Natural remedies for canine leishmaniasis - Improve your quality of life

Natural remedies for canine leishmaniasis - Improve your quality of life
Natural remedies for canine leishmaniasis - Improve your quality of life
Natural remedies for canine leishmaniasis
Natural remedies for canine leishmaniasis

Unfortunately, leishmaniasis is an emerging disease. This means that it is spreading more and more throughout different territories, affecting a greater number of dogs, with the risk that it also poses for people, since we must not forget that leishmaniasis is a zoonosis. It's not nonsense, since it is a life-threatening disease, with no cure, but with treatment, which manifests itself with a variety of clinical signs, such as alterations skin, exaggerated nail growth, eye problems, fever, joint pain, anemia or liver and kidney failure.

Leishmaniasis is transmitted to dogs by the bite of a mosquito, actually a sandfly, which, when the hot season begins, will increase its presence as it is favored by good weather conditions. If the veterinarian has confirmed that your dog has this disease, you will be interested in knowing the natural remedies for canine leishmaniasis that we share in this article on our site. Of course, it is important to know that these remedies should only support the treatment prescribed by the veterinarian, which, started as soon as possible, will help control the number of leishmanias and the symptoms. On the other hand, it is always much better to prevent our dog from contracting this disease than to have to treat it.

A correct diet

A quality diet is always necessary to maintain a dog's good he alth, but it will be even more important when the animal is going through a disease, such as leishmaniasis. For this reason, if we look for home remedies for canine leishmaniasis, the first thing we should do is review the diet of the affected dog. A good diet contributes to the proper functioning of the body and keeps the immune system ready to help fight leishmania.

In this sense, on the market we find foods specifically designed for dogs suffering from this pathology. An example of this is found in the Lenda brand. Specifically, it is the veterinary recipe: Lenda VET Nature Leishmaniasis It is an extruded food, that is, it is subjected to a thermal process in order to properly mix its ingredients, suitable for young and adult dogs of all breeds, which will offer the nutritional support that is needed at this time when the animal is already following the pharmacological treatment prescribed by the veterinarian. This recipe not only stands out for constituting a nutritional support specially formulated for dogs with leishmaniasis, but at the same time that it helps with this pathology, it feeds the animal. This is so thanks to the fact that nutrition is never neglected at Lenda, since it is a fundamental pillar for guaranteeing good he alth.

As we have mentioned, it is a feed that is specially formulated for dogs with leishmaniasis. Therefore, it contains a moderate protein intake, of 15%. In this way, we avoid overloading the kidneys, which can be affected by the disease. For the same reason, the supply of phosphorus is also controlled The selected proteins are highly digestible, which favors digestion in dogs that may show digestive problems or a decreased appetite In addition, the probiotics it includes also contribute to digestive he alth.

On the other hand, the recipe is completed with botanical ingredients that offer antioxidant properties, favoring the proper functioning of the immune system and control of free radicals. Also noteworthy is the contribution of fatty acids and ingredients with anti-inflammatory potential, which will help maintain the skin and hair, the functioning of the immune system and control general inflammation.

Specifically the omega 3 fatty acids are more than recommended if we are looking for natural remedies for canine leishmaniasis, as they favor the immune system and, as we have mentioned, are excellent anti-inflammatory, so they help reduce pain. For this same reason, if the veterinarian considers it so, an omega 3 supplement could be added.

Natural remedies for canine leishmaniasis - A correct diet
Natural remedies for canine leishmaniasis - A correct diet


For the correct functioning of the intestinal transit, but, in general, of the whole organism, which is going to be affected by the disease, the water supply is essential. The clean and fresh water must be available to the dog 24 hours a day, all the more reason if we feed it only with feed, since it is a product with a reduced moisture content for preservation.

Stress Reduction

Although it may seem obvious, keeping stress at bay is one of the best remedies for treating leishmaniasis in dogs. It is known that stress affects the immune system For this reason, if it is important for any dog to enjoy quality of life, it will be much more so for a sick dog. Tranquility, routines in terms of time for rest, exercise and feeding, a good bed, company, attention, affection and protection from inclement weather are the bases for making our animal happy, with which we are also helping to maintain your defenses ready to fight the disease.

Daily exercise

Obviously, the practice of exercise is going to be related to the clinical situation of the dog. It is not a matter of forcing him if he suffers from anemia or pain, but it is advisable to establish a routine of relaxed walks, which may be more or less long or intense depending on his response the dog.

Walking is not only stretching its legs, but also allows the dog to receive stimuli from its environment and interact with its peers and people. It is essential, therefore, for his quality of life. Of course, protect it from heat, cold and rain by controlling the hours of departure or putting clothes for dogs.

Quality of life

We have already reviewed the basic principles to ensure that our dog enjoys a good quality of life, but there remains one that is essential, especially in dogs that have been diagnosed with an incurable disease: it is the veterinary careNot only must we scrupulously follow the treatment prescribed by this professional, but we must also contact him immediately when any new or worsening symptom appears.

Dogs with leishmaniasis may improve to the point of not needing treatment, but relapses requiring re-treatment are also possible, and many dogs will require lifelong treatment. In these cases, the follow-up of the veterinarian is even more important, going to all the control revisions that he marks us.

Alternative therapies

Although this heading includes a multitude of disciplines with scientific evidence, such as acupuncture, or without it, as is the case of homeopathy or Bach flowers, the recommendation is that, if you want to try any, always consult your veterinarian first and in no case leave the treatment prescribed by this professional, which will be specific to the time of the disease in the patient. find your dog.

The same applies if you want to try some remedies on your own, such as stimulants or immune system boosters, or remedies for heal the wounds caused by the disease. Remember that even natural remedies can cause side effects if not managed carefully. In any case, if you opt for any of these therapies, always seek the attention of qualified veterinary professionals.

The importance of prevention

As we stated before, much better than risking our dog contracting the disease is to prevent it. We must not forget that leishmaniasis can be fatal for him and that, in addition, it will become a reservoir for people. Prevention can be easily done by simply using antiparasitic drugs that keep sandflies away from our dog. Other measures are:

  • Do not walk it during the hours of greatest incidence of sandflies, that is, at dusk and dawn.
  • Do not leave it outdoors, especially at night.
  • Use mosquito nets at home on doors and windows.
  • Avoid accumulations of organic matter, since this is where sandflies are usually found.
  • Vaccinate against leishmaniasis if the veterinarian recommends it.
  • If you live in a risk area, have traveled to one, have just adopted or simply want to find out, test your dog to find out if he is a leishmania carrier. If so, you can start treatment early.
  • Finally, the sterilization of males and females is recommended, since sexual and mother-to-child transmission of this disease seems possible.
