ANIMAL ABUSE - Types, Causes, Prevention and How to Report

Table of contents:

ANIMAL ABUSE - Types, Causes, Prevention and How to Report
ANIMAL ABUSE - Types, Causes, Prevention and How to Report
Animal abuse - Types, causes and how to report
Animal abuse - Types, causes and how to report

For us, who love nature, its fauna and flora, the possibility of committing acts of cruelty or violence against animals seems unthinkable. For this reason, writing about animal abuse is always such a difficult and complex experience, which moves us in different ways and, above all, invites us to reflect on our society and the nature of the human being.

In this article on our site we will assume this difficult responsibility of talking about what is animal abuse, what are the pen alties applicable to this crime in different countries and how it is possible to report it. In this way, we will try to show that the only way to eradicate the abuse and abandonment of animals in our society is that all of us, as citizens, get involved in this fight, putting aside our personal, political or educational differences.

What is animal abuse?

It is not easy to arrive at a precise definition of animal abuse, since there are many ways to subject an animal to inappropriate, painful or undignified conditionsIn addition, common sense about what animal abuse is does not always coincide with the definition expressed in the legal instruments of our society.

If we are guided by logic and common sense, we can say that animal abuse is any and all actions or contexts that involve suffering, humiliation, physical or psychological painto a pet or wild animal. Unfortunately, it is still relatively common for those animals that are exploited by the food industry for the sole purpose of serving human consumption, and whose living conditions are often unfortunate, to be left aside.

On the other hand, if we are guided by legal terms, we observe that the concept and sanctions applicable to animal abuse may vary depending on the country, region or autonomous community. Let's briefly see how abuse is seen in Spain and in some of the main Latin American countries.

Animal abuse - Types, causes and how to report - What is animal abuse?
Animal abuse - Types, causes and how to report - What is animal abuse?

Animal abuse in Spain

In Spain, there is still a framework law at the national level that speaks specifically about animal welfare and it is not recognized, within the the Spanish legal structure, the rights of animals. However, animal abuse in the Spanish civil code is treated as a crime in articles 337 and 337 bis.

The first (337), determines that he may be sentenced to "three months and one day to one year in prison and special disqualification from one year and one day to three years for the exercise of profession, trade or trade that is related to animals and for the keeping of animals, who by any means or procedure unjustifiably mistreats, causing injuries that seriously impair his he alth or subjecting him to sexual exploitationto: a) a domesticated or tame animal, b) an animal that is ordinarily domesticated, c) an animal that is temporarily or permanently living under human control, or d) any animal that does not live in the wild."

Already article 337 bis, which actually complements the previous text, adds that the abandonment of animals on public roads also It can be considered a type of animal abuse. But the main problem is that both articles limit their definition and sanctions to mistreatment of domesticated or domesticated animals, not reaching all those species that live in the wild.

Animal abuse in Argentina

Despite the Deep-rooted culture of the commercial exploitation of meat and leather (especially beef), Argentina tends to be considered as a vanguard country in terms of legal protection of animals. In 1891, the first national law condemning ill-treatment of animals would be published, as well as establishing economic sanctions or imprisonment for those who failed to comply with this decree.

In 1954, its National Congress approved Law 14,346, which is still in force and defines that anyone who inflicts ill-treatment or makes a victim of acts of cruelty to animals. In addition to prohibiting the slaughter of dogs and cats throughout the province of Buenos Aires, this law details what actions and contexts are considered mistreatment and cruelty against animals in the national territory.

According to article 2 of Law 14,346, the following acts are considered animal abuse in Argentina:

  • Not providing nutrition in sufficient quantity and quality to domestic animals or animals raised in captivity.
  • Using instruments that cause punishment, pain or negative sensations to make the animal perform certain jobs or tasks.
  • Forcing them to work many hours in a row, without respecting rest periods and without considering weather conditions.
  • Make them work when they are not physically fit to do so or when they are not in good he alth.
  • Stimulate them with chemicals or drugs (except for treatments recommended by a veterinarian).
  • Use animals to pull carts and loads that exceed their strength.

Additionally, article 3 of the aforementioned law defines the following circumstances as cruelty to animals:

  • Mutilate any part of the body of an animal, except when it is for therapeutic purposes, or if it is done for reasons of mercy.
  • Performing surgical procedures without applying anesthesia or without being properly trained to do so.
  • Leaving animals used in scientific studies or experiments to their own devices.
  • Causing the death of gravid animals and their young, except in legally established industries that are based on the exploitation of newborns.
  • Hurt, run over, torture or cause unnecessary suffering to an animal.
  • Carry out public or private acts of fights between animals, bullfights, bullfights and similar events.

Animal abuse in Mexico

In February 2013, the first law against animal abuse in the country entered into force in Mexico City, which provides for financial pen alties of up to 400 minimum wages, as well as a prison term of up to four years for those who commit crimes of cruelty against all non-human animals, whether they are pets, domesticated or wild.

In addition, its article 350 determines that those who mistreat, cause pain or injure an animal, without putting their life at risk, can be sentenced to prison for up to two years. And the country's Penal Code defines that rescued animals victims of abuse must remain under the protection of shelters, protectors or private homes where they are provided with the care they need to recover their good he alth.

On the other hand, it is important to mention that in 2014, the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico approved a fundamental reform of the General Wildlife Law. Among the essential changes for the fight against animal abuse, the prohibition of the use of animals in circus shows stands out.

The establishment of more severe pen alties for animal abuse in Mexico is a response to the unfortunate figures of animal abuse in Mexico, which is among the three countries with the highest number of complaints and confirmed cases of cruelty, violence and exploitation of animals.

Animal abuse in Colombia

In 2016, Law 1774 was approved in Colombia, which establishes the legal consequences of animal abuse, modifying the previously valid Law 84/1989 of the Colombian Civil Code. Acts of cruelty, mistreatment or violence against domestic animals, tame or exotic vertebrates, are recognized as crimes and offenders can be sentenced to prison from 12 to 36 months.

Its text defines the responsibilities of guardians when adopting an animal, among which is the obligation to provide decent conditions and he althy lifestyles, as well as providing a safe place where you are not a victim of fear or stress. It also clearly expresses the State's obligations to guarantee animal welfare, enforcing the laws that protect them and promoting public policies that encourage responsible ownership.

In addition to reinforcing the pen alties applicable to cases of mistreatment, this law represents a very important step forward on the path towards the approval of animal rights, since for the first time, animals begin to be considered legally as beings endowed with feelings, and not as objects or goods in Colombia.

Types of animal abuse

As we can see, there are many ways to directly or indirectly expose an animal to mistreatment. Logically, physical violence against animals is usually the most obvious form of abuse, as well as malnutrition and lack of hygiene or he althy conditions in their environment. But violence or cruelty are not always expressed in a physical or obvious way, through beatings, mutilations, punishments or by disregarding their basic needs, but psychological abuse and humiliationare extremely harmful to the physical, cognitive and emotional he alth of animals.

In addition, there are still certain types of animal abuse that are "camouflaged" or may go unnoticed by cultural peculiarities and ancient traditions that are still in force in some countries. Thinking about it, we will review below some types of animal abuse that go beyond the exercise of physical or emotional violence to pets:

  • Animals in circuses: Animals that work in circuses are forced to work during rehearsals and performances, and rarely live in optimal conditions for their development, also considering that they are generally removed from their natural habitat and forced to adapt to a completely foreign environment. Fortunately, more and more autonomous communities in Spain decide to join the initiative to prohibit the installation in their territory of circuses that offer shows with animals.
  • Bullfighting: Many countries have already banned "recreational activities" involving pain or suffering to animals, such as racing and fighting of dogs, roosters or other animals. However, bullfighting is a type of explicit animal abuse that continues to be legal in Spain for reasons of tradition.
  • Exploitation in the food industry: this is one of the most controversial types of animal abuse, as we have been historically taught to think that Certain animals can be exploited to serve as human food, such as cows, pigs, chickens, sheep and lambs, etc. However, these species often do not respect even the basic freedoms of animal welfare and never get to know freedom.
  • Humanization: humanizing an animal means depriving it of the freedom to express itself and behave as its species, alienating it from its own nature. Unfortunately, this is one of the types of animal abuse that still goes unnoticed or continues to be "socially accepted".
  • Blood traction: Horses and donkeys are usually the most exploited animals for pulling carts and transporting loads that, many times, they imply a significant overexertion and, logically, they cause pain and are exhausting for the animal. In some countries, the so-called "blood pulling" is prohibited in urbanized centers, but in rural settings the exploitation of the animal's physical strength continues to be a daily reality.
  • Caza: In Spain, Argentina, Chile and many other countries, "sport hunting" is regulated, which means that it follows being allowed but in environments and conditions predetermined by local legislation. It is worth remembering that hunting is the main reason why many native species today are threatened or in danger of extinction. In addition to being a clear example of animal abuse.

In the following video we can see the examples of animal abuse in order to be informed so as not to contribute to these cruel practices:

Causes of animal abuse

As or more difficult than reaching a consensus on the concept of animal abuse, is determining what its causes are. When we talk about popular festivals, "sports" activities or events that naturalize cruelty to certain species, the traditions rooted in certain cultures seem to be the main responsible for the social legitimization of these types of animal abuse.

We can also point to the few campaigns and public policies to promote responsible ownership as possible causes of animal abuse, as well as the absence of this topic in the educational system of most countries. In addition, the market incentive for the sale of animals also favors the exploitation of animals used as parents.

But unfortunately, we also need to consider that there are different psychological profiles of abusers, and that cruelty can appear among humans for the most diverse causes, including certain pathologies and negative experiences or traumas that can have a negative impact on the social behavior of an adult individual.

On the other hand, lack of planning and awareness when acquiring an animal is also one of the most frequent causes for abandonment and animal abuse. And the passing idioms of adopting certain wild animals as pets, such as monkeys or foxes, also subject these species to the forced abandonment of their habitat and to a life in captivity, generally in inappropriate conditions for their optimal development that favor the appearance of stress symptoms. and numerous behavior problems.

How to avoid animal abuse?

Preventing and combating animal abuse requires that we all, as citizens and animal lovers, get involved. First of all, we must be aware when adopting a pet Before deciding to finalize an adoption, it is essential to consider whether you have the time available and space, the willingness to dedicate yourself and the financial solvency necessary to provide an optimal quality of life for this animal. The same considerations are valid and essential if you plan to give a pet to another person, especially if it is a child.

In addition, we can all do our part in combating the trafficking of exotic species and the indiscriminate exploitation of animals in the trading market. How? Simple: adopting and promoting responsible adoption, as well as collaborating with protectors or shelters in this important work. If you can't donate, consider volunteering or using your social media and friend groups to encourage adoption and respect for animal life.

Another fundamental attitude to commit to the cause of animal welfare is reporting cases of animal abuse If we look the other way and ignore that an animal is a victim of cruelty or undignified treatment, we become accomplices in this situation, which is, in reality, a social problem. If you don't know how to report animal abuse, you can learn in the next section.

Animal abuse - Types, causes and how to report - How to avoid animal abuse?
Animal abuse - Types, causes and how to report - How to avoid animal abuse?

Report animal abuse: how and where to do it?

The most reliable and recommended way to report animal abuse is to go to the competent authorities in your country or city to make a formal complaintThe ideal is to accompany your story with concrete evidence of the situation in which the animal finds itself, such as photos, videos or testimonials of other people who also witnessed the reported facts. It is also highly advisable to provide some basic information when reporting, such as the home address where the abuse occurs, for example. Likewise, you should not stop reporting if you do not have this information, as it is possible to find out later.

In addition, many countries make specific numbers available to citizens to report animal abuse and abandonment by telephoneFrom our site, we want to encourage you to commit to this cause, therefore, we summarize everything you need to report animal abuse in person or by phone in a single article.

Phrases against animal abuse

Every time we see news about animal abuse, some phrases come to mind that help us understand the importance of understanding and promoting respect for life in all its forms and expressions, regardless of the species, age or gender of each living being.

Thinking about it, we want to end this article by sharing some phrases to say definitively NO TO ANIMAL ABUSE:

  • " I don't care if an animal is capable of reason. I only know that it is capable of suffering and therefore, I consider it my neighbor ". - This beautiful phrase attributed to Albert Schweitzer reminds us of the importance of having empathy with other species, and not using the rational faculty to legitimize acts of cruelty to animals.
  • " Life is life, be it a cat, a dog or a human. There is no difference between a cat and a human. The idea of difference is a human idea for the benefit of man." - This phrase attributed to Sri Aurobindo is clearly influenced by the principle of the doctrine of non-violence and respect for life that is key to Hinduism and the Buddhism, being generally expressed by the Sanskrit term Ahiṃsā.
  • " Animals exist in the world for their own reasons. They were not made for human beings, just as blacks were not made for whites, nor women for men.” - A phrase from Alice Walker that expresses the importance of her feminist, animal rights and abolitionist/antiracist struggle.
  • " There will come a day when men like me will see the murder of an animal as they now see that of a man ". -This phrase from Leonardo Da Vinciperfectly expresses our wishes, and unfortunately his dream has not yet been fully fulfilled.
  • " Eating meat is a vestige of the greatest primitivism. The passage to vegetarianism is the first natural consequence of the enlightenment ". - This phrase is attributed to Leon Tolstoy, in a very clear position against the slaughter and exploitation of animals for the consumption of their meat.
  • " Compassion towards animals is so closely linked to goodness of character that it is safe to say that someone who is cruel to animals cannot be a good person ". - The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer raises the fight against animal abuse to an ethical level, evidencing that mistreating an animal says a lot about the character deficiencies of the human being.
  • " One can be a supporter of economic, cultural and personal freedom, and I am, but in the face of manifestations of cruelty you have to be intolerant and you have to break with the traditions that are necessary until the end with them ".- With this phrase, Jesús Mosteris makes it clear that we need to overcome certain traditions and cultural differences to eradicate animal cruelty and abuse from our society.

Let's be inspired by these phrases and learn to put aside our political, cultural, religious and personal differences to unite in a single voice that shouts loud and clear: ENOUGH FROM MISTREATING ANIMALS!
