the veterinarian in order to carry out check-ups to know their general state of he alth. We will also have to have them vaccinated and dewormed, because parasites, both internal and external, can spread really serious diseases to our pet. To do this, don't miss this article in which we teach you "How to deworm a cat?".

A particularity of the breed is that on many occasions the male chausie specimens are sterile, although this should not worry us, since he will also enjoy a good quality of life and excellent he alth if we provide him with all the care you need.

Photos of Cat chausie
