Systemic arterial hypertension in cats - Symptoms, causes and prevention

Systemic arterial hypertension in cats - Symptoms, causes and prevention
Systemic arterial hypertension in cats - Symptoms, causes and prevention
Systemic Arterial Hypertension in Cats - Symptoms, Causes and Prevention
Systemic Arterial Hypertension in Cats - Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

Systemic Arterial Hypertension in Cats is characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure inside the arteries. A feline may suffer occasional increases in its blood pressure in contexts of high stress, fear or nervousness It is a natural mechanism of its body, which allows the animal to remain alert and escape from dangerous situations that put their survival at risk. However, persistent high blood pressure is an alarming clinical condition that must be treated quickly to avoid aggravation of its symptoms.

Of course, we must highlight the importance of going quickly to the veterinary when observing any alteration in the behavior or appearance of your cat. At the veterinary clinic, the professional will be able to verify her state of he alth and establish an appropriate treatment for her needs. However, in this article on our site, we suggest you learn about the main symptoms, causes and ways to prevent of high blood pressure in cats, to take care the he alth of your kitty and know how to recognize early any sign of this pathology.

What is systemic arterial hypertension?

Systemic arterial hypertension is a persistent elevation of systolic or diastolic blood pressureIn domestic felines, normal mean blood pressure values are 124mm Hg for systolic pressure and 84mm Hg for diastolic pressure. The Veterinary Blood Pressure Society (VBPS) indicates that hypertension in domestic animals is considered "mild" from 150/95 mmHg, "moderate" with values greater than 160/100 mmHg, and "severe" or " intense" when the systolic pressure exceeds 180/120mm Hg.

Hypertension is a very common clinical picture in people, which appears moderately among cats, and rarely among dogs. Despite not being among the most frequent diseases in felines, its effects are dangerous, since they can affect all the organs that receive blood subjected to elevated Pressure. Hypertensive cats are vulnerable to numerous kidney, cardiovascular, eye and neurological problems, which if not treated properly can lead to death of the animal

Systemic arterial hypertension in cats - Symptoms, causes and prevention - What is systemic arterial hypertension?
Systemic arterial hypertension in cats - Symptoms, causes and prevention - What is systemic arterial hypertension?

Causes and risk factors in cats

Systemic arterial hypertension is called "primary" or "idiopathic", when it appears independently and is not related to other diseases. This is the most commonly diagnosed type of hypertension in people, but it is rarely seen in cats. The exact causes of idiopathic hypertension are not yet known, but there are speculations about a possible genetic predisposition

Nearly all cases of hypertension in pets are "secondary," meaning they stem from some underlying disease. Chronic renal failure and endocrine diseases (mainly hypothyroidism and diabetes) appear as the most frequent causes of systemic arterial hypertension in cats. In addition, aging, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle appear to be important risk factors for hypertension.

Symptoms of systemic arterial hypertension in cats

Hypertension progresses silently in the body of cats. Its first symptoms are usually so general and not very specific that they can be confused with a simple malaise. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of any change in your cat's routine and go to the vet to analyze its he alth status.

However, a hypertensive cat may exhibit one or more of the symptoms listed below:

  • Litterbox Rejection
  • Urinating and defecating in abnormal places
  • Hyperactivity
  • Nervousness
  • Sadness
  • The cat is hiding
  • Apathy
  • Sudden loss of appetite and weight
  • Temporary or permanent blindness
  • Hemorrhage in the eyeball
  • Dilated pupils
  • Abnormal and constant movements of the eyeball (nystagmus)
  • Nasal bleeding
  • Protein or blood in the urine
  • Enlarged kidneys
  • Disorientation and difficulty coordinating movements
  • Temporary paralysis of extremities
  • Heart Murmur
  • Seizures
Systemic arterial hypertension in cats - Symptoms, causes and prevention - Symptoms of systemic arterial hypertension in cats
Systemic arterial hypertension in cats - Symptoms, causes and prevention - Symptoms of systemic arterial hypertension in cats

Feline Hypertension Diagnosis

The diagnostic mechanism for hypertension in cats is almost identical to that used in humans. Using the occlusive cuff, the veterinarian should take the feline's blood pressure on different occasions, either on one of its legs or on its tail.

Remember that contexts of stress, fear or nervousness can cause temporary increases in blood pressure, but they do not characterize a picture of hypertension. Therefore, the measurement should be repeated several times by the same trained professional, in the same controlled environment of the veterinary clinic, to avoid a false diagnosis In some cases, the vet may also order a Doppler ultrasound to look at the blood flow inside the arteries.

Treatment of systemic arterial hypertension in cats

Treatment for idiopathic hypertension usually consists of the administration of pharmacology for blood pressure control, in addition to changes in the diet and sedentary routine of affected felines.

However, the treatment for secondary hypertension will depend fundamentally on the diagnosis of the underlying causes in each feline. In these cases, the recommendations of the veterinarian will be directed to the needs and he alth status of each kitten. Some specific drugs may be prescribed to combat or control the diagnosed pathology, but regulate the diet and establish a exercise regimenaimed at improving the quality of life of each cat will be crucial aspects of treatment.

Systemic arterial hypertension in cats - Symptoms, causes and prevention - Treatment of systemic arterial hypertension in cats
Systemic arterial hypertension in cats - Symptoms, causes and prevention - Treatment of systemic arterial hypertension in cats

How to prevent systemic arterial hypertension in cats?

The prevention of systemic arterial hypertension is necessary to preserve the good he alth of our felines. As obesity in cats and a sedentary lifestyle are among the main risk factors, you should offer your kitty a balanced diet of excellent quality. It is important to avoid excess treats or prefer snacks reduced in fat and calories, especially made for overweight cats. It is also crucial to provide him with toys, scratchers and other accessories that allow him to exercise his body and mind on a daily basis. Also, remember to reserve some of your time to play, have fun and show your love for your kitty.

On the other hand, contexts of high stress and nervousness also appear to accelerate cardiovascular wear. Therefore, cats that live in a calm and positive environment, where they can develop being sure of themselves, will be less vulnerable to hypertension and other heart diseases.

E last but not least, we must offer adequate preventive medicine to our kittens throughout their lives. For this, it is essential to make regular visits to the vet every 6 months, respect your vaccination card and regular deworming.
