Border collie care

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Border collie care
Border collie care
Border Collie Care
Border Collie Care

Welcoming a dog into our home and keeping it in optimal he alth requires various care, care focused on maintaining its physical, mental and social well-being, since canine he alth does not only imply the absence of illness.

All dogs need basic care, such as going for a daily walk, having food available that provides a balanced diet and enough company to avoid stress or anxiety.

However, the FCI (International Cinological Federation) recognizes approximately 337 breeds of dogs, therefore, we can distinguish specific needs of each breed, so in this article we mention what are theborder collie care

Border Collie Characteristics

To know what the specific care required by the border collie is, it is important that we briefly address the characteristics of this breed.

The border collie is included among the most intelligent dog breeds, occupying the number one position in the ranking carried out by Stanley Coren, professor of psychology. This intelligence translates into a dog with an extraordinary capacity for concentration, obedient and that shows great restlessness and agility in the face of learning processes.

It is a dog that is alert, vigilant, receptive, affectionate, docile and sociable both with people and with other animals, it also has great curiosity and we cannot forget that is a herding dog and therefore requires great physical activity and ample space in which to develop it.

Another important trait of the border collie is the great loy alty with which he gives his owner, whom he ends up seeing as a leader by that will accompany you at all times with great courage, creating a great emotional bond.

Border Collie Care - Border Collie Characteristics
Border Collie Care - Border Collie Characteristics

The necessary exercise for the border collie

As we have mentioned, the border collie is a herding dog, and has an innate ability to do so, therefore, it would be possible that in the case of having cats or small children, the dog would act with them as if he wanted to group them into a herd, of course, we must avoid this behavior at all costs and for this the border collie will need large doses of physical exercise All dogs They do need to exercise but the amount and type of physical exercise will vary depending on the breed and individual characteristics of each animal.

The border collie needs approximately 1 hour and a half of daily exercise, which should be divided into various walks and activities, such as agility, a very suitable sport for this dog due to its great ability to concentrate that it possesses. You can discover together with him how to get started in agility.

An excellent idea, whenever possible, is to go to grazing sheep clubs, this will allow you to exploit all your energy and abilities of the border collie.

Border collie care - The necessary exercise for the border collie
Border collie care - The necessary exercise for the border collie

Border collie training

Training a border collie is a very simple process because these dogs have great intelligence, which means that they learn new commands with very few repetitions, this, together with their characteristic obedience, makes these dogs easy to train.

However, precisely due to its high degree of intelligence, it is very possible that the border collie gets bored during the learning process, therefore, in addition to using positive reinforcement (the most basic pillar of dog training) it is important to discipline him through activities that are attractive to him, for example, herding sheep whenever possible, agility, searching for lost objects or running with pets.

Border collie training requires the greatest diversity of activities possible in order to avoid boredom and maximize the learning process.

Border collie care - Border collie training
Border collie care - Border collie training

Puppy socialization

As we have mentioned before, the border collie is a very sociable dog, both with people and with other animals, however, when this dog reaches adulthood it can be reserved and shy.

In order for the border collie to show a balanced temperament it is important to avoid this behavior, therefore it is necessary to socialize the puppy with the as far in advance as possible and ensure that he can be in contact with different people and animals, in this way, in adulthood our border collie will be confident and friendly.

It is also possible to socialize adult dogs, although this process is much longer and more expensive and will sometimes require the participation of an expert.

Border collie care - Puppy socialization
Border collie care - Puppy socialization

The family environment as a need for the border collie

The border collie needs ample space to exercise, but also, he needs a warm and familiar environment to live in, it's not about a dog that we can leave long hours without our company, that would be totally counterproductive for its mental he alth.

Let's remember that he is a docile, affectionate dog and that he enjoys games (also by the little ones in the home), therefore, to take proper care of our border collie we must dedicate time and affection to him.

This dog appreciates living in a warm and familiar environment, a home with numerous members will be ideal for the development of the border collie.

Border collie care - The family environment as a need for the border collie
Border collie care - The family environment as a need for the border collie

Border collie fur

The border collie can have two types of coat: short or moderately long. It is an effective protective agent against climatic changes and precisely because of its important function it also deserves special attention.

To keep the Border Collie's coat in optimal condition, it requires daily brushing, using specific accessories for grooming and care canine aesthetic.

This dog should only be bathed when strictly necessary, in fact, due to its nature as a herding dog, in some beauty competitions an excessively clean, treated or shiny coat is penalized.

Border collie care - The coat of the border collie
Border collie care - The coat of the border collie

Border Collie He alth

Like any other dog, the border collie requires regular veterinary check-ups and compliance with the vaccination program for dogs.

Although it is a dog that enjoys good he alth, it is especially predisposed to hip dysplasia, neurological disorders and eye diseases, therefore the visits Regular visits to the vet will be the most effective way to prevent and detect any of these pathologies in advance.
