Can DOGS EAT STRAWBERRIES? - Benefits and how to give them

Can DOGS EAT STRAWBERRIES? - Benefits and how to give them
Can DOGS EAT STRAWBERRIES? - Benefits and how to give them
Can dogs eat strawberries?
Can dogs eat strawberries?

The dog's diet should be based on the intake of protein of animal origin and, to a lesser extent, on the consumption of fruits, vegetables and certain cereals to complement your diet and provide the vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc., that you need. Thus, a he althy dog receives nutritional supplements from different food groups, which is not only good for his body, but also allows him to discover new flavors and textures.

When it comes to fruits, some are good for your furry friend and some are not. Strawberries, for example, are one of the most consumed red fruits in the world, due to their pleasant flavor, few calories and great benefits. Do you want to know if dogs can eat strawberries? Then don't miss the next article on our site.

Can dogs eat fruit?

The dog's diet should be based on protein and good fats, but this is not the only thing he should eat. In case of feeding the dog with feed, it is recommended that it be of quality, made with natural products and suitable for human consumption in order to avoid he alth problems and offer the best nutrition to the animal. Likewise, it is good to supplement the diet with natural foods that your dog will love.

Fruits are one of the food groups that dogs can eat. They provide vitamins, minerals, new flavors and are an excellent substitute for prizes or commercial sweets, since they are completely natural foods. Despite this, you should bear in mind that many of them have too high a quantity of sugar for dogs, so you should not abuse their consumption. It is recommended that the intake of fruits and vegetables does not exceed 10-15% of the daily diet, whether it is fed based on feed or if it follows a completely homemade diet.

Not all fruits are recommended for your furry friend, do you want to know if strawberries are good for dogs? Find out below.

Can dogs eat strawberries?

Yes, dogs can eat strawberry, so there is no risk in letting your dog taste this fruit. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)[1], strawberries are not toxic to dogs and they can be safely eaten if they like them.

However, you should not forget that strawberries, like all fruits, are rich in sugar, so you should offer them moderatelyThis means that, as we have mentioned, it is not advisable to exceed 15% of the total diet. Likewise, due to the fact that there are many fruits that dogs can eat, experts in canine nutrition recommend offering a variety of foods every day, so try not to give your dog strawberries every day, in order to provide him with different fruits.

Benefits of strawberries for dogs

It is known that fruits are he althy and more recommended than any other snack or treat, but what nutrients does each one provide? In the case of strawberries, in the United States Department of Agriculture database[2] we see how it is alow calorie fruit , since 100 grams have 32 kcal. Likewise, it is not one of the fruits with the highest amount of sugars, which is why it represents one of the most suitable for dogs. To be more exact, 100 grams of strawberries provide 7.5 grams of sugars.

On the other hand, being 90% water, strawberries are perfect to hydrate dogs, especially during the hottest days. Of course, for this we can also use other types of fruit, such as watermelon or melon, which will allow us to offer that variety of foods that is so important for the dog.

Continuing with the properties and benefits of strawberries for dogs, below we show one of the most important, in addition to those already mentioned:

  • They provide vitamin C, which contains antioxidant properties.
  • Contain vitamin K, which helps strengthen bones.
  • They provide vitamin B1, which is responsible for converting carbohydrates into energy.
  • They provide vitamin B6, a vital element in the formation of red blood cells.
  • They help to delay aging, as they promote cell regeneration.
  • They are rich in fiber.
  • Improve the immune system.
  • They provide minerals such as magnesium and copper.

How to give strawberries to a dog?

Now that you know that your dog can eat strawberries and benefit from all their properties, it's time to discuss how to give strawberries to a dog.

Get fresh strawberries and wash them very well, discarding any bruised or dark parts. Then, remove the leaves that are on top, they are bitter and your dog will not like them. Then, cut the strawberries into pieces and that's it! As you can see, it is a very easy procedure.

Regarding the amount of strawberries that a dog can eat, we have already said that the percentage of fruit is between 10 and 15% of the total daily diet. Thus, depending on the animal's diet, its size, age and activity level, you can give more or less strawberries. However, it is important to introduce any new food gradually and observe the dog's reaction to ensure that he is not allergic or intolerant.

Once again, remember that fruit is a natural snack that should be given in moderation and, always, varying the strawberry with another fruit recommended for dogs, such as mango or banana.

What to avoid when giving strawberries to a dog?

In addition to not abusing the consumption of strawberries, you should not offer it in the form of juice, either homemade or packaged, as the sugar concentrations are higher and would be harmful to your dog.

Similarly, never give your dog chocolate-covered or stuffed strawberries, as it contains theobromine, an alkaloid that dogs they metabolize slowly and can cause he alth problems.

Can dogs eat strawberries? - How to give strawberries to a dog?
Can dogs eat strawberries? - How to give strawberries to a dog?

What other fruits can dogs eat?

Now that you know that dogs can eat strawberries, how to offer them and that it is advisable to vary the fruits, what others can they eat?

  • Can dogs eat apples? Yes!
  • Can dogs eat tangerines? Yes, but in more moderation.
  • Can dogs eat watermelon? Yes, also in moderation.
  • Can dogs eat coconut? Yes!
  • Can dogs eat banana? Yes!

And if what you are interested in is knowing what other natural foods dogs can eat, in the article dedicated to talking about the BARF diet you will find all the information you need. For example, we explain if dogs can eat eggs, which meats are better, which fish, etc.
