Dogs have a very varied body language which is sometimes not properly understood by their guardians. However, the key to a harmonious coexistence between people and dogs depends largely on the correct interpretation of canine gestures and language.
In this article on our site we will explain what it means when a dog lifts its front paw, showing you up to8 different situations in which you can observe it. Each of them will be accompanied by other signals that will indicate more precisely what our dog is trying to say. Keep reading!
Dog body language
As it happens with humans, dogs carry out signals, vocalizations and their own postures that serve to express their desires and moods, in addition to communicating with their peers and with other species, which is known as "calming signals". In this sense, on many occasions people misunderstand the gestures and reactions of their pets, especially when they are compared to human standards, as is the case, for example, when they attribute feelings of guilt to the dog or humanize it.
This not only generates a misrepresentation of what the dog is really trying to express, but also prevents his human companions from understanding what they want, which in the long run creates problems at home and can lead to stressed and aggressive dogs as their basic needs are not met.
If you don't understand many of the things your dog does, it's very possible that you haven't stopped to analyze his behavior or understand the language with which he addresses you. Among these gestures, one of the most curious occurs when dogs raise their front paw Do you want to know what this means? Below we detail all the possibilities!
1. A common behavior in certain races
Some breeds stand out for their amazing ability with their legs, as is the case of the boxer dog, to which many attribute its name precisely to the innate ability to use both legs front in various situations, much more noticeably than in other dog breeds. Another example is the English Pointer, which owes its name to the posture it adopts when it smells its prey, raising its front leg. [1]

two. The Hunting Sequence
When a dog raises its front paw during an excursion, the meaning is clear: your dog is carrying out the hunting sequence. It is very common that we observe it precisely in hunting dogs, such as beagles, pointers and podencos, however, practically any dog can carry it out.
The hunting sequence has several phases: tracking, stalking, chasing, capturing and killing, however, it is when the dog smells its preywhen he lifts his paw. Some signs that accompany this characteristic posture are the stretched tail and the raised snout. You can also do it when looks for a trace in the environment.
3. Curiosity about some smell
Likewise, it is not necessary to be in the middle of nature for our dog to lift its front leg, it is enough for it to find a special smell or trace in the cityto carry out this instinctive behavior. Maybe he's looking for a slice of pizza or trying to follow the piss of a bitch in heat. In this specific case, in addition, the dog can even lick the urine of the other dog to obtain more information about him or her.

3. Invitation to the game
On occasions, we can observe how our dog raises his paw and, right after, makes the posture of invitation to play, extending the two front legs, along with the head down and the tail half raised.
If your dog adopts this position, know that it is the so-called "play bow" and is inviting you to have fun together. You can also dedicate it to other dogs.
Raising the front paw as a synonym for play can also be accompanied by a slight tilt of the head, with which the dog wants to communicate that he is curious about you. It's even possible that his favorite toy is near or you're holding it in your hand, so the dog will put a paw on you to signal you to give it to him, because you want to play with it.

5. Fear, submission or discomfort
Sometimes when two dogs interact and one of them is especially fearful or submissive, the more skittish maylay down and raise paw as a calming signal to end the game or to indicate not to sit down taste. It usually happens when the other dog is especially active, abrupt and even aggressive.

6. Punishment
Another situation that causes the dog to lie down and raise its paw is when has been punished It is important to note that this is not a position of submission, as occurs in the relationship between dogs, since dominance in dogs is intraspecific, that is, it occurs only with members of the same species.
In these cases, in addition to showing his belly and lifting one or both legs, the dog will show his ears back, his tail down and may even remain motionless. In this case the dog tells us that is afraid and wants us to stop scolding him.

7. Request for affection for learning
When the dog lifts its front leg to place it on your hand or knee while looking at you, it means that it wants your attention or you caress him This gesture with the connotation of wanting to caresses can also be accompanied by other signals, such as rubbing the nose of the snout against you and even small soft bites on your hand. There are also dogs that, once they have been petted, repeat thegesture of placing their paw on the hand of their human companion to indicate that they want the cuddles to continue.
Generally It is due to learning, because the dog learns that by carrying out this behavior humans pay attention to it, in addition, we usually reinforce this gesture with caresses and affection, so the dog continues to show it.

8. Dog training and skills
If you've taught your dog to shake, it's likely that he will perform this command on a regular basis when you practice obedience and canine skills exercises with him or when he justfind a reward for it. It is important that we reinforce the dog only when we have requested the order, not when he wants it, since only in this way will we properly strengthen canine obedience.