How to choose a GOOD THINK for DOGS? - Expert tips

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How to choose a GOOD THINK for DOGS? - Expert tips
How to choose a GOOD THINK for DOGS? - Expert tips
How to choose a good dog food?
How to choose a good dog food?

A good diet is essential for the he alth of our dogs. There are several options within our reach, although, due to its ease of use and conservation, feed is the most widespread. However, there is so much variety on the market that it is not always easy to choose one. For this reason, in this article on our site we explain the keys to knowing how to choose a good feed for dogs We review what the types of feed are like and what aspects must be Look to make the best choice.

Types of dog food

In general, we know dog food as the food that is manufactured by subjecting the ingredients to an extrusion process in which they lose their water and result in balls of greater or lesser size, also called croquettes, that can be kept in good condition for long periods of time. But today we can also find feed that, instead of balls, forms pellets, after a cold pressing process, less aggressive with nutrients than extrusion.

However, there are other classifications for feed. The one that interests us the most when it comes to knowing how to choose a good dog food is the one that refers to the quality of the ingredients used. Thus, those that have been called natural and holistic feed are distinguished, which are going to be differentiated by not containing artificial ingredients but top quality raw materials, by extent that they use meat fit for human consumption. This will come from animals that live under certain conditions that guarantee their well-being and there are even organic feed even more demanding with the origin of the raw materials and the absence of pesticides and any artificial additives.

In addition, other types of feed for dogs are becoming very fashionable lately, which are those that do not contain grains They are based on that dogs do not digest these carbohydrates well and replace them with those from legumes, such as peas. In this line, it is also necessary to differentiate the specific feed for dogs with food allergies or intolerances. These are usually made with a single protein and unusual ingredients, as for these disorders it is important to give the dog food that it has not eaten before. For example, you can find feed based on salmon or foal or duck meat accompanied by sweet potato or potato.

Also very important are all the varieties of feed specially formulated for dogs suffering from different diseases, such as kidney failure, liver failure, diabetes, mobility problems, heart problems, urinary problems, etc. In these cases, the feed is considered a fundamental part of the treatment, being more important, in this situation, its effectiveness before the list of ingredients.

Of course, there are also different types of dog food depending on the different characteristics of our dog, for example:

  • Your vital stage: there is food for puppies, adults and seniors, sometimes differentiating older and very old dogs. We can also find feed valid for all ages.
  • Your Activity: For very active or working dogs as opposed to maintenance dogs.
  • Your weight: there are some for obese dogs, overweight dogs or to keep them at the ideal weight.
  • Your size: the dimensions of the kibble can be adapted to the size of the dog, with feed for mini, small, medium, large, or very large.
  • His complexion: we can find ranges for dogs with more athletic shapes or, on the contrary, more robust.
  • Your breed: there are special feeds for dogs depending on their breed, with a croquette shape and a composition adapted to their needs specific, such as the boxer, the French bulldog, the golden, the labrador, etc.

What should a good dog food have?

We have already advanced some necessary keys if you are one of those who wonder how to choose a good dog food. In this section we are going to delve into the ideal composition of dog food As carnivorous animals, the first ingredient has to be animal protein. That is, meat or fish. For this reason, when selecting a feed, in addition to making sure that it is the right range for the characteristics of our dog, we must go to the list of ingredients. The problem is that the legislation allows some components or processes not to be specified as much as we would like. For example, we can find feed made from animal by-products, without knowing exactly what they contain. And even this composition can vary from one bag to another in white range feed, which is of lower quality.

In any case, we must ensure that the first ingredient is meat or fish, better dehydrated, since the one added fresh during the extrusion process will lose the water, reaching the dog, in fact, approximately half of what is declared, unless otherwise indicated. Of course, the feed that contains the highest percentage of meat will be better and quality will increase depending on the origin of that meatAs we have said, not all the information will be reflected in the list of ingredients, but we can check the manufacturer's website or even contact him to answer our questions.

On the other hand, lately there is a tendency to consider grain-free feed to be better. This is largely due to the fact that dogs are considered unable to digest them. But the truth is that many can be part of your diet, although always in a smaller proportion than meat.

The rest of the ingredients will be very variable and we can find legumes such as peas or lentils, vegetables such as carrots or pumpkin, fruits such as apples or blueberries, as well as essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. The important thing is that we understand the composition, that is, that it is about well recognizable natural products and not long lists of artificial additives, such as dyes, They do not provide any nutritional benefit.

Finally, in addition to taking these recommendations into account, it is essential that you observe your dog. The feed you choose not only has to please him, but you should note that he is at his ideal weight, in good he alth, vital, his stools are compact, well-formed and with little odor and he has a he althy and shiny coat. All these factors are indicative that the feed you give your dog is of quality and good for his body. If, on the other hand, the stools are very soft or very hard, their smell is stronger than usual, their hair is not vital, they have gained weight or thinned, etc., you should review their diet and go to the vet.

Where to buy a good dog food?

Now that you know how to choose a good dog food, surely you have an idea of where you can find it. Supermarket feeds or white brands do not usually meet the parameters that we have indicated and many of them have an excess of cereals that lead the dog to need to consume more quantity, also eliminating more stools due to its poor use.

Yes, you can find quality in veterinary clinics and in establishments dedicated to petsboth in physical stores and on the Internet. For example, on the website they only work with natural and holistic food, both dry feed and wet food. In this way, if you are looking for a trustworthy place to buy a good feed for your dog, of quality and with a variety of brands that allow you to choose the one that best suits your companion, you can stop by this online store and consult its catalogue.
