Protection nets for cats, are they necessary? - Tips to choose the best

Protection nets for cats, are they necessary? - Tips to choose the best
Protection nets for cats, are they necessary? - Tips to choose the best
Protection nets for cats, are they necessary?
Protection nets for cats, are they necessary?

Have you ever heard of flying cat syndrome or skydiving cat syndrome? It is the name given to the set of injuries suffered by cats falling from high places, for example, from the second floor of buildings.

Are cat nets necessary on windows and balconies?

The domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) evolved from the wild cat (Felis silvestris) at least 300 years ago, but has retained some characteristics of their ancestor, such as juvenile behavior in adulthood, which makes them playful, brave and more adaptable to different situations and environments. In addition, cats are excellent hunters, with great abilities to jump to high places, better visualizing their prey and delimiting their territory. With these characteristics, the kittens were conquering the hearts of humans over time, being taken to all kinds of places, such as cities, and finally apartments or flats. The number of cats in this type of home is growing every day, which makes them the favorite pet of those who spend a lot of time outdoors. However, some care must be taken when the cat goes to live in a building.

One of the most common accidents with cats in urban areas is falling from high places, such as balconies, windows and roofs. But don't cats always land on their feet, as popular belief says? They can land on their feet most of the time, but the fall will not always be smooth and without consequences Despite having the incredible ability to rotate their dorsal structure in full fall, needing only 30 centimeters of height, other factors can interfere until the animal reaches the ground.

Cats have very sensitive structures in the ear region, called vestibular receptors, which are responsible for the animal's balance. When they are in uncomfortable positions, there is an increase in pressure in the ear region, working as an alarm that sends stimuli to the central nervous system. Electrical signals are sent from the brain to the cat's locomotor system, causing it to turn its head and back, then return it to its balanced position.

When they fall from heights above the second floor of buildings, they suffer a set of injuries known as flying cat syndrome or skydiving cat syndromeThe name was given because, when falling, the cat opens its arms simulating a parachute with its own body, mitigating the effects of the fall. During the journey, it empties its bladder so it doesn't burst when the animal hits the ground.

Unfortunately, even with all this cunning, the cat does a lot of damage when hitting the ground and can suffer jaw fractures, hemorrhages nasal passages, cleft palate, pneumothorax (presence of free air in the pleural cavity), dental fractures, dislocation of the temporomandibular joint, fractures of ribs, vertebrae, extremities, pelvis, dislocation of the elbow joints, abdominal trauma and hematuria (urine with blood).

The survival rate is around 90%, which is high considering the diversity of injuries suffered by the cat. Bleeding and breathing problems are the most common causes of death after a fall. Despite the good rate of recovery of the felines, the ideal is to avoid the accident. So, for those who live with cats in tall buildings, it is best to put protective nets on all windows and balconies, not giving the feline a chance to fall or jump from there.

Protection nets for cats, are they necessary? - Are cat nets necessary on windows and balconies?
Protection nets for cats, are they necessary? - Are cat nets necessary on windows and balconies?

Which protection net for cats to choose?

The most suitable protection net to prevent cats from jumping from high places is the safety net used for children, made in polyethylene, which is similar in strength to steel (plus, some jacks can break nylon ones). Ideally, windows and balconies should be fully protected, leaving no gaps for the cat to pass through, not even its head.

However, the material is not the only thing to consider when choosing the best window cat net. It is very important to take into account the size of the holes in the net, since kittens can fit through very small holes, so protection nets with an opening of 3 by 3 centimeters are recommendedAdult cats can be protected with 5 by 5 centimeter nets, as they are larger and quieter than younger cats.

In addition to safety against falls from a height, cat nets are also very useful for keeping cats out of the street, avoiding contact with sick animals and the dangers of urban areas. If you want your cat to go outside, we recommend getting him used to walking on a leash.

Protection nets for cats, are they necessary? - Which protection net for cats to choose?
Protection nets for cats, are they necessary? - Which protection net for cats to choose?

How much do cat nets cost?

The amount to invest in the safety of your four-legged friend will depend on the size of the windows and the balcony of the apartment. The most suitable protective screens for cats, made of polyethylene, are usually sold by the square meter or pre-established sizes and the prices are very variable. For example, in pet accessory stores you can find nets of about 6 by 3 meters for approximately €20.

How to put a cat net on windows?

Installation must be performed by a professional, as the net must be securely fastened with no gaps between fixing locations. If this option is not available, the ideal is to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Generally, the steps to follow are as follows:

  1. Stretch the net completely to check that it occupies the entire window or balcony.
  2. Place spikes in the corners to fix the net. If the space to cover is very large, you will have to place more spikes so that the net is well fixed.
  3. Tie the net to each hook.
  4. Just seal the spikes to prevent the cat from pulling the net out with its paws.

How to prevent the cat from jumping out the window?

The only way to prevent the cat from jumping out the window is to keep it permanently closed or to put up protective nets. Despite being very intelligent, the cat will not understand that it cannot climb windows and balconies if you try to teach it, and it will always be attracted to higher places because it is a born hunter and likes to watch his territory.

Now that you know that protecting your home from cats is the best option to guarantee its safety, we also recommend this other article in which we explain why cats like high places.
