Rabbits are no longer simply farm animals to become pets, being the most suitable option for many people who want to welcome an animal into their home and experience that special bond that is creates.
Like any other domestic animal, the rabbit requires different care to prevent multiple he alth problems that can affect it, including those caused by parasitic infections.
Coccidiosis in rabbits is precisely one of the parasitic conditions that can most frequently affect these endearing pets, therefore, in In this article we want to provide you with truthful information about this disease, as well as its symptoms and treatment
What is coccidiosis
Coccidiosis is a disease caused by internal parasites of the coccidia group, in fact, it is the parasite that affects with more frequently to rabbits, having a higher incidence in the three weeks after weaning.
As we will see more specifically in the symptomatology, the main sign that alerts about a pathological state of the animal is diarrhoea, in fact, rabbits do not die from parasite infestation but frommanifestations it causes in your body , since diarrhea, along with loss of appetite, can lead to a severe state of dehydration and starvation.

How is coccidiosis spread
Coccidiosis in rabbits can only be transmitted from one rabbit to another through contaminated biological or inert material.
The form by which the parasites are incorporated into the animal's body are the oocysts, and these are present in the rabbit's feces, so our pet can become infected if it ingests these feces or fresh grass or water that is contaminated.

Types of coccidosis in rabbits
If our rabbit suffers from a coccidia infection, it can manifest itself in two ways:
- Hepatic coccidiosis: Usually caused by the parasite Eimeria Stiedai, which will infest cells in the bile ducts of the liver.
- Intestinal coccidiosis: It is generally caused by the parasite Eimeria Perforans and affects the intestinal microvilli, that is, the cells that cover the inner wall of the intestine and that are responsible for the absorption of nutrients.
As we will see below, depending on the type of coccidiosis our pet is suffering from, it will manifest itself through some symptoms or others.

Symptoms of coccidiosis in rabbits
The symptoms of coccidiosis in rabbits will depend on whether the coccidium has parasitized the intestine or the bile ducts of the liver, let's see how the parasitosis manifests itself in both cases:
- Hepatic coccidiosis: The rabbit has loss of appetite, gas, growth retardation, dark and foul-smelling stools and diarrhea that alternates with constipation. In this case the animal can die in 2 or 3 weeks
- Intestinal coccidiosis: The rabbit has diarrhea that is sometimes accompanied by blood, dehydration, weight loss, and decreased intake of feed and water
If we observe any of these symptoms in our rabbit we should urgently go to the vet, especially if diarrhea is present, since this fact can lead to serious dehydration and sudden death.

Diagnosis and treatment of coccidiosis in rabbits
Coccidiosis is diagnosed by performing a faeces analysis, which under a microscope reveals the presence of these parasites, a Once the parasitosis has been verified, the veterinarian will prescribe a treatment for coccidiosis in rabbits, being the only person trained to do so.
To eliminate the coccidia from our pet's body an antibiotic from the group of sulphonamides is used, although to avoid any complication our veterinarian It will also indicate some important measures that we must carry out, such as the following:
We must ensure that the rabbit eats, if this is not possible, the food will be administered through a syringe, preparing a cereal porridge, of which it must take 60 milliliters per day divided into three feedings
The rabbit should always have feed and water available in case it wants to feed itself
We must clean the droppings from the cage as often as possible to prevent reinfection
That the rabbit favorably overcomes this type of parasitosis is truly complex, but not impossible, so it is very important to dedicate ourselves to its care as long as necessary.

Prevention of coccidiosis in rabbits
As we have mentioned before, coccidiosis affects those rabbits subjected to stress and the sudden change that weaning entails, that is why this parasitosis it is suffered in the three weeks after separation from the mother.
The only way to prevent coccidiosis in rabbits is to medicate the mothers with antibiotics from the group of sulfonamides in the three days prior to weaning, although obviously, keep the cages in aoptimal hygiene conditions will also be of great help.