Feeding of the AFRICAN HEDGEHOG - Complete list

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Feeding of the AFRICAN HEDGEHOG - Complete list
Feeding of the AFRICAN HEDGEHOG - Complete list
African Hedgehog Feeding
African Hedgehog Feeding

The African hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) is an easy-to-care-for animal that lives in thickets and bushes, although its presence goes unnoticed as it hides at the slightest noise. What does the African hedgehog eat? Discover on our site a guide on the feeding of the African hedgehog

Remember that the African hedgehog is not a common pet nor is its behaviour: it is a nocturnal animalIt is for this reason that we emphasize that those who seek affectionate behavior and even rapport in the hedgehog should think better of another pet. Also, not every country is legal to keep a hedgehog as a pet.

The hedgehog's nutritional needs

In its natural habitat the hedgehog feeds on whatever it can, be it worms, snails, insects, mushrooms, fruit, eggs… We find in the hedgehog an omnivorous animal. To ensure we meet your nutritional needs we must provide:

  • Fats: Always in a low amount
  • Proteins: Makes up 20% of your total diet
  • Fiber: Very necessary, at least 15%
  • Others: calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus…

What should we base the hedgehog's diet on?

One way to feed our hedgehog is to base its diet on specific fodder for hedgehogs, also combining it with fresh fruit and vegetables. If we offer you this type of food, we ensure that your basic needs will be covered, although it is not always possible to correctly assess the quality of the ingredients.

On the other hand we can offer our hedgehog a more natural diet, like the one it would consume in the wild. To do this we must go to an exotic animal clinic and consult a veterinarian The specialist will guide us regarding food, dosage or supplements.

In shops we can buy worms (dark or flour), eggs, assorted fruits and mushrooms, essential foods in your diet. Boiled chicken, salmon or turkey can also be offered. Remember to always make available to the hedgehog fresh and clean water in abundance.

African hedgehog feeding - The nutritional needs of the hedgehog
African hedgehog feeding - The nutritional needs of the hedgehog

Fruits and vegetables for the hedgehog

In addition to its protein, fat and fiber needs, the hedgehog needs to supplement its diet with varied fruits and vegetables, in this way we we will ensure that our hedgehog receives vitamins. Among the fruits and vegetables that a hedgehog can consume we find:

  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Peach
  • Raspberries
  • Banana
  • Watermelon
  • Cantaloupe
  • Mango
  • Kiwi
  • Blueberries
  • Carrot
  • Potato
  • Sweet potato
  • Broccoli
  • Rúcuca
  • Canons
  • Cucumber

Foods harmful to hedgehogs

In addition to the right foods that you can offer your hedgehog, our site also offers you foods that you shouldn't give your hedgehog:

  • Chocolate
  • Sugars
  • Pastry
  • S alt
  • Fritos

Obviously these types of products are not suitable for your hedgehog, it cannot properly assimilate them. Remove sugar, excessive s alt and fried foods of any kind from your diet.

Other foods that you should not give your hedgehog can be grapes and raisins because they are harmful to their kidneys. Meanwhile, onions can cause anemia and certain raw vegetables can make you choke: better serve them boiled.

Other prohibited foods

  • Nuts
  • Various Seeds
  • Avocado
  • Pepper
  • Citrus
  • Corn
