Advantages of having a golden retriever - 5 reasons to adopt it

Advantages of having a golden retriever - 5 reasons to adopt it
Advantages of having a golden retriever - 5 reasons to adopt it
Advantages of owning a golden retriever
Advantages of owning a golden retriever

Today, it is impossible not to know golden retrievers. Very popular in different parts of the world, specimens of this breed have earned a place in our homes thanks to their excellent qualities. It is not only about their bearing or their beauty, they also have an exceptional and balanced character, as well as great intelligence.

In this article on our site we are going to explain all the advantages of having a golden retriever as a companion at home. So, if you are thinking of adopting a dog of this breed or mongrel, regardless of whether it is a puppy, adult or elderly, here are the reasons to do so. Of course! You will also discover if, perhaps, it is better to adopt another dog with other characteristics if it does not fit with your lifestyle. Remember that the most important thing, always, is to guarantee that we can take care of an animal as it deserves.

Basic Characteristics of the Golden Retriever

The first step to discovering the advantages of owning a golden retriever is to know what its basic characteristics are, since they are the ones that will allow us to get an idea of what we can expect from the dog. Thus, its origins must be sought in the United Kingdom in the 19th century. They were waterfowl retriever dogs, although they have been performing a lot of functions, such as company, hunting or assistance. The first golden retrievers were shown on show as early as 1908.

They are calm, kind, not at all aggressive and especially good with children, with whom they are tolerant and patient. They have adapted to life in big cities, being equally happy in country houses. On the other hand, they are very good students when it comes to teaching them both basic commands and more complex commands. In addition, they are capable of establishing good relationships with other dogs and, in general, with other animal species.

As for its physical appearance, the color of its fur stands out, with shades that vary between cream and gold. Hair lightens with age. In addition, they have a dense and waterproof inner layer. They have a relatively long life expectancy for dogs of their size, being able to reach 15 years of life. Other basic data is weight, between 27 and 36 kg, although they tend to be overweight, and height measured at the withers, which ranges between 51 and 61 cm.

Advantages of owning a golden retriever

The characteristics mentioned already give us clues about the possible advantages of living with a dog of this breed or mestizo. Below, we show the main reasons that justify why you should have a golden retriever:

Your character is balanced

The first of the advantages of having a golden retriever that we can highlight is the balanced character shown by the specimens of this breed. The best proof of this is their work as assistance dogs, participating in therapies or making life easier for people with special needs. Obviously, there may be exceptions, but we are referring to the generality.

They are docile dogs, which greatly facilitates handling and coexistence. In addition, they also tend to be affectionate, although at this point we must bear in mind that this affection is bidirectional, that is, they also have a greatneed for affection , something to consider before adopting one.

Remember that these instructions are not only valid for purebred horses. The adoption of golden mestizos is another advantageous option. On the other hand, we always recommend the adoption of adult dogs. Among the advantages of this alternative we can include that they already have a formed character, so we know what the golden that we take home is like. There are no surprises or as much work as taking care of a puppy.

He is a very adaptable dog

If the great advantage of having a golden retriever is its excellent character, no less important is its great capacity for adaptation This means say that we can make a golden happy regardless of what our family is like. It will be comfortable in a home with children or one composed of a single person with both sedentary and active habits.

In the same vein, you can adapt perfectly to life in an apartment or flat, provided, of course, that your basic needs are covered. He will also be very happy in a house with the possibility of enjoying a patio, a garden or a piece of land.

In addition, their adaptability also helps them integrate into a new home when they are adopted. For this reason, we can consider choosing an older specimen with total peace of mind. Even if there are other animals or other animals arrive at home, coexistence usually develops without any problem, whether it is other dogs or different species. They are not at all aggressive, quarrelsome or show a tendency to bite.

He has a high intelligence

In the 1990s, psychologist Stanley Coren drew up a list classifying a number of dog breeds from highest to lowest intelligence. It should be noted that he was referring to intelligence related to the ability to learn commands and obedience.

The golden retriever stands out in an outstanding position number four out of a total of 79. Therefore, we can say that the specimens of this breed have the facility to learn orders with few repetitions and, in addition, they obey them in a high percentage of the times they are asked.

His outstanding intelligence counts as one of the advantages of having a golden retriever and facilitates his training, but it also implies the need to provide him with good mental stimulation so that he does not get bored. A bored dog can manifest this through behavior problems.

Discover the complete list of the most intelligent dogs according to Stanley Coren.

It is the best partner for children

As we have already advanced in reviewing their characteristics, one reason for having a golden retriever is the good relationship they establish with the little ones in the house. Not only if there are children in the home, this advantage means that no problem arises with children visiting the home or meeting them during any outing. In any case, children need to be educated to treat the dog with respect and care and monitor their interactions, just in case.

She owns a fair-sized beauty

The last of the advantages of having a golden retriever that we can highlight is its size. They are big dogs, but not so much as to make handling difficult for most handlers. This allows us to live with them in apartments or houses or have the opportunity to accompany us on outings and trips.

On the other hand, the adoption of large dogs such as the golden should not be ruled out just because of their size, since it is also essential to assess characteristics such as those we have mentioned, which are what facilitate coexistence, regardless of size.

Disadvantages of owning a golden retriever

Although the golden is one of the dogs that best adapts to any situation, not all are advantages for all people. In any case, before mentioning the "disadvantages" we would like to clarify that the correct thing to do when talking about animals, which are living beings with feelings and emotions, is to refer to characteristics or traits that do not coincide with our routines or lifestyle. So, before adopting a golden it is also important, it is a dog that tends to lose a lot of hair, so we will have to spend time to brush his coat to keep it he althy.

On the other hand, remember that we have highlighted as an advantage the fact that they are affectionate dogs that also need attention. This same need for attention and affection from their humans can be a problem for those who don't have as much time. In these cases, we also recommend reconsidering the idea of adopting a dog, since they all require time and affection. Finally, we must also highlight that it is a dog that also needs to receive physical and mental stimulation due to its great intelligence and its predisposition to being overweight. In this other article you will see what to consider before adopting a golden retriever.

When you decide to adopt a dog, whether it is a breed or not, it is essential to value everything in order to offer him the best life possible.
