My cat is very fearful - CAUSES and WHAT TO DO

My cat is very fearful - CAUSES and WHAT TO DO
My cat is very fearful - CAUSES and WHAT TO DO
My cat is very fearful - Causes and what to do
My cat is very fearful - Causes and what to do

You probably know cats that are afraid of humans, cats that distrust other cats and even cats that are terrified of any unknown stimulus that comes their way. The reasons for this fear are multiple and both the feline's personality and the experiences or traumas experienced will influence it.

But, regardless of the cause, if your cat is very fearful, spends the day hiding and hardly interacts with anyone, he is suffering from stress and you have to help him to lead a happy and fulfilling life. In this article on our site we explain why your cat is very fearful, causes and what to do

Fears in cats

Cats are animals very attached to their routines and they need predictability in their environment so as not to fall into situations of stress and fear. That is, the cat will be calm if he controls his territory and his resources. Any change in the environment can cause fear. Thus, a cat will show fear before a new and unknown element for him, be it an object, an animal or a person who arrives at home. He will also experience fear outside his familiar environment, for example if we move him to a new home or visit the vet

Fear in itself is not bad, since it allows the cat to flee or defend itself from a potential danger to its life. The problem appears when the cat reacts with fear to harmless stimuli because he cannot adapt to them. This comes to diminish their quality of life to the point of finding us with permanently frightened specimens, who spend the day hiding, fleeing and in continuous stress.

Whether the fear is punctual or permanent, it is important that we find a way to help our skittish cat to get out of that state. For this, we can determine the trigger and implement management measures that favor their tranquility and adaptation to new stimuli. In the most serious cases, it is more than likely that we will have to resort to the experience of a feline behavior professional or ethologist.

Sometimes the cat doesn't have the tools to handle the situation and needs qualified help. In addition, in a percentage of cases there may be a disease behind it, so the first step is always a check-up by the vet to rule out an organic cause.

My cat is very fearful - Causes and what to do - Fears in cats
My cat is very fearful - Causes and what to do - Fears in cats

Symptoms of a scared cat

It is not always easy to perceive that our cat's behavior is a sign of fear. Many times his reactions can seem aggressive. These are the most common signs that indicate that we are dealing with a fearful cat:

  • A frightened cat hides or desperately seeks to hide anywhere, such as under a bed or on top of a cupboard.
  • If he doesn't get away or not far enough, he'll probably snort if you get close.
  • It will growl and it will even attack with bites and claws if you insist on approaching.
  • Your hair will stand on end and your ears will be pushed back, adopting a defensive and alert posture.
  • Pupils will be dilated.
  • Any noise or movement will trigger a startled reaction.
  • A very fearful cat can stop eating or use the litter box if for any reason he feels afraid in those situations, for example if another cat you fear is in the area.
  • He walks crouched, as if trying to go unnoticed, and does not lie down to sleep stretched out, in a relaxed posture or out of his hiding place.
  • He will stop performing behaviors such as self-grooming, play, interaction, facial marking, etc.
My cat is very scared - Causes and what to do - Symptoms of a scared cat
My cat is very scared - Causes and what to do - Symptoms of a scared cat

Why is my kitten so scared?

Although we normally associate fear in cats more with adult specimens, the truth is that we can also find a frightened kitten. In these cases, these little ones tend to react with fear to people. This behavior is usually due to not having enough contact with humans during their socialization stage.

This is a very delicate period in which the cat can accept new stimuli in a positive way. Without exposure to humans at this stage, it is not surprising that they later react with fear to our presence. The same can happen, for example, to other animals. If the mother is fearful, she is likely to pass that fear on to her litter

On the other hand, if we have just brought home a kitten, it may be fearful. It is normal during the adjustment period because it is a radical and sudden life change. In addition, if the child has had previous negative experiences or socialization has not been entirely correct, the fear will be accentuated.

My cat is very scared - Causes and what to do - Why is my kitten very scared?
My cat is very scared - Causes and what to do - Why is my kitten very scared?

Why is my adult cat scared by everything?

Like kittens, adult cats can show fear when there have been deficiencies in their socialization or, directly, they have not been in contact with people, animals, etc. Also if they have had the misfortune to suffer traumatic experiences, such as abuse or abandonment. But it is not necessary that the experience has been so hard. For example, a cat that is using the litter box and is startled by a loud noise may develop a fear of its litter box and refuse to re-enter it.

When a cat does not have the tools to adapt to changes in its environment, any new stimulus can generate fear. In addition, you also have to take into account the character of the catLike people, some will be by nature more distrustful, more fearful, more extroverted, etc.

In any case, it should be known that the fears that prevent the cat from leading a normal life must be treated by professionals. Even if the cat is already an adult and costs more, you still have to put all the means to help it. Our article Tips for adopting a stray cat can serve as an orientation in these cases.

My cat is very fearful - Causes and what to do - Why does my adult cat get scared by everything?
My cat is very fearful - Causes and what to do - Why does my adult cat get scared by everything?

How to reassure a frightened cat?

In a situation of specific fear, it is best to leave the cat alone and not force it to establish contact. It must be allowed to remain in its hiding place as long as it needs. In general, if we have a fearful cat, it is important to take into account the following recommendations:

  • Cats need time to adjust to new situations. Slowly introduce any changes and be very patient.
  • Do not approach him from the front or looking him directly in the eye. It is very intimidating for them. Better crouch down and approach from the side. Learn to understand your cat in our Cat Language and Communication article.
  • If he fears contact, when you approach make sure that he has possibilities to flee or hide. Rather than trying to touch him, wait for him to take the initiative.
  • Avoid sudden movements and loud noises.
  • Offer him a meal or prizes that he finds especially attractive. It's a way of that associates you with positive feelings. Put these rewards near you so that he can see that he can be by your side without taking any damage.
  • On the other hand, consider environmental enrichment. Give it a custom-made home, with hiding places and different heights, and pay attention to it. Play with him and give him love as much as he allows.
  • Set a routine with fixed times for feeding, playing, brushing, etc.
  • Very fearful cats can be more comfortable if they have their resources in the same room. As they gain confidence, they will expand their territory.
  • Pheromones can be used for a calming effect.

All these tips aim to improve the cat's quality of life, since no animal can live in fear permanently. For this same reason, if the cat does not improve, it is essential to put yourself in the hands of a specialist who prescribes the appropriate therapy to reassure him.
