This dog breed is known by the name of pug or carlino indistinctly and we can place its origin in China, despite the fact that today it enjoys great fame in many countries. Its popularity should not surprise us, since it not only has an adorable appearance, but is characterized by having a very balanced and cheerful temperament
Although it is a small dog, it is considered molossian, that is, it has a muscular constitution, a large head, a short snout and a powerful jaw, although it does not stop it from being an excellent pet, in fact, it ranks among the 30 most popular breeds in the world.
With all these characteristics you may have decided that this is the best dog you can choose to accompany you, so in this AnimalWised article we talk about care of the pug or pug dog.
Exercise for pug dog
As we mentioned at the beginning, pugs have a very muscular structure and physical exercise is essential to maintain it, however, physical activity should always adapt depending on the characteristics that each dog presents.
The pug is not an easily excitable dog, but this does not mean that it is not energetic, therefore, a good way to channel this energy is by offering it at least two daily walks in which, in addition to have the opportunity to play, as you will greatly enjoy and enrich your day to day life. We can teach him to fetch the ball, take him swimming or play intelligence games, for example.
However, due to its short snout, it is possible that the pug has breathing difficulties, therefore, at the moment when If we observe any symptom that indicates that our dog is starting to get tired and cannot breathe well, physical exercise must be interrupted. We will also take precautions in the face of intense heat.
The best complement to physical exercise should be a good diet, whether we opt for a natural diet or a feed based on fodder, we must be very clear that the pugcannot be fed abundantly , as they love to eat and could very easily become overweight.

Coat care
The pug has a short, smooth coat, which makes it very easy to care for, thus allowing our dog look radiant, however, we should not confuse easy maintenance with the fact that you do not have to carry out any care.
This dog's coat should be brushed on a regular basis, preferably with a rubber brush, and we will finish by gently passing a rubber brush hard bristles In the molding times we will notice that our dog sheds more hair and it will be necessary to increase the frequency of brushing.
This habit not only takes care of our dog's coat and helps us detect parasites, it also helps us to get used to handling, essential for these dogs that, at times, can be somewhat stubborn and stubborn.
The pug or pug's bath
We recommend bathing this dog only when it is strictly necessary and we will use specific and appropriate products for dog hygiene. However, it will also be necessary to do it when it gets dirty and smells bad.
Even more important than bathing is drying after bathing, since Pugs do not tolerate temperature changes well, for Therefore, after bathing it with warm water we must dry it very carefully to prevent it from getting cold.
It is important to pay great attention to the skin folds on your face and body, which holdmoisture more easily, therefore, they will need a more thorough drying to prevent the appearance of fungi and the proliferation of bacteria. It is precisely the folds that can also retain more dirt so we will check and clean them whenever necessary, drying well when finished.
We will take into account the same indications after a visit to the beach or the pool.

Regular veterinary care for a he althy pug
The life expectancy of a pug or pug dog is between 13 and 15 years, although to reach this longevity and enjoying a good quality of life will obviously require good veterinary care. We are not only talking about following the dog's regular vaccination program or deworming, but also to early detect any disorder that may occur.
By presenting a short snout, the pug or pug dog has a certain predisposition to suffer numerous alterations in the respiratory system, it is also prone to to allergies and skin disorders, such as allergies and dermatitis. Periodic visits to the veterinarian are very important to manage this predisposition and act in time against any alteration that may arise.