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Dandruff in Dogs - Causes, Treatment and Prevention
Dandruff in Dogs - Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Like humans, dogs can also suffer from dandruff, a flaking of the skin that produces whitish scales. Dandruff in dogs has different causes. They all require treatment and certain care to eliminate it and, also, to prevent its reappearance. You have to know that dandruff is not just an aesthetic problem. It can be due to different diseases that the veterinarian will have to diagnose and treat. In this article on our site we explain what is Dandruff in dogs, causes, treatment and prevention

What is dandruff in dogs?

Dandruff, as we mentioned, is a flaking of the skin that is related to dryness. The detached cells are easily noticeable on the dog's coat. It is a disorder that we can see in specimens of any age and condition, since there are several causes that explain its appearance. In any case, dandruff indicates some he alth disorder that may be more or less serious, as we will explain in the following sections.

On the other hand, an excessive production of sebum can cause the appearance of dry scales, similar to dandruff, or, on the contrary, oily. In this case, our dog could be suffering from seborrhea, a disease due to a defect in keratinization that requires veterinary treatment. Also, keep in mind that some parasites can be confused with dandruff. An example is the so-called walking dandruff, a mange caused by mites Cheyletiella spp. It affects puppies under three months and is seen as scales, in large quantities, on the neck and back. It is very contagious and can cause itching, in addition to being transmitted to people. It requires deworming and environmental control. Therefore, it is convenient to confirm that what our dog really has is just dandruff.

Dandruff in dogs - Causes, treatment and prevention - What is dandruff in dogs?
Dandruff in dogs - Causes, treatment and prevention - What is dandruff in dogs?

Symptoms of dandruff in dogs

The main symptom of dandruff is the visualization of whitish scales on the dog's fur, but we can also notice that it scratches more than usual, as you may feel itching associated with dry skin. Excessive scratching can damage the skin and cause redness, as well as Wounds and Scabs from the trauma caused by the dog's paw scratching or biting. Considerable itching can cause a lot of discomfort and restlessness in the dog. In addition, in this process hair can be lost and complicated by secondary infections. The mantle will be in poor condition and will lose its shine.

Dandruff in dogs - Causes, treatment and prevention - Symptoms of dandruff in dogs
Dandruff in dogs - Causes, treatment and prevention - Symptoms of dandruff in dogs

Causes of dandruff in dogs

As we have advanced, there is more than one possible cause behind the appearance of dandruff in a dog. The mildest cases are usually related to management problems, such as offering the dog an inappropriate diet or bathing it with products that are not suitable for it. The most serious, on the contrary, can be a sign of a pathology that requires veterinary treatment. To know how to remove dandruff in dogs, you must first identify the cause. These are the most common:

  • Hygiene problems: poor hygiene, excessive washing or washing with products not suitable for use can cause dandruff. dog or not suitable for its characteristics.
  • Wrong diet: our dog's menu must provide him with all the nutrients he needs to stay he althy. This is reflected in a he althy and shiny coat. That is why dandruff can be a warning that the food we are giving him does not cover his requirements.
  • Weather conditions: the cold and lack of humidity dry out the skin, which, in this state, flakes more easily.
  • Diseases: there are various pathologies that can cause dandruff and, in general, a bad appearance of the coat. Dogs will usually show other clinical signs as well. An example is hypothyroidism, but dandruff can also be seen in dogs with kidney failure. In these cases, how to cure dandruff in dogs involves going to the vet's office.
Dandruff in dogs - Causes, treatment and prevention - Causes of dandruff in dogs
Dandruff in dogs - Causes, treatment and prevention - Causes of dandruff in dogs

How to eliminate dandruff in dogs? - Treatment

What to do if my dog has dandruff? Logically, the treatment to eliminate your dog's dandruff is going to depend on its cause, although what we can do, regardless of it, is to bathe it to remove as much as possible and sanitize the mantle. In this case, we should ask the vet for the most suitable dandruff shampoo in dogs, since it will depend on each specimen. Normally the skin is dry and it will be necessary to provide hydration. Of course, never use an anti-dandruff shampoo for people

However, remember that the bathroom is a temporary solution. For dandruff to disappear and not come back, you have to find out what is causing it. We will be able to solve some of them at home modifying the handling of the dog, such as when dandruff is due to poor nutrition, while for others it will be essential to professional prescription. Remember that there are no medications for dandruff in dogs, but you have to treat the cause.

Dandruff in dogs - Causes, treatment and prevention - How to eliminate dandruff in dogs? - Treatment
Dandruff in dogs - Causes, treatment and prevention - How to eliminate dandruff in dogs? - Treatment

Home treatment for dandruff in dogs

In the face of dandruff, as with any other alteration in your dog's he alth, you must follow your veterinarian's instructions. They may recommend a specific shampoo for your partner's problem. But surely you are wondering how to remove dandruff in dogs with home remedies. Always after consulting with the professional, you can opt for a mild and moisturizing shampoo such as oatmeal, which can be made at home. We explain in this article how to prepare shampoo for dogs with dry skin step by step.

Dandruff in dogs - Causes, treatment and prevention - Home treatment for dandruff in dogs
Dandruff in dogs - Causes, treatment and prevention - Home treatment for dandruff in dogs

How to prevent dandruff in dogs?

Bearing in mind the causes that can cause our dog to have dandruff, we can prevent some of them by following these tips, also suitable for treating this problem:

  • Take care of your dog's hygieneaccording to the characteristics of his coat and his way of life. Brush him regularly and bathe him only when necessary, making sure to rinse off any soap residue.
  • Use only specific products for dogs. If you have doubts about which ones are suitable for your dog, consult your veterinarian or dog groomer.
  • Give him quality food according to his life stage and characteristics. This should be based on protein of animal origin. A good intake of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids is known to be beneficial for the skin and coat. The amounts that your dog needs are found in a good food without having to supplement. Remember that any food supplement or complement must always be prescribed by the veterinarian.
  • Go to the vet. If the dandruff does not go away even though you give your dog a good diet and the care that his coat needs, it may be due to a disease. Depending on what it is, the vet will prescribe the most appropriate treatment.
