Ibuprofen for Dogs - DOSAGE, TOXICITY and USES

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Ibuprofen for Dogs - DOSAGE, TOXICITY and USES
Ibuprofen for Dogs - DOSAGE, TOXICITY and USES
Ibuprofen for Dogs - Dosage and Uses
Ibuprofen for Dogs - Dosage and Uses

In almost every home you can find ibuprofen, a widely used over-the-counter drug, frequently used in human medicine. This may lead caregivers to think that it is a medicine suitable for offering to a dog without any veterinary control, but the truth is that ibuprofen for dogs is capable of causing poisoning and even death. The reason for this danger is explained below in this article on our site.

Is ibuprofen toxic to dogs?

Ibuprofen is a anti-inflammatory widely used in humans with analgesic and antipyretic propertiesIt is dispensed without a prescription and this conveys the idea that it is harmless and, as it is effective, it is not uncommon for keepers to give it to their dogs assimilating that it has the same effects as in human medicine. But ibuprofen for dogs, unfortunately, can have dire consequences, since this type of drug, administered without any control of the dose, can cause fatal intoxication

The specific problem with ibuprofen is that dogs lack the enzymes needed to metabolize and eliminate it, which can cause ibuprofen and its breakdown products to build up in the body. In addition, dogs are very sensitive to the ulcerating effect of these drugs, which can also cause kidney damage.

In view of these effects, if we think that our dog may need an ibuprofen, what we have to do is contact the veterinarian, first to get a diagnosis and, second, so that, if If necessary, prescribe one of the medications for dogs that exist on the market.

Uses of ibuprofen for dogs

Ibuprofen is a drug that is used to alleviate discomfort and pain that can be caused by multiple causes, so always, before giving any medication, it is essential that we have a diagnosis and this can only be reached by a veterinarian.

Therefore, this drug acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, but the administration of ibuprofen for pain in dogs for prolonged periods of time is not recommended because it usually has secondary effects at the digestive level. This fact, together with the problems that the drug presents for its metabolism by the dog's body, mean that ibuprofen is not recommended for these animals.

Ibuprofen for Dogs - Dosage and Uses - Uses of Ibuprofen for Dogs
Ibuprofen for Dogs - Dosage and Uses - Uses of Ibuprofen for Dogs

What is the dose of ibuprofen for dogs?

For all that we have been explaining, it is rare that, nowadays, a veterinarian prescribes an ibuprofen-based treatment for our dog. If it is done, the dose and administration schedule must be strictly controlled by this professional to avoid risks, since the safety margin in dogs is very low, which means that a single dose a little higher than the marked one could have resulting in poisoning.

Bear in mind that a toxic dose of ibuprofen for dogs will produce symptoms such as abdominal pain, hypersalivation, vomiting and weakness. Ulcers can manifest with vomiting of blood and black stools, corresponding to digested blood. If the amount of ibuprofen ingested is very high, we could be facing a lethal dose of ibuprofen for dogs. Due to this risk, we insist, no one but a veterinarian can decide what dosage a dog can tolerate, although, remember, we have multiple drugs at our disposal that are much safer, more effective and, ultimately, suitable for dogs.

If we suspect that our dog's symptoms are due to an excessive dose of ibuprofen, we should Go to the vet To avoid scares, the best The recommendation is never to give medications to dogs without the authorization of the veterinarian and you must always follow the prescribed dosage. All drugs must be stored out of reach of the dog. Never assume that a drug for our consumption can be administered to animals.

To learn how to identify the symptoms of possible poisoning, don't miss this article: "Poisoning in dogs - Symptoms and first aid".

Dog Medications

It is usual that at home we have a first-aid kit with pharmaceutical products dispensed with or without a prescription. Thus, antibiotics, analgesics or anti-inflammatories are usually present in any home and are a strong temptation for some caregivers who, assimilating the dog's symptoms to their own, can offer them inappropriate drugs without waiting for the advice of the veterinarian.

We have already seen that ibuprofen administered without control can cause intoxication, but we run the same risk if we medicate ourselves with any other drug. Therefore, it is essential that all treatment go through the veterinarian. In the same way that animals suffer from their own diseases that are different from those of humans, antibiotics, analgesics or anti-inflammatories for dogs are manufactured for veterinary use. All of them have been studied to be effective and safe in this species and that is why they are the ones that we must use, we insist, always with a veterinary prescription.

Anti-inflammatories for dogs

It is necessary to administer anti-inflammatory drugs for dogs, designed exclusively to be assimilated by the digestive system of these animals. However, if we cannot go to a veterinarian, we can always consult the following article with natural remedies, until we can visit the specialist: "Natural anti-inflammatories for dogs".
