Can cats eat strawberries? - Expert tips

Can cats eat strawberries? - Expert tips
Can cats eat strawberries? - Expert tips
Can cats eat strawberries?
Can cats eat strawberries?

Our little cats are carnivorous animals that are used to a diet high in protein from animal tissue, not needing substantial amounts of carbohydrates, such as those contained in fruits such as strawberries. For this reason, strawberries are not a recommended food for cats despite their great nutritional value and their degree of moisture, which benefits their urinary system. However, from time to time they can be offered a few pieces of strawberries, always in moderation and never frequently, since their diet must be based on food marketed for cats, since only this is capable of providing them with all the nutrients that they need. they need daily in their correct proportions for the maintenance of their he alth and vitality.

Continue reading this article on our site to find out if cats can eat strawberries and they are good for them, as well as the correct way in which to give them and their contraindications.

Are strawberries good for cats?

Before saying whether or not they are good, strawberries are not on the list of toxic foods for cats, so they can be eatenby small felines without, in principle, harming them or producing intoxication.

This does not mean that they are good in themselves, since cats are not used, designed or adapted to eat foods rich in carbohydrates like strawberries, but in their nature they are strict carnivores like their ancestors and wild cats, which obtain all the micro and macronutrients from the prey that they would hunt in nature, which in our cats is equivalent to feeding feed or animal protein-based wet food, something in which strawberries are extremely far nutritionally speaking.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that cats do not have the ability to taste sweets, so strawberries, as well as other sweet foods such as other fruits, are not usually one of their favorite foods, although some may like them. become interested in and even enjoy small pieces of these foods.

Can cats eat strawberries? - Are strawberries good for cats?
Can cats eat strawberries? - Are strawberries good for cats?

Benefits of strawberries for cats

Strawberries are a fruit with numerous benefits thanks to their nutritional properties. To begin with, they are rich in moisture or water, which greatly favors the kidney and general he alth of our cats, animals that tend to drink little water and have a some dehydration. So one benefit of offering strawberries from time to time as a supplement to their feed or wet cat food is adding extra water to their diet.

The other benefits are provided by the quantity of vitamins and minerals that strawberries have in their composition. Among these main nutrients we can find the following:

  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Tannins
  • Lecithin
  • Pectin
  • Flavonoids (fisetin)
  • Vitamin B9
  • Potassium
  • Manganese

Of these nutrients, it is worth highlighting the contribution of vitamin C that strawberries may contain and the amount of potassium they contain, which is important for reducing blood pressureAnother benefit of strawberries is that they reduce the risk of developing vision problemsrelated to aging and protect from oxidative damage due to the antioxidant content. However, strawberries lack protein, and even less animal tissue, making it a totally unnecessary food for cats because they cannot take full advantage of its nutritional benefits.

How to give my cat strawberries?

If, despite knowing that strawberries are not necessary for your cat's diet, you want to know how he reacts if you offer them, keep in mind that you have to do it slowly and carefully. To start, you need to remove any part of the strawberry other than the fruit itself, i.e. the stem and leaves Then, you must wash it to remove any type of dirt or contaminant harmful to the cat and then break it into small and appetizing pieces and put them on in your cat's usual feeder. If you see that he does not show interest, do not force or encourage him to try them, it will only stress him out.

Contraindications and side effects of strawberries for cats

Strawberries, despite not being a food especially rich in sugar, do have enough for cats, so consumption should be very sporadic if your cat likes strawberries. However, some contraindications of strawberries for cats are:

  • If your cat is overweight or obese.
  • If your cat is diabetic.
  • If your cat has cavities or has had.

Although it is less frequent, some cats can also suffer an allergic reaction after ingestion, manifesting some side effects such as:

  • Urticaria
  • Respiratory distress
  • Cough
  • Wheezing
  • Vomiting
  • Sneezing

Other cats can be affected by diarrhea or loose stools due to its laxative effect, especially if we go too far. It is also important that the leaves do not touch your eyes or nose, as it can cause an allergic contact reaction due to its irritating effects.
