In this article on our site we will talk about coccidiosis in dogs, a disease caused by some protozoan parasites called coccidia. It is characterized by the presence of diarrhea and especially affects puppies and, among these, it can be serious in younger ones. Veterinary treatment is required.
Coccidiosis is contagious, so in addition to explaining what it is, we will show you the most characteristic symptoms and the treatment to follow. Likewise, we will also talk about prevention, which will be an essential tool when it comes to preventing its spread.
What is coccidiosis in dogs?
As we have said, it is parasitic protozoa, the coccidia, which are responsible for this disease. These will affect the dog's digestive system. Coccidia can be found in the feces of infected animals and in the environment, hence the importance of cleanliness.
A few days after ingesting coccidia, their oocytes already appear in the feces with the capacity to infect. Symptoms also begin. Cured dogs become carriers. The diagnosis is made by observing the oocysts in the feces, using a microscope

Signs of coccidiosis in dogs
Diarrhea is the most recognizable symptom of coccidiosis. In any case, the disease is usually mild and asymptomatic. Only in cases where there is some other pathology, immunosuppression, insufficient care or the stress that can be caused, for example, by moving, which is also usually common in puppies that go from their birthplace to their permanent home, we could observe the clinical picture.
Thus, we can consider it an opportunistic disease, since it arises accompanying another alteration that we must identify and correct. As we say, the main symptom will be diarrhea, which will start mildly but will end up producing stools with mucus and blood. In addition, the dog stops eating, is weak and dehydrated.
Treatment of coccidiosis in dogs
Once our veterinarian confirms the diagnosis, the treatment will be aimed at eliminating the coccidia, for which various antibiotics are effective. Our veterinarian will choose the most suitable for our dog. In addition, in cases where considerable dehydration has occurred, it is necessary to replenish fluids, which usually involves the establishment of fluid therapy and the subsequent admission of the animal until your improvement.
Hospitalization is needed especially in puppies. To avoid reinfestation we must implement preventive measures, as we will explain in the next section. We must treat all carrier dogs even if they show no symptoms.

How to prevent coccidiosis in dogs?
We have seen that coccidiosis takes advantage of poor living conditions both in the dog (malnutrition, concurrent diseases, etc.) and in your enviroment. Thus, to prevent, we must keep the places where the dogs are housed in good sanitary conditions, with the animals clean, dewormed and well fed.
As this problem mainly affects the smaller puppies that still live together with their mother, we must take extreme carecleaning of the nest, take care that the temperature is adequate, never cold, and have spaces of adequate size for the number of dogs, because the overcrowding is a risk factor. Puppies can be infected if they are not in the right conditions and also through their mother.
In addition to establishing a suitable hygienic environment, it is necessary to take care of the dog's he alth, since we have seen that coccidiosis can cause symptoms when other diseases manifest themselves, and avoid stress as much as possible, which also acts as a triggering factor. Similarly, once an outbreak has occurred, it is essential to clean and improve the living conditions of the dog, as this is the way to prevent reinfestations Water can be used boiling to destroy potentially infective oocysts. While the treatment lasts, it would be good to keep the animal isolated.