Can a dog fall in love with a person?

Can a dog fall in love with a person?
Can a dog fall in love with a person?
Can a dog fall in love with a person?
Can a dog fall in love with a person?

Dogs are very social animals that enjoy the company of those who love and care for them. The emotional capacities of the dog in which we include sadness, happiness and the fact of being able to fall in love are well known, but is that love the same as we know?

If you basically wonder if your dog can fall in love with a person, his owner, or a woman the answer is yes Indeed, dogs can feel love, lots of love!

Keep reading this article on Can a dog fall in love with a person? and find out what feelings your dog has towards you.

Expert opinion

Among the dog psychology professionals we find ethologists, veterinarians who have specialized in the behavior of dogs: they are of experts with a high level of training.

Ethologists claim that dogs are capable of feeling emotions (as we mentioned earlier) such as sadness, anxiety, stress, joy and love. What happens is that sometimes they express it in a different way than we are used to and for this reason we are not able to identify it.

Can a dog fall in love with a person? - Expert opinion
Can a dog fall in love with a person? - Expert opinion

What do we mean by love?

The dog is a noble and faithful animal that admires, loves and protects those who show the same to him (even some dogs abused love their owners) because it is an animal with a very big heart.

We do not know to what extent the dog can fall in love with someone or how intense his feelings are in particular. We will have to discover that together with him, our best friend, that is, as long as his love does not pose a problem, as is the case with jealousy.

From our site we recommend that you offer all your love and affection to your pet, whenever you can, for the rest of your life. Your dog will pay you back every minute he spends with you.
