Amount of food for a Yorkshire

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Amount of food for a Yorkshire
Amount of food for a Yorkshire
Amount of food for a yorkshire
Amount of food for a yorkshire

The yorkshire terrier has become one of the most popular dogs due to its diminutive size, adorable appearance and hygiene, since it does not they lose not a single hair of their precious coat. To keep it in perfect condition, we must offer it a series of minimum care that involves proper nutrition, daily brushing, dental hygiene, physical exercise and baths.

If our furry companion tends to devour food until the bowl is empty and, therefore, has a few extra kilos, or, on the contrary, we consider that he does not eat enough, we should be the ones who control what you eat and provide just the right amount your body needs. To help you with this task, in this article on our we show you the amount of daily food for a Yorkshiredepending on their age, weight and physical activity.

What does the amount of daily food depend on

The daily amount of food a dog should eat should be calculated based on the following factors:

  • The race
  • Age
  • The weight
  • Physical activity

It is evident that a puppy will not need the same grams of feed or the same composition as an adult dog. Likewise, a large breed dog will consume a much higher daily amount of food than a small or toy breed. On the other hand, two dogs of the same breed, age and weight will not require the same amount of feed if they exercise at different intensity levels.

Yorkshire terriers are adorable, affectionate and very playful dogs. Their small size makes them an ideal companion for those who live in small apartments and do not have much time to clean the animal's fallen hair, since they are part of the breeds that do not shed.

Because they have such a small stomach, they do not need to consume as large amounts of food as other larger breeds, so they are perfect for people who cannot afford excessive expenses in feeding their pet. Of course, from our site we recommend that you do not skimp when selecting the best feed and buy a good quality one, your dog's he alth is at stake.

Amount of food for a Yorkshire - What does the amount of daily food depend on
Amount of food for a Yorkshire - What does the amount of daily food depend on

How much should a Yorkshire puppy eat

A Yorkshire dog is considered to have passed the puppy stage once it reaches one year of life. Until then, you must provide dry food from the junior range, manufactured exclusively to meet the nutritional needs of puppies.

When selecting the best food for your baby Yorkshire, you must confirm that it contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids to ensure the correct development of your puppy's hair. Also, keep in mind that the first months of your new partner's life are the most important, they will mark all the growth and evolution of him and, therefore. Avoid feed whose composition is mainly based on flour and cereals, and opt for those that offer a wide variety of nutrients and proteins, essential minerals such as calcium, high energy concentration and, above all, are rich in fiber to stimulate intestinal transit. and help eliminate bacteria and parasites passed through breast milk.

On the other hand, you should keep in mind that puppy food always contains a higher percentage of fat than adult food to promote growth and proper development. In this sense, we advise you to take into account the following points:

  • During the first two months of life, it is advisable to moisten the feed in water to make it easier for him to chew. Little by little, you will have to reduce the amount of water until you give it dry feed.
  • Up to the 5th month of life, the daily dose of food will increase according to their nutritional needs. From the 6th, the daily grams will reduce to avoid obesity.
  • Up to 4 months, we will have to ration the daily grams in 4 doses.
  • From 4 to 6 months, we will divide the total grams into three meals.
  • From 6 months, we will be able to provide the daily grams in two doses.
  • Make sure the feed supports your Yorkshire's immune system to prevent it from contracting diseases such as canine parvovirus.

Below, we show you a table with the number of grams per day that you should give your Yorkshire puppy depending on the months of life that it has and the weight of adult that it will acquire. To find out what your furry companion's adult weight will be, you'll need to ask your vet.

Amount of food for a Yorkshire - How much should a Yorkshire puppy eat
Amount of food for a Yorkshire - How much should a Yorkshire puppy eat

How much should an adult yorkshire eat

Once they reach adulthood, your Yorkshire's nutritional needs vary, and with them the total daily grams you need to provide. Being a breed prone to obesity if they eat more than necessary, the amount per day decreases compared to that provided during the puppy stage. Once developed, the Yorkshire no longer requires so many grams, nor such a high percentage of fat, so we will try to buy dry feed from the adult range with a 40% protein, 20% fruit and vegetables, 10% fat and a minimum amount of fiber and cereals.

Likewise, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin E must continue to be present in the composition of the food, both to maintain the he alth of their bones and to ensure vitality and softness of its fur.

In addition to taking care of your adult Yorkshire's diet, it is essential to practice exercise with him and take him for a walk for as long as he needs to release stored energy and prevent the onset of disorders such as stress or anxiety.

Below, we show you a table with the number of grams per day that your dog should consume, depending on his weight and the level of physical activity you practice. Remember that you can divide the total amount into one or two daily servings.

Amount of food for a Yorkshire - How much should an adult Yorkshire eat
Amount of food for a Yorkshire - How much should an adult Yorkshire eat

How much should an elderly yorkshire eat

After 7 years of age, the dog goes from being an adult to being considered elderly, and we must change its feed by buying senior range. Although our dog continues to maintain the vitality and youthful spirit of years ago, his body begins to enter old age and requires new nutritional needs that favor the he alth of his bones, mainly. Therefore, we must pay attention to the amount of calcium that the feed contains.

On the other hand, during this stage the tendency to obesity is accentuated and, therefore, we should buy a food with a low caloric intake, rich in vitamins A and D, Omega 3 fatty acids and minerals essential. Likewise, it is essential that our senior yorkshire continue to exercise to stay in shape. So that you know what activities your elderly dog can do, we advise you to consult the following article, you will spend great moments together!

During this stage the amounts of daily food are maintained, always depending on your weight and degree of physical activity. The only thing we have to modify is the composition of the feed and the size. Senior range foods for small breeds are usually presented in the form of croquettes smaller than those for adults, in order to facilitate the chewing process for those dogs that have lost one or more of their teeth. In this sense, if your Yorkshire barely has any teeth left, you can combine dry food with wet food.

If you have kidney or liver disease, don't hesitate to ask your vet what kind of food you should provide. And if you notice that your old yorkshire stops eating, is listless, has trouble walking, vomits, or has other symptoms, see a specialist as soon as possible. Pay attention to his he alth and offer him the best possible quality of life, without a doubt, your dog will thank you in the form of affection and lots of company.
