ALL about the selkirk rex cat breed - Characteristics and care

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ALL about the selkirk rex cat breed - Characteristics and care
ALL about the selkirk rex cat breed - Characteristics and care
selkirk rex cat
selkirk rex cat

The cat breed selkirk rex stands out mainly for its coat, which precisely gives it the nickname " cat sheep ". We are also talking about one of the most "recent" cat breeds, since it was developed in the last century. This feline has earned the love and adoration of millions of cat lovers from all over the world, because in addition to having a sweet and tender appearance, it also stands out for being one of the most affectionate and playful cats.

In this breed file on our site we will explain everything about the Selkirk Rex cat breed, from its origins to its care, also reviewing the most common diseases of the breed or the usual character of the species. Still, we must remember that each individual is unique. So, whether you are considering adopting a Selkirk Rex cat, already have one, or simply want to know more about this feline breed, keep reading!

Origin of the selkirk rex

The selkirk rex cat was developed in the United States in 1988, when a cat curly-haired was crossed with a Persian cat. From the fruit of both individuals the first selkirk rex cats were born. The breeders have explained that this curly hair is due to a genetic mutation, which has appeared naturally and affects the characteristics of the hair of these specimens, making it look kinky and fluffy

Although it has appeared recently, at least for the times related to the appearance of breeds and their recognition, this breed has been recognized by the main official bodies, thus, the TICA, for example, made it official in 1990. Although from the name we can think that it is related to the devon rex or the cornish rex, this is not the case, because the term "rex" it only refers to the characteristic of having curly hair.

Physical Characteristics of the Selkirk Rex

The selkirk are large cats, weighing between 4 and 7 kilograms, some of these cats reach a size that makes them be considered giant cats. Although the average weight for most specimens is between 5 and 6 kilograms. His body is muscular and fibrous, quite slender but with very powerful and flexible limbs. They have a medium-length tail, ending in a round tip and of considerable thickness.

The life expectancy of selkirk rex cats ranges from 12 to 15 years.

The Selkirk Rex has a medium-sized, round head with a short, wide, straight snout. The eyes are round and large, whose color will depend on the color of their fur, with which they always harmonize. The coat of the breed is the most characteristic of the Selkirk Rex, since they have a mantle that can be long or short, existing two variants that would be longhair selkirk rex or shorthair selkirk rex, in any of the two types all possible colors are accepted.

But the main thing about this hair is not its length, but its shape, because these cats have a curly hair, that in long-haired specimens can form loops. And not only on the body do they have that characteristic curly hair, but they also have it on the face area, forming picturesque mustaches with soft and dense hair.

Selkirk rex character

Cats of the Selkirk Rex breed are very calm and peaceful felines, characterized by a calm and balanced temperament. They are also very affectionate, showing great affection for their loved ones. All this makes this an ideal breed to live with families with small children, as they are very affectionate and patient cats with the little ones in the house, and they also love to play with them.

Also due to the great tranquility and serenity that they transmit, they are very suitable for older people, as they will provide them with fantastic company, but without causing problems for being nervous as happens with other breeds. They also adapt very easily to environments of almost any type, so we don't have to worry if we live in a small flat or if, on the contrary, our home is a large house with garden.

Selkirk rex care

Depending on the variety of selkirk that we have at home, the care varies, so in the long-haired specimens we have to brush their coat daily, while with the short-haired ones these brushings can be spaced out, being enough to perform about 2-3 per week. Baths must be limited to when totally and strictly necessary, as well as haircuts, which in principle should not be done

Due to the abundant fur, it is important to pay attention to the accumulation of wax in the ears, having to pay attention to their condition and cleanliness. We must also pay attention to eye and oral he alth, and it may be necessary to carry out more or less frequent cleaning there in order to keep the eyes and mouth clean and he althy. To carry out adequate cleaning, it is best to follow the advice that our veterinary gives us in this regard.

To keep our feline he althy, we must give them a he althy and balanced diet that adequately covers their nutritional needs and is not excessive, in order to prevent our pet from developing obesity.

He alth of the selkirk rex

Perhaps because the breed originated spontaneously and not through the artificial selection of man, we speak of a breed in good he alth, which still does not present pathologies registered congenital.

Some of the diseases or problems that Selkirk Rex can present are related to their abundant fur, because for example, if they are not brushed as we have mentioned in the care section, they can developtricobezoares , or what is the same, hairballs in the digestive system, so it is important that in addition to brushing them, we help them eliminate these balls before they are too large with products such as m alt or paraffin.

Also because of that fur they may have an easier time suffering from hearing problems, due to poor oxygenation of the auditory tract, which is more covered by hair than in other races. For this reason, it is important that the veterinarian advises us on an ear cleaner with which we can clean their ears from home, in this way we will prevent the accumulation of wax from triggering an annoying and painful otitis.

Photos of Cat selkirk rex
