CAUCASIAN SHEPHERD or Caucasian Shepherd - Characteristics, Photos and Care

CAUCASIAN SHEPHERD or Caucasian Shepherd - Characteristics, Photos and Care
CAUCASIAN SHEPHERD or Caucasian Shepherd - Characteristics, Photos and Care
Caucasian Shepherd or Caucasian Shepherd
Caucasian Shepherd or Caucasian Shepherd

Brave and strong, these dogs have safeguarded the herds of roller coasters for centuries, and we are dealing with a very ancient. For this reason, Caucasian shepherds were highly appreciated dogs by the Russian peasants with whom they lived. In addition to this, do you know that they are one of the dogs with the strongest and most powerful bite of all? For this reason they were the favorites to protect the herds from possible predators.

The Caucasian Shepherd belongs to the group of molossoid dogs, characterized by a robust appearance, more or less large, and a powerful jaw. You want to know more? In this article on our site we will talk about the Caucasian shepherd dog breed and we will explain everything you need to know, its origin, physical characteristics and main care.

Origin of the Caucasian Shepherd

Traditionally, the Caucasian shepherd dog, whose original name is kavkazkaïa ovtcharka, was used to guard the flocks in the mountains and the houses of peasants and shepherds. This Molossian-type dog figures in documents dating back to the 1st century BC, existing since before that time. In this way, the breed we know today is the result of the selection carried out by Russian peasants for many years, as they wanted the strongest and bravest specimens to protect their flocks from predators.

There are various breeds from the Caucasus area, so Caucasian shepherds must be distinguished from the southern Russian shepherd or Russian shepherd, the Central Asian shepherd and the Caucasian steppe shepherd, although the latter has not yet been recognized by the FCI.

Caucasus Shepherd Physical Characteristics

Caucasian Shepherds are large dogs, with males weighing at least 50 kilograms and females a little less, around 45 kilos as starting point. Their height at the withers also varies according to sex, in them it is a minimum of 64 cm, being the usual 67-70 cm, and in them the minimum is 68 cm, with more frequent parameters located between 72 and 75 cm. In this way, it is possible to consider the giant Caucasian shepherd.

Continuing with the characteristics of the Caucasian Shepherd, we see that his body is harmonious and of balanced proportions, with a wide chest and muscular legs, straight and very balanced. The tail is set high and sickle-shaped, going up if the dog is alert. The head is as large as its body in general, keeping the proportions, with marked cheeks and a wide snout whose nose is black. The eyes are medium and oval in shape, with colors of brown tones and attentive expression, their ears are medium, thick and triangular in shape, hanging to the sides. Although in the past ears were amputated, today this cruel practice is prohibited.

The hair of the Caucasian shepherd is about 5 cm long, presenting a woolly undercoat, which must not exceed that length. This layer allows you to have good insulation against the harsh climate of the Caucasian mountains. The Caucasian Shepherd colors can be all, with solid, piebald or spotted patterns.

Caucasian Shepherd puppy

Identifying a Caucasian Shepherd puppy is not usually complicated, because since they are small They enjoy a large size. Likewise, they are rounded in shape and have a leafy mantle that gives them the appearance of a bear cub.

Caucasian Shepherd Character

Famous for his bravery, the Caucasian Shepherd fears nothing, standing up to anyone who dares to enter the field of him or harm his own. This can make him appear territorial and dominant, but we must provide him with the appropriate training to avoid this, as he is a very distrustful dog with strangers.

On the other hand, the shepherd from the Caucasus is very attentive and affectionate, a faithful companion who will not hesitate to show devotion and adoration of him to the humans of him. Likewise, he tends to feel great respect towards his human companions and tends to get along very well with children and other animals.

Caucasian Shepherd Care

The Caucasian Shepherd is a very active dog, so it is necessary to provide him with the hours of exercise he needs. In this way, within the care of the Caucasian Shepherd there is a need to offer physical activities that involve physical exercise, such as running or jumping, as well as mental stimulation, such as sniffing and tracking. If we can't give him this level of activity, the Caucasian Shepherd is probably not our ideal companion.

On the other hand, since the Caucasian Shepherd tends to be suspicious of strangers, we must socialize him so that he learns to relate correctly to other people and animals. Otherwise, the walks will not be as pleasant as they should be, since he could bark at strangers if he feels threatened. For this reason, the socialization of the Caucasian Shepherd puppy is essential, and if we have adopted an adult specimen too.

Continuing with the basic care, we must not forget brushing, as we must remember that we are dealing with a breed with a leafy and moderately long coat. Thus, the Caucasian Shepherd needs to receive at least a weekly brushing to achieve a shiny, untangled coat. To promote his coat, it is advisable to introduce omega 3 supplements or foods rich in these fatty acids into his diet.

Finally, if our apartment is very small and we consider that the animal will not be able to move freely, we will not value the option of adopting a Caucasian Shepherd puppy or adult.

Caucasian Shepherd Education

Due to its temperamental character, the Caucasian Shepherd is not as easy to train for inexperienced people or beginners as other dog breeds. For this reason, we recommend go to a professional canine educator, who establishes a work plan based on positive and motivating techniques for the animal.

Now, if we consider that we can carry out this task without problems, we must know that the Caucasian shepherd has very marked instincts, this means that his education must include many games and activities that allow him to stay properly stimulated and motivated. Likewise, it is very important to be constant and patient, as well as use positive reinforcement and completely forget about punishment, shouting or physical violence. All breeds react negatively to punishment, however, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is one of the most susceptible, as it will not hesitate to defend itself if it feels attacked or threatened. In addition, these types of techniques promote stress, anxiety, frustration and fear in the animal.

We will begin the education of the Caucasian Shepherd puppy or adult by socializing him and teaching him where to relieve himself. If he does not have his vaccinations yet, we will have to show him a place in the house allowed for it. Little by little, we will introduce basic training commands and, as he grows, we will add advanced training tricks. On the other hand, being such an active dog, it is highly recommended to introduce him to canine sportss such as agility.

Caucasian Shepherd He alth

Because dogs of this breed are quite long-lived, they can develop pathologies associated with age such as heart failure, diabetes or deafness. They also suffer from diseases typical of large breeds, such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia or stomach torsion. To keep all this under control, it is best to go to a trusted veterinarian to periodically monitor the animal's condition, being able to detect small anomalies as soon as they appear and thus avoiding major complications.

If you adopt a Caucasian Shepherd puppy, it will be necessary to deworm him and administer the mandatory vaccinationsto protect against the most common diseases of dogs. If we offer him all the care he needs and visit the specialist regularly, the Caucasian shepherd's life expectancy is around 12 years.

Photos of Caucasian Shepherd or Caucasian Shepherd
