Advantages of having a Siberian Husky - TOP 10

Advantages of having a Siberian Husky - TOP 10
Advantages of having a Siberian Husky - TOP 10
Advantages of owning a Siberian Husky
Advantages of owning a Siberian Husky

The Siberian husky is possessed of an imposing beauty, with striking blue eyes and an appearance that resembles wolves. But as with all breeds, adopting a Siberian Husky has its pros and cons, or its pros and cons

Logically, for us dog lovers, adopting a dog is synonymous with pure joy, regardless of its breed, sex, age or color. However, it is always important to highlight that giving a decent life to a dog also presupposes responsibilities, a certain economic solvency and availability of time.

When we speak of "disadvantages", in reality, we refer to the aspects that can make the breeding of a certain breed more difficult, either by requiring more detailed maintenance that requires a lot of time from its guardian, for needing a large space to live comfortably, for having a more fragile he alth, or for requiring a special diet or more specific care that implies higher expenses.

In this article on our site we want to talk to you about the advantages of owning a Siberian Husky and some disadvantages that can make keeping them complicated, so you know everything about one of the most popular Russian dog breeds in the world.

Advantages of adopting a Siberian Husky

In this first section, we will talk about the advantages of having a Siberian Husky, that is, about those positive characteristics that give us an idea why it is among the most popular breeds in the world. Let's see the benefits of owning a Siberian Husky:

1. The husky is one of the he althiest dogs

Although their life expectancy is not that high (between 10 and 13 years), "huskies" have remarkable physical resistance and excellent he althCompared to other breeds of its size, the Siberian Husky has a low predisposition to develop most hereditary diseases, thus becoming one of the he althiest dogs.

Of course, there are also some common diseases in the Siberian Husky. To prevent them, it is essential to provide essential care and proper preventive medicine to your best friend.

Advantages of owning a Siberian Husky - 1. The Husky is one of the he althiest dogs
Advantages of owning a Siberian Husky - 1. The Husky is one of the he althiest dogs

two. It can adapt to different climates

As its name suggests, the Siberian Husky is native to one of the coldest regions of Russia: Siberia. His body is prepared to withstand the harsh Russian winters and his beautiful coat is a clear demonstration of this. In addition, these dogs love the snow, so they really enjoy playing in it.

However, one of the interesting things about the Siberian Husky is that they can adapt to different climates and environments. The temperatures in his native Siberia vary radically, so his body must adapt to these climatic variations and his fur undergoes two molts a year Therefore, the Siberian Husky is one of the few Nordic dogs that can adapt to warm and temperate regions.

This contrasts radically with other Nordic breeds, such as the Alaskan malamute, which suffers enormously if kept in a warm or tropical climate.

3. They are very talkative

Another advantage of adopting a Siberian husky is that you will gain a very talkative friend. This canine breed is known for having a very special vocalization ability. As we have already explained to you in other articles on our site, dogs are capable of assimilating around 100 words.

But in addition to that, the husky stands out for having a special ability to make a wide variety of sounds. So much so that many guardians claim that their "huskies" can sing or have long conversations with them. Also noteworthy is its powerful howl, the sound of which can be heard up to 15 kilometers away.

Advantages of having a Siberian Husky - 3. They are very talkative
Advantages of having a Siberian Husky - 3. They are very talkative

4. The husky stands out for having a very special personality

The Siberian Husky is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, so its temperament is somewhat independent We must not forget that, in a land with conditions as adverse as Siberia, only the strongest and most prepared specimens managed to survive.

However, huskies are unique because of their special personalities. In their family nucleus, they are extremely loyal, affectionate and docile, being able to adapt to different types of people and families. In addition, they are usually quite social and, if they undergo an adequate socialization process, they can get along very well with other dogs and animals.

5. Huskies can be excellent companions for children

Historically, the Siberian Husky has accompanied the nomadic Chukchi tribes, who used to migrate from Northeast Asia to the far North of Russia. In addition to helping the men on hunting days, the huskies used to stay with the women and children to protect them from possible attacks by predators.

For this reason, the Siberian Husky displays a great sense of protection in relation to his family and especially children. Logically, like any dog, your husky must be properly trained before playing with the little ones. In addition, it is essential to teach children to respect dogs, understanding them as living and sensitive beings and not as toys.

With proper precautions and teaching, huskies can become excellent friends for children, stimulating their physical and mental development.

Advantages of owning a Siberian Husky - 5. Huskies can be excellent companions for children
Advantages of owning a Siberian Husky - 5. Huskies can be excellent companions for children

Disadvantages of adopting a Siberian Husky

In this second part of our article on the advantages and disadvantages of the Siberian husky, we will talk about the characteristics of this Russian dog breed that more they demand the attention and care of their guardians in their upbringing, to preserve their good he alth and their balanced behavior.

1. The Siberian Husky needs a good dose of daily physical activity

The Siberian Husky is a very active dog that needs a good amount of daily exercise to expend energy, maintain a he althy weight and balanced behavior. He is also a fun dog who won't hesitate to join us on our travels and adventures

And why would this be one of the Siberian Husky's disadvantages? Actually, this is a responsibility that we must consider before adopting a husky. We must be aware that we will need to walk the dog at least 3 times a day, in addition to considering starting it in dog sports such as agility or mushing.

Advantages of having a Siberian Husky - 1. The Siberian Husky needs a good dose of daily physical activity
Advantages of having a Siberian Husky - 1. The Siberian Husky needs a good dose of daily physical activity

two. His beautiful coat requires maintenance

For those who do not have much time, the abundant coat can end up being one of the disadvantages of the Siberian Husky. For excellent maintenance and to avoid dead hairs, it is recommended to brush its coat daily, always using a carding brush.

In addition, we must point out that the Sierian husky moults twice a year. In these periods the dog will lose a little more hair than usual, so it may be necessary to brush twice a day. However, this loss should not be excessive and if you notice that your husky is losing a lot of hair, we advise you to take it to the vet.

3. The husky is known as a walking dog

Huskies are known as "walking dogs", and they can walk for hours and hours, exploring new stimuli around them. Being naturally curious, active, and social, they may be "tempted" to sneak to stimulate their senses and interact with other individuals.

This is why it's so important that you microchip and tag your best friend. Also, in our site we give you some tips to prevent your dog from running away.

Advantages of owning a Siberian Husky - 3. The Husky is known as a walking dog
Advantages of owning a Siberian Husky - 3. The Husky is known as a walking dog

4. Huskies are not dogs to be alone

Although independence is an important trait of their temperament, huskies are not dogs that adapt well to solitude. As we have mentioned, the Siberian Husky used to guard women and children, spending long hours in the company of humans.

Therefore, they adapt optimally to the family routine and love to enjoy the company of their tutors, so they demand attention and time of their owners. Consequently, they are not suitable dogs for those who spend long hours away from home or are looking for more independent dogs.

5. Your education requires knowledge, patience and perseverance

Although they are intelligent and sensitive dogs, we must arm ourselves with patience when training a Siberian Husky. Due to his strong and stubborn personality, this dog can seem somewhat "stubborn" at the time of learning. However, huskies respond very well to positive training, that is, when we use positive reinforcement to stimulate their skills and reward their efforts.

If you are thinking about or have decided to adopt a Siberian Husky, we recommend you study a little about the body language of dogs and learn the basic commands of canine obedience. This knowledge will be key when it comes to educate your best friend and strengthen a bond based on respect and mutual trust.

To help you, on our site, we have summarized 5 training tricks that every owner should know. Also, remember that the education of a dog requires perseverance and patience; your best friend will need your dedication and affection to reveal his full potential
