How to report animal abuse? - Take action today

How to report animal abuse? - Take action today
How to report animal abuse? - Take action today
How to report animal abuse?
How to report animal abuse?

As an animal lover and pet owner, you often come to our site to learn a little more about your furry friend, understand its behavior, know the best way to care for it and know what the warning signs are for possible illnesses and diseases.

However, not everything is about you and happiness with your pet, around you there are also other animals that may not have the life they really deserve due to the unscrupulous people with whom they live.

That is why today we want to offer you a guide to know how to report animal abuse It is everyone's responsibility to raise our voices for those beings defenseless who cannot do so, to defend their rights and penalize the misdeeds of those who mistreat them.

Why report animal abuse?

The first thing you should know is that animal abuse is considered a crime in many countries around the world, so there are different forms to penalize those who commit it. That is why making a report is important, to punish the culprit and improve the animal's quality of life

We do not want to deceive you: when it comes to animal abuse, in many cases the punishment is not proportional to the crime, perhaps nowhere in the world, but you should not abandon the conviction to file a complaint because of that, because it is necessary that there are consequences for those involved. In addition, it is likely that there will be a confiscation of the animal, which may find a second family.


The first thing you should do is remain calm, we know how outrageous it can be to witness or know about the mistreatment of an animal, but getting upset does not lead to anything, you must remain calm and think about what you are going to do and how to do it.

When you have become aware of the situation, don't expect others to act for you Many times we witness abusive actions and remain silent in the face of them, for fear of getting involved or of the consequences that an intervention on our part could bring us, but you have to leave this fear behind: you can be an agent of change.

Assume the responsibility that involves helping that suffering little animal. It is common for animal protection associations to receive calls or messages through social networks denouncing situations of abuse towards animals, but the people who make these complaints do not understand Subjectafter providing the information.

The reality is that they achieve nothing with this, since protectionists rarely have a real chance of helping these animals. That is why it is so important that you want to help that pet that is suffering and assume what is necessary to achieve it. We don't want any of this to discourage you, you just have to persevere and seek the best for the victim of abuse.

How to report animal abuse?

The first and most important thing will be to make sure that animal abuse is taking place, because sometimes it is possible to misinterpret certain situations that we witness. There are many types of cruelty towards animals: abandonment on the road, beatings, keeping the animal in an unhe althy environment, torture, burns, bestiality, isolation, confinement to spaces that are too small, malnutrition, not treating their illnesses (such as scabies or ticks), planning fights between dogs, roosters or other animals, indiscriminate and irresponsible breeding… The list of atrocities against animals that certain people are capable of could be endless.

It is advisable to be willing to do a follow-up on the case, checking that the animal's situation has improved, especially if it is not removed at owner custody of the pet.

You can file a complaint with the police, the Carabineros, the Municipal Police or the Mayor's Office. It is possible that they do not give it much importance In principle, there is still too much insensitivity towards animals, but do not be disappointed: what you should do is request that your complaint be settled in writing, so that it is recorded that you have been there, and find some other people who do the same, because after three complaints they are forced to act

How to report animal abuse? - How to report animal abuse?
How to report animal abuse? - How to report animal abuse?

Animal abuse complaint number

If you don't have time to go in person to a public body or want to alert about the situation as soon as possible, the ideal thing would be to call to report animal abuse:


  • Emergencies (pets): 112
  • SEPRONA (wild animals): 062


  • Animal Surveillance Brigade: 5208-9898
  • Environmental and Territorial Planning Office: 5265-0780
  • PROFEPA (wild animals): 5449-6300


  • Guidance and reporting units: 4011-1400
  • Argentina National Gendarmerie: 4310-2589

How to file a complaint for animal abuse?

Evidence and Witnesses If you can gather videos, photos, veterinary reports and people to back up the facts, it will be easier for them to act quickly. Also try to gather information about the aggressor: name and surname, place where he lives, etc., so that it is easier to identify and locate him

Support your complaint with the laws of your country that protect animals. Although this is not very developed in many parts of the world, it is possible that you will find regulations for the protection of domestic fauna and pets, so you should investigate so that you know the articles with which you will support your complaint.

When you have made the complaint, it is good to have the support of animal protection institutions, so you should contact them so that together they can exert the necessary pressure on the authorities. They may be able to guide you on the next step. Always have your complaint handy and the contact numbers of the officers handling the case, so you can keep up to date with progress.

Remember to have the proposal on the possible solution for the animal, because your actions and demands will be directed according to this. Unjustified euthanasia is never a way out, you must devise proposals that imply an improvement in the affected person's quality of life, such as the transfer of the animal to a shelter or a possible adoption by the complainant or third parties.

How to report animal abuse? - How to file a complaint for animal abuse?
How to report animal abuse? - How to file a complaint for animal abuse?

Can you report animal abuse anonymously?

Although we can report a case of animal abuse anonymously so that the police come to check the facts, it is important to note that you cannot report anonymously, especially if the police have not been able to verify that the events actually occurred. In these cases it is essential to have evidence or a testimony, which implies our signed declaration.

Animal abuse on the Internet

It's sad, but surely you've come across videos showing cruelty to animals on your social networks or on platforms like YouTube. This is outrageous, because the guilty of these atrocities feel good spreading their crimes. Here is a simple guide on what to do in these cases:

  • Keep Calm Even if you feel outraged, lashing out with messages of disapproval towards the culprit will only make him: a) feel intimidated and remove the video, which will be free to continue doing the same; b) will bask in the rejection caused by his actions, remember that it is a disturbed mind
  • Never spreadthe material on your networks, with this you will only help the offender to publicize his misdeeds, which he he wants because he looks for the provocation
  • Negative comments will not raise awareness in the culprit,because he is a sick person capable of hurting defenseless animals.
  • Collect all the information you can: other links, twitter or facebook messages, images, everything that allows you to identify the culprit. Take screenshots of all animal abuse tests.
  • When you have collected all this you will be able to: a) if the offender is in your country, make a formal complaint; b) if it is from a country other than yours, get in touch with animal support networks in that part of the world and present them with your evidence, they may be able to help.

Animal abuse should never be perceived as something normal Those who commit these crimes should be considered dangerous people capable of harming other beings that consider themselves inferior, both adults and children, so their antisocial behavior must be denounced and punished.
