Breton Spaniel - Character, care and education

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Breton Spaniel - Character, care and education
Breton Spaniel - Character, care and education
Brittany Spaniel
Brittany Spaniel

The Breton Spaniel, also known by its French name "Epagneul Breton", is the smallest of the French Pointing Dogs. Despite its small size, this dog breed surprises with its vitality and energy, since we are talking about a particularly agile dog with a privileged sense of smell.

The Breton is a pointer dog that has traditionally excelled as a hunting dog throughout its history in central Brittany. Currently it is also considered an excellent companion dog, which also stands out in various canine sports, such as agility.

In this file on our site we will talk in detail about the Breton spaniel or Breton epagneul, detailing its origin, most notable physical characteristics, usual character of the breed, care and he alth problems most frequent. Read on to find out all about this little French Pointing Dog, it will captivate you!

Origin of the Breton Spaniel

The Breton spaniel belongs to the French dog breeds, as it is native to the Brittany region, hence its original name is épagneul breton. In French " epagneul " would mean crouching or crouching, something that these animals do with great perfection in their sample work

It is one of the oldest spaniel breeds, which is demonstrated by the fact that in 1907 the first breed standard had already been established in Nantes, and thewas founded in the same year. Club del Epagneul Bretón Natural short tail. That is to say, at first the breed was called short-tailed Breton epagneul, but the adjective that refers to the length of the tail ended up being lost, being reduced to Breton spaniel. The breed was recognized on May 31, 1907 by the Central Canine Society.

The breed arose from the crossbreeding of different breeds of spaniels, such as setters or English springers There is evidence that the first litter in which What we know today as the Breton Spaniel was obtained. It was born in the 90s of the 19th century. The birth was Fougères, a French town, more specifically it happened in the house of the French Viscount Du Pontavice, who was a great breeder of setters and a lover of hunting.

The litter was obtained by hybridizing a female British setter with aFrench spaniel, her puppies noted for their ability to tracking and searching for prey. These qualities made them highly valued hunting companions in the region, with the breed spreading throughout France throughout the 20th century.

Characteristics of the Breton Spaniel

Bretons are medium-sized dogs, presenting a weight range between 15 and 18 kilograms, being able to reach 20 in the case of specimens somewhat larger than usual. The height at the withers oscillates between between 44.45 and 52.07 cm, with females normally being smaller than males. The National Cinological Federation collects them in group 7: continental pointing dogs.

The body of the Brittany spaniel is compact and robust, the length of the height at the withers will be the same as the length of the shoulder blade. ischial That is, its body has the same proportions as if it were a square. The back is straight and short, with a loin that is also short and wide. Both the limbs and the back are muscular and flexible, the legs are wide and the rear ones are somewhat longer than the front ones. Its tail is set high, there are specimens that are born without it, it is usually hanging or horizontal.

The head, as well as the profile, is round. A key feature in the Brittany Spaniel is that the skull is longer than its nasal cane, which is rectilinear, always in a 3:2 ratio. The snout has a stop, which although it is not drastic if it is quite noticeable, ends in a wide nose with open holes, the color of which will vary depending on the color of the fur. The ears are, like the tail, set high, wide and short, triangular in shape, but their ends are rounded, which makes them keep the harmony of the facial complex. The eyes are oval, oblique and preferably dark in color, which will harmonize with the color of the coat, giving them a sweet look that conveys the sagacity of these dogs.

The Bretons' coat is very fine and can be either straight or slightly wavy. They have shorter hair on the head and back, but this is long on the tail, and the extremities, which, together with the belly, have a dense fringeRegarding colors, a wide range is accepted, without solid colors being accepted. This means that they have to present at least two colors, three in case they show fire-colored spots in addition to the other two. The most frequent combinations are: black and white, white and brown , or white and orange. Accepted patterns are peep or roan.

Breton Spaniel Character

In general, the character of the Breton Spaniel stands out for being very flexible, that is, it adapts easily to all types of of environments and families. It is capable of developing perfectly both in a rural environment and in the urban core. Of course, is a very active dog that needs to release energy on a daily basis through walks, games, exercise and mental stimulation.

Given its intelligence, we also find ourselves before an attentive and insightful dog, which makes education and training remarkably easy for him. Thanks to this we can achieve, not only a fantastic coexistence, but also the perfect dog for various dog sports, the realization of canine skills and coexistence at home. He is also a very attached race, who loves spending time with his family and receiving attention from them

If we have children or receive visits from children with some frequency, it is worth mentioning the extreme tenderness and sociability that the Breton dog will show, as well as with other animals, as long as we have paid attention to the socialization of the puppy. Likewise, he is also a cheerful and sociable dog with strangers, which is why he has never excelled as a guard dog.

Breton spaniel care

Regarding the care of the Brittany Spaniel, we must know that we are dealing with a breed that is easy to maintain. The Brittany Spaniel will need regular brushings to keep his coat in good condition, free of dirt, dead hair or tangles. With two or three weekly brushings will suffice. As for the bath, we can do it every one or three months, depending on the accumulation of dirt. We remember the importance of using a specific shampoo for dogs, in no case soap for human use.

Being very vital and dynamic dogs, they need long walks that include relaxation time in which they can sniff and relieve themselves, as well as games and physical activity The ideal is to offer a minimum of three walks a day of between thirty minutes and at least one hour. Having at least fifteen minutes off the leash is also highly recommended. A good option for the breed is smelling games, which stimulate one of its most privileged senses, since it will greatly enjoy those activities that involve olfactory enrichment. A good idea is, if we have children, to bet on joint activities, which will delight the little ones and our dog at the same time.

If our Brittany Spaniel goes for a walk or exercises in rural areas it will be necessary to check his paws and pads to detect possible wounds or foreign objects, such as spikes or splinters, which can trigger a dangerous infection. We will also check its coat, in order to discover if any tick or flea has parasitized it. The sooner we eliminate them, the better, since these parasites can spread quite serious diseases, so it is advisable to protect our pets with the use of repellents, pipettes or antiparasitic collars.

Breton Spaniel Education

Being dogs of great capacity and intelligence, their training will be relatively simple. We will always use positive reinforcement, since it allows the dog to assimilate a behavior more easily and encourages it to repeat it again. It also improves the bond with the caregiver and balanced behavior in general.

Before your arrival at the home, together with the whole family unit, we will establish the basic rules, this way it will be easier for you to the dog can assimilate them. We talk about the walk routine, meal times, the dog's access to certain places, such as the sofa, where he will sleep, etc. Likewise, we will inform ourselves to teach him to urinate in the newspaper and, later, teach him to urinate in the street. Another very important aspect of puppy training will be teaching him to manage the bite, which can sometimes be too strong.

Later on, in his youth, we will teach the dog the basic commands for dogs, such as sit, lie down, come here or stay stillAll of them are essential for good communication and for your own safety. Once they are fully learned and fixed, we will proceed to teach more advanced commands, canine skills, dog sports, etc. In the event of complications or the appearance of behavior problems, it is advisable to go to a professional canine educator.

He alth of the Breton Spaniel

As is the case with most dog breeds, the Brittany Spaniel is susceptible to certain hereditary diseases, as is the case of hip dysplasia. For this reason, we must pay attention to your family history whenever possible, to be alert and detect the appearance of this or any other pathology in time. We also recommend carrying out periodic veterinary check-ups 6 or 12 months. Also, and especially in humid climates, we have to keep their ears clean and carry out checks both at home and at the veterinary office, since due to the morphology of their ears may be prone to otitis.

On the other hand, it is very important to put the microchip on our Brittany spaniel, follow the vaccination schedule and carry out regular deworming, both internal as external. With all this, the life expectancy of the Brittany Spaniel is between 14 and 16 years

Photos of Breton Spaniel
