Tooth Loss in Cats - Possible Causes and Prevention

Tooth Loss in Cats - Possible Causes and Prevention
Tooth Loss in Cats - Possible Causes and Prevention
Tooth loss in cats
Tooth loss in cats

Teeth loss in kittens is a natural phenomenon typical of he althy development, which prepares them for adulthood. These teeth are called "baby teeth". However, tooth loss in adult cats is common, usually appearing as a symptom of oral infection or injury. A he althy adult feline, which already has its permanent teeth, should not continue to lose pieces of its dentition.

Have you noticed a "window" in your kitty's beautiful smile? So, we invite you to continue reading this article on our site, to discover the causes associated with tooth loss in cats, and also learn some tips to prevent it

Baby cats - Primary teeth falling out

Baby cats are born without teeth, their mouth and tongue being prepared to suck the mother's breast milk. During the weaning process, the little ones begin to develop their primary teeth, better known as "baby teeth" It usually occurs after the third week of life.

This first dentition is made up of 26 pieces, which only become fully visible in the 6th or 7th week of life of kittens. At this time, their teeth are small, but very sharp and incisive, meaning that a bite from these little ones can be somewhat painful.

Around his 3 or 4 months of age, your kitty experiences the change of "baby teeth", giving rise to the growth of the permanent teeth, which form the dentition of an adult cat. These 30 definitive pieces are thicker and more resistant than milk teeth, which is why their growth usually causes a lot of discomfort to little ones.

During this dental transition, your cat will be able to chew furniture, objects or household accessories to alleviate the discomfort he feels. To prevent him from causing damage to himself or the house, you can give him some teethers and toys that are ideal for baby cats. Also, it is possible that their appetite decreases, due to the difficulty they have when chewing. To help him feed properly you can simply warm his dry feed with a little hot water, forming a warm porridge with a pleasant aroma.

We recommend checking your baby cat's mouth daily during this transition to prevent any milk teeth from being retained and preventing the correct growth of the permanent teeth. And if you detect any anomaly in the growth of your little one's teeth, or any injury to his mouth, do not hesitate to go to your trusted veterinarian.

Tooth loss in cats - Baby cats - Loss of primary teeth
Tooth loss in cats - Baby cats - Loss of primary teeth

Is it normal for adult cats to lose teeth?

The teeth of a he althy adult cat are made up of 30 pieces, of which the powerful fangs stand out. In your upper jaw, there should be 6 incisors, 2 canines (1 on each side), 6 premolars (3 on each side), and 2 molars (1 on each end). In the lower part, there are 6 incisors, 2 canines (1 on each side), 4 premolars (2 on each side), and 1 molar on each end.

It's Fairly common for a feline to lose 1 or 2 permanentpieces during its adult life. However, tooth loss in adult cats is considered a negative sign, which reveals possible imbalances in their body. Many owners neglect the oral hygiene of their felines, and this not only facilitates the accumulation of tartar, it also makes it difficult to recognize the loss of a tooth.

Tooth loss in adult cats: possible causes

When an adult cat loses a tooth, we must be on the lookout for a possible infection or injury in its mouth. Therefore, it is essential to periodically check the teeth, gums, tongue and the walls of the mouth of your cat. And if you notice any wound, change in color or appearance, excessive drooling, unpleasant odor or pus, be sure to contact your vet immediately.

The main factor associated with tooth loss in adult cats is feeding Felines, unlike humans, they do not have biting surfaces (that allow chewing) on their permanent teeth. For a wild cat, this is not a problem, since its diet is based on the consumption of fresh and raw meat. Its powerful molars act like scissors that cut food, without having to chew it.

However, a domestic cat usually consumes dry food and some wet foods or pâtés that are prepared from meat, cereals or cooked vegetables. On the one hand, this type of diet avoids the contamination of many pathologies related to the consumption of raw meat (such as toxoplasmosis). But on the other hand, it favors the accumulation of food residues on your teeth, which leads to the formation of tartar.

When we do not provide adequate oral hygiene to our felines, the excessive accumulation of tartar on their teeth and gums favors the appearance of dental injuries and pathologies, among which gingivitis and periodontal disease stand out.. If we don't treat these imbalances quickly, our kitty can begin to lose teeth, as well as develop digestive problems.

Tooth loss in cats - Tooth loss in adult cats: possible causes
Tooth loss in cats - Tooth loss in adult cats: possible causes

How to prevent tooth loss in adult cats?

The best way to prevent tartar buildup, prevent tooth loss in cats and associated pathologies, is to provide a proper oral hygiene for your feline throughout his life. When was the last time you brushed your kitty's teeth? If you have never done it or if you want to learn how to do it properly, continue on our site to discover how to clean a cat's teeth.

Another relevant consideration is to think about changing our kitty's dry feed for a raw diet, also known as the BARF diet. This raw and natural food proposal allows you to enjoy the benefits not only for your oral he alth, but also for your digestion and immune system. To learn about some delicious recipes, we recommend our article 5 totally natural and he althy BARF recipes for cats.
