What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it? - TOP 5 with photos

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What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it? - TOP 5 with photos
What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it? - TOP 5 with photos
What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it?
What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it?

In the animal world we find various species that have been characterized by their impressive size. Thus, for example, in the terrestrial environment, within the extinct dinosaurs, there were huge individuals, but currently the elephants are the leaders in this regard. Certain animals of immense sizes also live in the marine environment today and are grouped in the cetaceans, the marine mammals.

There are various types of marine mammals, one of them being the whales, where we find the largest aquatic animal in the world. Now, Which is the biggest whale in the world? How big is? In this article on our site we talk about it and show the 5 largest whales that currently exist

Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), the largest in the world

Sometimes establishing an adjective in the animal world is not entirely easy, however, there is consensus that the largest whale in the world is the blue , but also, is the biggest animal that ever lived. This is a cosmopolitan species, present in all oceans globally, both tropical and polar, although it is not found in certain local maritime areas, such as the Mediterranean and Bering seas.

The blue whale has several subspecies, although there are no details about how many exist. However, there is no doubt that it is a majestic animal, with a slate or greyish-blue coloration, with certain lighter spots towards the dorsal area. In the ventral region it tends to be yellowish, but it is associated with the presence of certain microorganisms that attach to the skin.

How big is the blue whale?

If you wonder how big the world's largest whale is, that is, the blue whale, you should know that sizes greater than 30 meters in length have been reported , however, scientists doubt them because there is no proper record. Females are larger than males and, in general, their average length is about 27 m, while in males it is 25 m. In relation to weight, how much does the blue whale weigh? The figure is from 100 tons Their main food is krill, they have gestation periods between 11 to 12 months, they are generally migratory and estimates a longevity around 80-90 years

Although mass hunting of these cetaceans has been prohibited for years, and reports indicate that the last deliberate catches were made in the late 1970s, is currently classified endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with a growing population trend. The greatest threat to these whales is coalitions with maritime vessels.

What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it? - Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), the largest in the world
What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it? - Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), the largest in the world

Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)

This is the second largest whale in the world and is also known as a "fin whale". Three subspecies are provisionally distinguished. The whale is distributed throughout the world, mainly towards temperate and subtropical waters, although it also has a certain presence in the tropics, and tends to migrate to the poles in summer.

How long is the fin whale?

The average size of fin whales is about 20 meters, with weights ranging from50 tons or more. Northern individuals tend to be larger than those located to the south. There is usually no sexual dimorphism in terms of size, so both males and females reach similar dimensions and weights. The color of the back is grayish brown, while the ventral region is white. It has a distinctive white or light color on the right side of the lower jaw, but the left side is dark.

These whales have a gestation period of about 11 months, live around 75 years and are highly sociable whales with migratory habits. The IUCN has classified it as vulnerable, although with a rising population trend. Hunting was one of the main effects, but it has stopped. However, accidents with boats are still present, as well as entanglements in fishing nets.

What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it? - Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it? - Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)

Greenland Whale (Balaena mysticetus)

Within the group of large whales we find the Greenland or boreal whale, which we can place in third place on the list. It previously had a wider distribution, but is restricted to arctic and subarctic areas only, with seasonal migrations in the winter to avoid becoming encircled by ice.

How big is the Greenland whale?

Females are larger than males, with size ranges between 16 and 18 meters, while males measure 14 at 17m Weights vary 75 to 100 tonsAs for the characteristic color of this animal, we have that its body is generally black with a lower jaw that has white spots. It is a filter feeder, like all baleen whales, it has a gestation period of around 16 months and a life expectancy of between 60 and 70 years

Currently considered Least Concern by the IUCN, however, the species is divided into four subpopulations and some have independent assessments. Centuries ago hunting was excessive, now ship accidents, oil extraction and the effects of long-term climate change are among the concerns related to this whale.

What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it? - Bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus)
What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it? - Bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus)

Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis)

The southern right whale is one of the three species of the genus and is also part of the list of the largest whales in the world. However, it is important to note that North Pacific right whales (Eubalaena japonica) are similar sizes, so perfectly both could be in this fourth position.

How big is the southern right whale?

This species has a circumpolar distribution range towards the southern hemisphere and avoids warm waters. The average size is between 16 and 18 meters, so it is similar to Greenland in this regard. Males become slightly smaller than females. The average weight is about 50 tons, considerably less than the previous whale, which is why the Greenland whale is considered larger. Continuing with its most outstanding characteristics, the southern right whale has a uniform dark color throughout the body, with the presence of white calluses on the head that correspond to a unique pattern in each individual.

Gestation lasts approximately one year, feeding is based on plankton and tends to migrate to the south of its distribution region in summer where there is more abundance of food. It is classified as least concern, although there are certain threats that can harm it. The aspects that affect the species are collisions with boats, entanglement in fishing nets and in some regions where a large number of Kelp Gulls (Larus dominicanus) congregate, they tear pieces of skin from these whales, causing injuries to the calves that can lead to death.

What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it? - Southern right whale (Eubalaena australis)
What is the largest whale in the world and how tall is it? - Southern right whale (Eubalaena australis)

Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

Although this list could be longer and there may even be certain differences in terms of position because there are other whales of immense size, such as the gray whale, which can measure up to 15 meters, in In fifth place we place the humpback whale, of which three subspecies are recognized and has a cosmopolitan distribution range, from cold to tropical waters.

Before continuing with the measurements of the humpback whale, we would like to comment that the list presented corresponds to the group of baleen whales, however, within the group of so-called toothed whales we findsperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) or sperm whale, which is the largest of the odontocetes, since it can measure around 18 meters and weigh around 45 tons. Therefore, taking this into account, perfectly both whales could occupy the fifth place

How big is the humpback whale?

The females reach larger sizes than the males, being between 16 and 18 meters, while the males are around the 16. In terms of weight, they have about 40 tons of mass. This whale has an obvious hump, the dorsal color is black, both the head and the lower jaw have characteristic protuberances and the caudal fin, which is typically long, can be white.

It has a gestation period of about 11 months and a long lifespan that, on average, is about 70 years It is habit social and follows a general diet based on surface plankton. It is considered to be of Least Concern, as its hunting is prohibited and has decreased significantly, although it is still done to some extent in some regions. Entanglements in meshes and boat accidents are causes of damage.
