Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse

Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse
Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse
Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse
Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse

The Prague Buzzard is a very popular toy-sized dog. Many people who enjoy their company observe the drooping ears of the Prague mouse and worry about it, it is a fact that often occurs.

In this article on our site we will explain a trick that you can use to keep them in a vertical position, typical of the breed. But remember to check your animal's ears well beforehand to rule out any disease or he alth problem that could be affecting it.

Discover now a tricks to raise the drooping ears of the Prague mouse:

The characteristic ears of the prague mouse

The prague mouse stands out for many things, including its pointed ears However, we cannot consider it to be one of the standards of the breed is not considered official by the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale). Whether or not it is considered an official rafa, the truth is that it is one of the most amusing and remarkable physical characteristics of this mini-sized dog.

Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse - The characteristic ears of the Prague mouse
Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse - The characteristic ears of the Prague mouse

Does your prague mouse not raise its ears?

You should know that this often happens to specimens puppies that have yet to fully develop. You must wait until at least 5 months of age to confirm that your Prague mouse does not raise its ears.

Ear popping also has a genetic factor so if parents, and even grandparents, have shown floppy ears or bent it is likely that your dog can also develop this way.

Finally, and as we suggested at the beginning, you should make sure that your dog is not suffering from any he alth problem. Otitis in dogs is often the most common cause of ear-raising related problems.

Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse - Is your Prague mouse not raising its ears?
Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse - Is your Prague mouse not raising its ears?

Dog Bandage

In the market you will find adhesive tape suitable for dogs. This must be hypopolargenic and specific for dogs since otherwise it could damage their hair and skin. It is generally used for very long-haired dogs that tend to get dirty easily, but it is also used for cases similar to these.

You must place it carefully creating a conical structure imitating the natural position of the ears of the Prague buzzard and change it every 5 days as maximum. It is very important that you remove the bandage to make sure that the ears are fine and that your dog has not suffered any skin problems.

Use this trick for a maximum of one month and never force your dog to put it on if he is excessively uncomfortable, this could cause stress.

Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse - Adhesive tape for dogs
Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse - Adhesive tape for dogs

Food supplements

Your dog's ears are made of cartilage. A poor diet can be the cause of this problem. Consult the specialist for the administration of cartilage supplements, it is a supplement that will not harm your dog's he alth at all but should always be administeredunder the advice of a professional

Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse - Food supplements
Tricks to raise the ears of a Prague mouse - Food supplements

If you have any advice you want to share with us, don't hesitate to comment or send your photos, thanks for visiting our site!
