How to improve my relationship with my dog

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How to improve my relationship with my dog
How to improve my relationship with my dog
How to improve my relationship with my dog
How to improve my relationship with my dog

Having a dog does not mean having a nice home decoration. Having a dog means including a new member in our family, which is why the well-known phrase "the dog is man's best friend", which is also usually very true.

However, building a relationship with your pet so that it later becomes your "best friend" is not an easy task, nor quick to achieve, it is a process that requires a lot of effort, patience and time. It can also happen that although we have been with our dog for years, we have not been able to establish that connection that we love so much and that we also know that the dog needs. The question is: How can I improve my relationship with my dog?

The relationship with our dog is something we have to work on. If you want to know how to improve the bond with your pet, continue reading this article on our site where we will help you cross this goal. Rest assured that you will discover a new unconditional partner.

Hello! I want to be your friend

Let yourself get to know your dog, the same way you get to know another person. Watch him and learn the things he likes and also everything he dislikes. What are his favorite toys? What positions do you like to rest in? Is your dog extroverted or introverted? What foods do you like and which do you find heavy or dislike?

Answering all these questions will give you a better idea of who your friend is. This way you can satisfy all their needs and understand them a little more. You will see that you have taken a good first step.

How to improve the relationship with my dog - Hello! I want to be your friend
How to improve the relationship with my dog - Hello! I want to be your friend

Getting your body language

Surely more than one person has stated the following: "My dog just needs to talk." And this is true, most dogs are very intelligent, and although they cannot express themselves through speech, somehow, they always manage to let you know what they want or need.

Dogs have a highly developed body language If you study it and know what it means when, for example, it puts its ears forward, you will begin to establish a more fluid communication with your canine. By understanding some signals that seek to express joy or stress, you will see how you will naturally encourage or avoid certain situations. All this for the good of your pet. He will sense it and feel more confident and comfortable in your presence. Also discover how to communicate with your dog.

How to improve the relationship with my dog - Capture his body language
How to improve the relationship with my dog - Capture his body language

Quality Moments

Dogs are emotional sponges that need constant affection and attention. The more affectionate you are with him, your dog will feel more loved, the connection will increase and it will no longer be an owner-pet relationship, but a close friendship relationship. He shares with your dog as much as you can. At least twice a day enjoy a long walk together, this will be a time to relax and bond.

Play with him and always maintain physical contact, it is scientifically proven that constantly touching your dog reduces his anxiety levels and helps to strengthen canine-human ties. Let him know that you are there for him and begin to improve your relationship with your dog, just as you would with a true friend.

If your dog ignores you or behaves strangely (dogs also change moods) don't yell at him or be aggressive with him, stay positive and stay calm. Remember that even though he is an adult dog, he is still like a child. Pamper him whenever you can and conquer his heart through his stomach. Prepare delicious meals or put something special in his dog food, it can be a little vegetable broth, olive oil or some rice.

How to improve the relationship with my dog - Quality moments
How to improve the relationship with my dog - Quality moments

Training your dog

A positive aspect of dogs is that they can learn complex things in a short period of time. The key is to use a simple teaching method such as positive reinforcement, this could be through small steps. Teach him to do things individually, one at a time. Do not overwhelm him with different types of instructions, always keep the same and do it repetitively. Remember that it is a process where practice is essential, stay positive and be patient with your dog throughout the learning process.

Training your dog correctly will help you improve your relationship with your dog considerably. If he listens to you when you need him to come to you to put on the leash, little by little you will have the confidence to let him loose more time when you are in the park. A good workout can be divided into two or three sessions a day of 5 minutes each. With mental training we are helping your dog think and it is essential to reduce possible tensions and frustrations between you and your pet.

A fundamental part of his training is to teach him to relieve himself, either in the place you have designated for it or outside the home. Do not let your dog spend too many hours without meeting his physical needs, it is your responsibility to keep his space in good condition or take him for a walk.

Be constant in everything you do, get involved in your dog's life and keep it going over time, you'll see that by watering the relationship plant, it will begin to bear great fruit towards a lasting and close friendship.
