Can you give valerian to a dog? We are becoming increasingly aware of the need to treat our pets in the most natural and respectful way possible, since this implies, in most cases, less damage to their body and less alteration in its physiology.
However, we must be clear that the term natural is not always synonymous with innocuous, even less so when we talk about medicinal plants, since these contain one or more active ingredients that interact with our body and are metabolized as if it were a drug.
For medicinal plants to become allies of our pet's he alth, we must use them responsibly. For this reason, can I give valerian to my dog? In this AnimalWised article we answer the question and tell you more about the dose of valerian for dogs and benefits, in addition to clarifying how many drops of valerian can be give to a dog, for example.
Can you give valerian to a dog?
Valerian is a perennial herb whose root is harvested in autumn and it is precisely in the root where we find multiple active ingredients that make this plant one of the best known and most used medicinal herbs.
The main properties of valerian for dogs can be summarized as follows:
- Sedative properties.
- Stimulating properties.
- Hypnotic properties.
- Relaxing properties.
- Hypotensive properties.
- Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Valerian has been the subject of multiple studies and no toxic or side effects have been observed in humans or animals, provided it has been used properly, therefore, yes you can give valerian to your dog.
On the other hand, the benefits of valerian for dogs are as follows:
- Relaxes muscles and decreases pain and spasms.
- Improves insomnia and helps to fall asleep.
- Helps control anxiety and stress, as well as some depressive behaviors and nervous disorders.
- Improves processes based on pain and inflammation, especially those that are internal.
- Helps whet the appetite of dogs with eating problems.
Now that you know that valerian can be given to a dog, we are going to focus on explaining in what cases valerian is good for dogs, that is, when you can give it.
When can a dog be given Valerian?
Treating our pets with natural therapies is always a success, but as we mentioned at the beginning, this decision must be based on knowledge and responsibility. Valerian is an excellent remedy for dogs with:
- Anxiety
- Fears
- Nervousness
- Irritability
- Stress
- Epilepsy
We can also offer valerian to our dog in situations that generate great stress in the dog (travel, use of outdoor fireworks…etc.) as well as for those who suffer from difficulty falling asleep or alterations in the sleep cycle.
You may be interested in taking a look at the following video on 10 signs of stress in dogs, for more information on the subject.
Dose of valerian for dogs
At this point in the article, you probably want to know how many drops of valerian can be given to a dog. There are several methods and recommendations regarding the dose of valerian in dogs but, exactly, the amount of valerian drops for dogs is:
- Unas 5 drops: 3-4 times a day.
- About 10-20% of the human dose.
- Unas 10 drops for small dogs: Yorkshire type.
- Unas 15-20 drops for small-medium dogs: such as Schnauzer or French Poodle.
- Unas 30-40 drops for medium dogs: such as the Bull Terrier or the Spanish Hound.
- Unas 60 drops for large dogs: such as the Siberian Husky or the Bernese Mountain Dog.
If you give valerian to your dog because he suffers from insomnia, you should keep in mind that:
- The first shot: must be done in the afternoon.
- The second shot: at night.
Otherwise, if we were to administer valerian just before bedtime, it could be counterproductive and cause even more insomnia, so an earlier dose is necessary to lower the alert threshold. Since you already know how many drops of valerian I can give my dog, we are going to detail below how to give valerian to dogs.
How can I give my dog valerian?
Currently we can find valerian for dogs in multiple presentations such as capsules, tablets and liquid extract, although where they are best obtained the benefits we have named is from valerian root.
Generally the dry extract is more potent than the liquid extract. However, the administration of valerian in liquid form is much easier for our pets. Therefore, we can offer valerian for dogs in the following ways:
- Valerian Infusion: Depending on the size of the dog, you will need to mix a tablespoon ratio of valerian for dogs with water or food. For example, if it is a small dog it will have to be less than a full glass, if it is medium it can be a glass at most and, if it is large, you can offer it a glass and a half.
- Valerian essential oil: in case our furry friend is nervous, we can place a few drops of valerian essential oil on your chest or neck (where you can't lick yourself) so you can inhale the ingredients and relax.
- Mother tincture: It is based on mixing valerian for dogs with water or another food that your furry companion likes. Even so, we have to consult a professional for the exact dose.
- Valerian pills for dogs: before offering them to your puppy you should consult your veterinarian, who will also indicate the dose exact in this case.
We have already answered the question "can I give valerian to my dog?" although there are still some recommendations and precautions to take into account. Don't miss them, below.

Recommendations of valerian for dogs
If you are going to administer valerian to your dog, it is essential that you take into account the following recommendations since each dog deserves individual attention, Therefore, we recommend you go to the vet if you detect changes in your pet's behavior.
- Keep in mind that anxiety and irritability can mask more serious pathologies.
- Recommendations regarding the dose of valerian in dogs There is no scientific consensus: the best person to evaluate the dose you require your dog is the vet.

Contraindications of valerian for dogs
As for the contraindications of valerian for dogs, we highlight the following two:
- Do not administer to pregnant or lactating bitches: its safety has not been evaluated in this context.
- Do not mix with other medications: valerian is largely safe, but it can interact with some drugs, especially those that act on the system central nervous. In this case, the veterinary supervision of the treatment is especially required
From our site we recommend that you consult your trusted veterinarian whenever you have any doubts.