Advice for a fearful adopted dog

Advice for a fearful adopted dog
Advice for a fearful adopted dog
Advice for a fearful adopted dog
Advice for a fearful adopted dog

Adopting a fearful dog is an experience that very few choose, but one that fills the heart with each passing day. Shelters around the world are saturated with dogs with these characteristics and it is important that a future adopter knows them to take the necessary precautions and start in the best possible way.

It is highly recommended to start working on the education of an adopted dog after dealing with his possible problems of fear and insecurity, although in the mildest cases they can be combined, as long as it does not involve a problem of stress or of wellness. It is important to note that it can be a long process in some cases and that the tutor's patience, affection and tolerance will be essential. Discover on our site some tips for a fearful adopted dog

How does an adopted dog behave the first few days?

The behavior of a newly adopted dog will depend directly on the experiences lived, the home of arrival, the stress levels or the symptomatology that causes a disease, for example, that is why it is highly recommended to carry out a first veterinary visit before taking the dog home.

Barring any he alth issues, dogs may behave in a completely inhibited behavior (i.e. those that do not reveal their own "character ", which will be shown after weeks or months until adaptation) or on the contrary be shown in an exaggerated, due to the trip, the changes in their environment, the loss of your reference figure, etc.

How can we tell if an adopted dog is not fitting in?

The adaptation of a puppy dog is quite fast compared to that of an adult dog, since they have already passed their socialization process, which ends with the arrival of fears. It is precisely for this reason, for having finished the socialization stage, that some dogs do not know how to relate to others or suffer from exaggerated fears of going outside. In other cases we can talk about traumas or bad experiences, which directly influence their behavior.

The adaptation period usually lasts between 1 and 6 months, always depending on the specific case. In the more serious cases, some dogs will need to use temporary pharmacology (preferably prescribed by a veterinarian trained in ethology) to help them adapt and decrease levels of anxiety. Some may also have additional behavioral problems.

Also, when the dog has shown obvious signs of fearwithout getting a response, he may go on to mark or bite. When faced with an aggressive adopted dog, we recommend going immediately to a dog trainer or educator specialized in behavior modification. Of course, with the aim of prevention, we will explain how to recognize fearful and insecure dogs.

The behavior of a fearful dog

There are two body postures that everyone knows about in fearful dogs: tail down and ears back. However, there are many more, so to know how to treat an adopted dog correctly, you should know almost all of them. Why?

Properly recognizing your dog's emotions will help you understand his limits, be more empathic with his behavior and learn to relate better With him, all this will strengthen your bond and make him consider you a true figure of reference.

Signs that tell us that a dog is scared

  • Low tail
  • Tail between legs
  • Exaggerated tail wag
  • Ears back
  • Ears flat against head
  • Shrunk Body
  • Intent to hide
  • Find a "shelter"
  • Submission Postures
  • He licks his lips
  • Trembles
  • Yawns continuously
  • Turn your head
  • Turn your back
  • Encloses the eyes
  • Bends down
  • Immobility
  • Escape attempts

It is important to note that some dogs may be more docile during the adaptation period, as their behavior will be inhibited by the changes. On the contrary, some may growl as a warning and even bite if their limits are not respected.

How to treat an adopted dog?

It is essential that we be reliable and predictable at all times. We will look for positive education methods that we will use when interacting with the dog, such as positive reinforcement. It is important to note that traditional training, which may include punishment or other more hostile methods, can make the dog reject us and take even longer to adapt.

It is very important to understand that some problems related to fear can persist throughout the dog's life, however, most can be solved with patience and love. Complying with the five freedoms of animal welfare will be essential to start working.

We recommend starting a marked routine of walks (for example 3 a day) as well as food (divide into two servings, to avoid feeling hungry). It can also be interesting to progressively include some stimulating activities, such as visiting the mountains, or practicing some scent games at home. In any case, it will be important for us to be patient and act as the dog allows us more approaches By interpreting his body language and trying to offer him good living conditions, we will probably notice a clear improvement, although we need a longer period of time to appreciate it.

Advice for a fearful adopted dog - How to treat an adopted dog?
Advice for a fearful adopted dog - How to treat an adopted dog?

Why is my dog afraid?

If you don't know the history of the dog you've adopted it will take a while identify what he is afraid of: other dogs, people, objects and even to the same street. We must be patient and pay close attention to details at this stage to try to understand him.

  • Fear of people: fear of people can be due to multiple causes, not just abuse. Socialization, trauma, or a bad experience can cause fear. But if you suspect that your dog may have suffered some kind of abuse, discover the 5 most obvious signs of abused dogs. Especially in this case, we must be very patient trying to gain their trust through snacks, caresses and affectionate words. Never force him to interact with someone he doesn't feel like, let him gradually begin to overcome his fear. Instead of trying to force a situation, you can encourage your friends and family to meet him and offer him small pieces of frankfurter so that he begins to trust people. On the contrary, forcing him to be manipulated can aggravate his fears
  • Fear of other dogs: Fear of other dogs may be due to poor socialization as a puppy or a bad experience in last. Find out why my dog is afraid of other dogs, how to treat it and solve it effectively and gradually.
  • Fear of various objects: either due to ignorance or lack of socialization, your dog may be afraid of certain objects in which we also include vehicles: bicycles, cars, motorcycles, rubbish bins…
  • Others: There are many other types of fear in dogs, such as fear of the outdoors, fear of certain environments, fear of other pets or to specific particularities, such as an umbrella.

Is it possible to remove the fear of a dog?

It is very likely that after a while, you will begin to wonder if one day your dog will stop being fearful and start interacting like any other dog. There is no single answer, since each case is extremely particular and concrete.

Some dogs do manage to overcome their fears together with their guardians, others will also need exercises proposed by a canine educator or trainer. In the most serious cases, the visit of an ethologist is the one who can best guide us, but the general advice is that in the face of any behavioral problem we go to a professional and do not try treat it ourselves.

Some exercises that we can find on the Internet, perfectly valid for a specific case, can generate rejection and even worsen ours. In addition, a specialist will detect details and attitudes that you didn't even suspect were happening and will recommend specific exercises for your dog that will significantly improve his adaptation.

Advice for a fearful adopted dog - Is it possible to remove fear from a dog?
Advice for a fearful adopted dog - Is it possible to remove fear from a dog?


  • Don't leave your fearful dog unleashed in the street, it could escape.
  • Never force him to do something he doesn't want to.
  • Be patient and use treats to gain their trust.
