When we say the word "allergy", the first thing we all think of is spring with its new shoots and plant flowers, pollen in the air and… itching and/or the rhinitis that bothers some people so much. It is a time when we are more active, we enjoy long walks in the countryside with our pets or eternal horseback riding through the mountains until sunset.
For some, spring is an unpleasant time as they associate it with skin rashes, rhinitis, cough and even hair loss, both for humans and their pets. But we can start by understanding what allergies in dogs are about and what would be the solutions that we can give to this situation.
From our site we are going to teach you to understand this pathology, its treatments and preventions. Today we bring you the basics of homeopathy for dogs with allergies and the importance of starting to protect yourself before reaching critical situations or stations.
What is an allergy?
It is a physiological reaction presented by the immune system to the appearance of a substance that is harmful to the body But for people who are not so familiar with these terms, let's translate it a little bit. Allergic diseases in people affect up to 20% of the population, with 90% being environmental dust the main cause. Such hypersensitivity to said dust, a mixture of mites, animal hair, textile wool from blankets or coats, various types of pollen, among thousands of other substances; trigger allergic processes in both people and animals. If an organism presents an exaggerated reaction due to a certain susceptibility to one of the so-called "environmental dusts" that is not manifested in other individuals, it means that there is an imbalance in its vital energy that does not allow it to adapt in harmony with the environment that surrounds it..
Based on everything described above, we will say that the homeopathic treatment will be focused on our patient trying to heal the susceptible terrain. In dogs, the most common allergies occur between the first and third year of life, the most common being inhalation or atopy, flea allergy dermatitis, allergies food to certain foods and acquired by contact.
Allergens are foreign substances that trigger the action of the immune system that will produce an antibody called IgE that will trigger the typical symptoms of allergies. The correctly chosen homeopathic remedy will act on all symptoms, making the patient refractory to these allergenic agents.

Allergy symptoms in dogs
- Itching or itching (scratching, biting, licking, or rubbing against objects)
- Superficial wounds
- Skin redness or erythema
- Hair loss in certain areas or all over the body (canine alopecia)
- Chronic skin thickening with color changes to black
- Nasal congestion
- Rhinitis
- Cough with or without expectoration
Dog allergy diagnosis
At the time of diagnosis, as we always recommend on our site, the correct thing to do is to go to the veterinarian to evaluate all the symptoms and take the desired samples depending on whether the allergy in our dog is on the skin or on the skin. air ways.
We can also consider the breeds with a greater genetic predisposition to this type of pathology such as:
- Labrador
- Dalmatian
- Retriever
- West Highland
- Cocker
- Boxer
- English bulldog
- Shar Pei
How eliminating all the allergens is almost impossible and changing the life scenario is a utopia, it is necessary to strengthen the "actor" so that this story has a happy ending, which we will see below in the treatments.

Homeopathic treatment for allergies in dogs
The homeopathic treatment aims to restore our patient's relationship with his environment, strengthening it, so that in the presence of an allergen it is strong enough not to be affected. For this reason, we always encourage not to self-medicate and consult a specialist who can help us before spring returns to us. The homeopathic vet will look for your root remedy that would represent why the dog developed this condition. We are facing a "demonstration" of a state that does not please him at all but even so, the dog must go through it (confinement, loneliness, moving from apartment to house, etc.), exacerbated by the time of year and the presence of greater reasons to react.
In any case, we list some homeopathic medicines for dogs with allergies that you can have in the animal medicine cabinet to get out of an emergency and then, go to the vet a little calmer:
- Apis mellifica: For stings and contact rashes that look pink and hot.
- Arsenicum album: for digestive disorders caused by spoiled food.
- Silicea: helps expel foreign bodies such as thorns or splinters.
- Ledum: for puncture wounds such as insect bites or stings but are cool to the touch.
- Drosera: for strong and deep cough.