5 things your dog says about you

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5 things your dog says about you
5 things your dog says about you
5 things your dog says about you
5 things your dog says about you

When we decide to adopt a dog as a pet and choose one over the rest we do it for a reason. Sometimes the race will predominate or precisely that it is not a race, its physical characteristics, the character it has or other qualities.

Deliberately or not, our final decision originates from an unconscious reaction that intertwines our personality with the type of dog in question. Basically your dog can reflect many things about your personality, your tastes and your lifestyle.

It is very interesting to see people on the street with their respective partners and observe that they may even share certain physical characteristics. That's where the famous saying "Dogs look like their owners" comes from.

Do you want to know what your dog says about you? Continue reading this article on our site and you will see that you and your dog are much more alike than you think.

The physical appearance

In some cases, a dog could become a person's mirror We unconsciously look for a dog that looks like us even in his physique. This demonstrates the personal ego and, at the same time, the importance of the presence that this canine will have in our lives. Although in the past we associated men with large dogs and women with small or fine dogs, today this is no longer the case:

People with an overwhelming personality choose dogs that also show this personality in their physical attributes: the Afghan greyhound, the Chinese crested or the komondor are good examples of this

On the other hand, bull-type dogs, such as the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier or the English Bull Terrier, could relate to people from the world of sports, people aware of social marginalization who "Potentially dangerous dogs" suffer or by families who have no qualms about adopting these breeds, unaware of the social stigma they receive

Small dogs such as the chihuahua, the miniature pinscher or the bichon frize are common among people who live in small flats, while the larger ones are not as typical in urban centers due to the large space they require

Regardless of your race, physical appearance is directly related to our tastes and the perception that society receives about their appearance. Our pet will be a mini version of ourselves. Is this your case?

5 things your dog says about you - Physical appearance
5 things your dog says about you - Physical appearance

The personality

Personality is a key factor in selecting your pet: Open, spontaneous and extroverted people will look for the same thing in their dog and these will be the life and soul of dog parties in all the parks. If, on the other hand, your dog is withdrawn, antisocial and shy (just like you) maybe you could think about opening up a little more to the outside world and inviting your dog on this new social adventure.

The same with respect to the education of the dog. A rude dog that ignores, is too detached and constantly annoys other dogs and their owners, could sometimes be a sign that his own owner is a bit careless, not very sociable and does not spend enough time with him. However, this is not a fixed rule, since there are cases of responsible owners who are unable to correct the bad behavior of their furry companion. For them, we recommend going to an ethologist as soon as possible and leaving the situation in the hands of professionals.

Dogs that are hyperactive rather than active are often the pets of people who consider sports an essential part of their lives and who love activities such as crossfit or bootcamps. For example, I have a friend who is a triathlete and has a pet jack russell terrier. However, a hyperactive dog can also be a sign that its owner is not walking it often enough or not exercising with it.

An overly trained, almost military-style dog will most likely have an owner with a strict personality and demanding lifestyle. What things does your dog say about you?

5 things your dog says about you - Personality
5 things your dog says about you - Personality

How did your dog get home?

The way your pet has arrived at its new home can give many clues about your personality: If you have always wanted to have a dog but you had not seriously considered it and one day you walk into a store of pets and you go out with a puppy in your arms, this is an indication that you could have a tendency to impulsiveness. It also reflects a passive attitude towards the trade in living beings and little interest in abandoned animals. Let's not forget that in shelters there are also purebred dogs that have been abandoned by people who are too "impulsive".

If on the other hand you are a methodical person, too organized and even indecisive, you could spend years reading, asking and researching before getting a pet. If your case is that you have a purebred dog with a pedigree and competition champion parents, it could indicate that you like to demonstrate your achievements to other people, just like that, peacock ritual. However, there are also cases of people who decide to promote the dog trade simply because they are unaware of the large number of dogs that stay in shelters waiting to have a new home.

Did you adopt your dog from a shelter or kennel, or did you rescue him from the street? Well, then you have a generous, selfless and compassionate personality More than looking for a particular breed of dog, what interests you is being part of the life of a creature and that she is part of yours, this means that you are a person who empathizes easily.

5 things your dog says about you - How did your dog get home?
5 things your dog says about you - How did your dog get home?

Care and hygiene

Do you comb and bathe your dog all the time? Do you buy clothes that go with the season and personalized collars? The care and appearance of your dog is an area that could reveal things about you. Your pet will reflect how much emphasis you place on maintaining your own personal image. A well-groomed dog is not the same as a neglected one with knots in its hair and the presence of parasites.

Your canine's coat type is also an indicator of your personality. If you are a meticulous and orderly person, you could choose dogs with short fur. If you're the more carefree type, you won't care as much about the type of fur.

In the same way, this is not a rule, surely, nobody likes the idea of having a house full of hair and there are many people who have dogs with beautiful fur, because they love how they look. come and she also likes comb them and braid them.

5 things your dog says about you - Care and hygiene
5 things your dog says about you - Care and hygiene

Other indicators

To the people who like to take care of themselves, live a he althy life and care about their environment, often feed their dogs in a more attentive. In other words, they take their time preparing, for example, delicious homemade muffins for dogs and whenever they go to the supermarket they think of them and buy them treats. However, it does not necessarily mean that if you feed your dog canned food or feed (perrarina), you are a lazy personality and you are not interested in his well-being.

What he may be meaning is that you are a pragmatic person who likes to take things with practicality and who trusts brands traditional dog food.

A dog that is comfortable walking everywhere in the house, but respects some limits, is the pet of a polite person, who at the same time considers him part of the family. If you like to share your bed with your pet, perhaps you are a very affectionate and sweet person who appreciates physical displays of affection.

Owners who keep their dog away from home all the time, who don't let it in or who keep it on a leash, are people with possessive impulses, but at the same time, they are indifferent and consider their dog as a belonging, rather than a companion. Do not forget that when deciding whether the dog should go indoors or outdoors, we should always choose indoors since it is a social animal that needs affection and company.

Now, what do you think your dog's breed says about you? With all this data you can check if your dog is a complete reflection of you or if they only share some nuances.
