My DOG STRETCHES a lot - Why and what does it mean

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My DOG STRETCHES a lot - Why and what does it mean
My DOG STRETCHES a lot - Why and what does it mean
My dog stretches a lot - Why and what it means
My dog stretches a lot - Why and what it means

Our dog stretches a lot to stretch or play, but sometimes keeping his body stretched is the result of a he alth problem that needs to be addressed. In this article on our site, we're going to go over the most common causes of a dog adopting a prayer or orthopneic posture.

This type of posture is related to digestive, cardiac or respiratory problems. They usually involve serious situations that will require rapid veterinary attention. Next, we will explain why my dog stretches a lot and what it means

Why do dogs stretch?

If we share life with a dog, surely we have often seen him stretch. It is very common for a dog, as soon as he wakes up or gets up after a nap, to rest his front legs on the ground, completely stretched out, and raise his rear. You can also lean on your forelimbs to fully stretch your hindlimbs. Once well stretched, it is normal for it to shake. It's about his way of stretching Other times the dog supports his front legs and raises his rump to encourage play. In that case, the position is usually accompanied by happy movements of the tail, jumping and happy barking. It is common when we see him interact with his canine friends

Dog prayer posture

But sometimes a dog stretches too much as a result of a he alth problem In those cases, adopt what is known such as prayer or prayer posture or orthopneic posture The first is like the one we have described, that is, with the front legs stretched out on the ground and the back of the raised body. It indicates that the dog is feeling pain, this being one of the signs of pain in dogs.

On the other hand, in the orthopneic posture what we observe is that the dog stands on its legs, with the front ones separated, or sits and it is the head and neck that are stretched. Normally, the dog adopts this posture to try to get more air. Both positions indicate he alth problems such as the ones we will explain below.

My dog stretches a lot and vomits

A dog that keeps the front part of the body on the ground while raising the back and has other symptoms such as vomiting, pain, bleeding or diarrheamay be experiencing digestive problems. The most common are the following:

  • Acute abdomen: This is a veterinary emergency. It causes very intense pain, so we can see that the dog stretches a lot and trembles. He assumes the prayer posture in an attempt to relieve himself. He also makes moans, has nausea, vomiting or breathing difficulties. Without attention, the dog goes into shock. There are multiple causes of acute abdomen, such as obstructions, poisoning, peritonitis, or bladder rupture. Requires surgical intervention.
  • Gastroduodenal ulcers: they are usually caused by the consumption of corticosteroids or NSAIDs, although they can also be the result of diseases such as kidney failure, hepatic or chronic gastritis. The affected dog vomits fresh or dried blood, loses weight, and passes bloody stools. Experiencing pain is when he adopts the posture of prayer. Needs veterinary treatment.
  • Chronic inflammatory bowel disease: the most common signs of this disease are vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss, changes in appetite and bouts of chronic pain in which the dog adopts the prayer posture. It is believed to be due to an overreaction of the immune system against bacteria or food. You need to go to the vet.
  • Stomach torsion-dilation: this is another veterinary emergency. The stomach dilates and comes to rotate on its axis. As a result, the dog will be restless, drooling, nauseous, and have a distended abdomen. If the situation progresses, we will detect pale mucous membranes, respiratory difficulties, rapid heart rate and weakness. In this case. the dog assumes an orthopneic posture.
  • Pancreatitis: This is inflammation of the pancreas and can be mild or severe. In the latter case, it causes vomiting, very strong abdominal pain that leads the dog to adopt the posture of prayer, diarrhoea, dehydration, weakness and, finally, shock. The dog must be taken to the vet for hospitalization.
My dog stretches a lot - Why and what does it mean - My dog stretches a lot and vomits
My dog stretches a lot - Why and what does it mean - My dog stretches a lot and vomits

My dog stretches a lot and breathes badly

If your dog stretches a lot, specifically extending his neck and head as far as possible, it's probably because he is gasping for air The lack of oxygen can be due to a serious respiratory problem, but also to diseases that affect the heart. The following disorders stand out:

  • Serious pneumonia: it occurs mainly in puppies, in the elderly or in dogs with a compromised immune system. Pneumonia causes a wet cough, fever, depression, rapid breathing, and sometimes a mucous nasal discharge. In the most severe cases, dogs are placed in a sitting position with their heads extended and wrists out in an attempt to increase chest capacity and get more oxygen. Go to the vet as soon as possible.
  • Pleural effusion: involves the accumulation of serum or blood in the chest due to different causes such as heart, liver, kidney problems, pneumonia, trauma or tumors. The effusion puts pressure on the lungs and that is what causes the shortness of breath. That is why the dog adopts the orthopneic posture, standing or sitting and leaving its mouth open. The mucous membranes may have a bluish hue, due to lack of oxygen. It is urgent to go to the vet. A minimum effort or stress could cause a collapse.
  • Congestive heart failure: in this disease the heart is unable to maintain a blood flow that covers all the body's needs. A failure in the heart ends up affecting the rest of the organs. Symptoms that suggest a heart problem are tiredness, decreased physical activity, and cough. As the disease progresses, the dog stops eating, breathes faster than normal and loses weight. Edema, which is a collection of fluid, may occur in the lungs, abdomen, or legs. In the most severe cases, the dog is placed in an orthopneic position, extending the elbows and the head. The mucous membranes will be bluish. You need to go to the vet immediately. If you have noticed a strange coloration in the mucous membranes of your dog, here we leave you more information about the meaning of the coloration of the mucous membranes of dogs.
