CREOLIN FOR DOGS - What is it for, how is it used and toxicity

Table of contents:

CREOLIN FOR DOGS - What is it for, how is it used and toxicity
CREOLIN FOR DOGS - What is it for, how is it used and toxicity
Creolin for dogs - What is it for and toxicity
Creolin for dogs - What is it for and toxicity

Creolin is a disinfectant product that manages to clean potentially contaminated rooms of microorganisms. Therefore, although some caregivers use creolin for dogs and apply it directly to them, it is not a product for veterinary use

Applying it to dogs can have fatal consequences for their he alth. It is a cleaning product and its use must be restricted to that function. We explain it in detail in this article on our site about creolin for dogs, what it is for and its toxicity.

What is creolin for dogs?

Creolin is the generic name used to name different disinfectants whose composition will vary depending on the manufacturer, although they are based on phenols. Specifically, it is based on a substance known as creosote, which is a residue produced after the distillation of wood. It is composed of phenol and cresol

In its beginnings, creolin was a commercial brand. It is a natural disinfectant, liquid, dark amber in color and with great disinfecting power, more than bleach, so it is used dissolved in water, according to the manufacturer's instructions. In addition, eliminates bad odours It is recommended to handle it carefully, with gloves and, ideally, a mask and goggles to avoid any splash that could come into contact with the mucous membranes or bare skin.

Creolina, what is it used for in dogs?

Creolin is a disinfectant product that is used for hygiene, but for floors or, in general,rooms such as bathrooms or animal shelters in which the proliferation of microorganisms can occur. To disinfect these places, do the following:

  1. Dissolve the creolin in water.
  2. Spray the mixture on the surface to be cleaned.
  3. Then, a broom is passed to remove the excess or rinsed with plenty of water after letting it act for about 15 minutes.

However, to know how to dilute creolin for dogs at home, you must read the instructions for use, since the Concentration and method of use may vary depending on the chosen brand. It is necessary to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, since improper use could cause poisoning both in dogs and in people or other animals.

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Other uses of creolin for dogs

Creolin can be used both at home and industrially and, in addition to cleaning rooms, it can also act against:

  • Some insects.
  • Fleas.
  • Ticks.
  • Wood protector.

Can you bathe a dog in creolin?

The answer is no Noting its use against insects, which is the one that may interest us most if we live with dogs, we must make it clear that creolin can only be used in enclosures. Never on the dog, as we could cause serious poisoning.

Thus, it is not possible to use creolin for dogs with ticks or fleas. In those cases we could clean the home with creolin but for the dog we would have to look for a veterinary antiparasitic product, such as pipettes or collars for sale in veterinary establishments. In this other article we explain in more detail everything about deworming in dogs.

Another common example is creolin for dogs with mange. If we suspect that our dog suffers from this skin disease, the first thing is to go to the clinic so that the professional can diagnose it and decide on the most appropriate treatment, since there is not a single type of scabies and not all hair loss or skin lesions have to correspond to this pathology.

Creolin for dogs - What is it for and toxicity - Creolin, what is it for in dogs?
Creolin for dogs - What is it for and toxicity - Creolin, what is it for in dogs?

Is creolin toxic to dogs?

The answer is yes Creolin is a substance that presents a high risk of toxicity both for dogs and for people and other animals. Not only can its strong smell be irritating to the respiratory tract, but simple contact with the skin triggers adverse effects that can be serious, such as:

  • Digestive level alterations.
  • Problems in the liver system.
  • Kidney abnormalities.
  • Nervous system failures.
  • Hemolytic anemia.

For all these reasons, you should never apply creolin to dogs. Creolin is a disinfectant for exclusive use on surfaces and always following the manufacturer's recommendations to maintain the safety of all household components.

Creolina to repel dogs

As we have seen, some caregivers misuse creolin for dogs in order to eliminate such common external parasites as fleas or ticks. It is important to insist that adding creolin to the dog, even if it is very diluted, could result in a intoxication with fatal consequences

But there is yet another use that some dog handlers turn to creolin for, and that is as a repellant. In other words, creolin is used to deter dogs, usually to prevent them from urinating in a certain spot. The truth is that, if we want to eliminate the smell of canine urine and prevent the dog from urinating in that place again, creolin is not the best option

If we apply a high concentration or do it in a closed and poorly ventilated space it could be toxic for everyone in the houseHence, we run fewer risks if we dry the urine well, apply a natural product such as vinegar, which eliminates the smell of pee, and dry it. In addition, apple cider vinegar has many other benefits for our pet, as we explain in Benefits of apple cider vinegar for dogs.
