Welcome an animal means taking responsibility for its needs and well-being. For this reason, we must be clear about how many years he will remain by our side, which, if all goes well, will be many. That is why, if we are not going to be able to take care of our animal, we should think twice before having this responsibility.
Cats are particularly long-lived animals. Currently, and thanks to vaccination, high-quality feed and the proximity of the veterinarian, that age has increased significantly. Do you want to know how long a cat lives? In this article on our site we will discover the average life expectancy of a cat, as well as some tips and tricks to extend the life of our pets.
How long does a domestic cat live?
As we have mentioned before, there are factors that can drastically increase or reduce the life expectancy of a cat. Among them, we find:
- The type of food that our pet receives: a he althy, balanced diet appropriate to their particular needs (age, breed, possible pathologies, etc.) will directly determine how long a cat's life lasts.
- Exposure to food poisoning, infections or possible illnesses.
- Possible domestic accidents: cats are curious animals by nature, so we must be especially careful with windows, landings or places a little dangerous for our pet.
In general, we can estimate that a cat lives between 15 and 20 years However, differences are sometimes observed depending on the breed or whether it is a mongrel cat. Thus, how long a common European cat lives can vary compared to other feline breeds. You can discover the life expectancy of the Siamese cat or the Persian cat in their respective tabs on our site.
However, we cannot say exactly how long a cat lives. In some cases, you may suffer from a pathology that causes your death; in others, to have a long and happy life that exceeds 20 years. Each cat is unique and so is its life expectancy, so the question "how long do cats live" is a bit subjective.

How long does a stray cat live?
As we have mentioned, although answering how long cats live can be confusing, it is true that an animal's environment directly influences its life expectancy. The life of a stray cat is very conditioned by the weather conditions of the city in which it lives, or whether or not it belongs to acat community controlled and supervised by an animal shelter.
Stray cats usually live in colonies, that is, in groups of several cats located in a specific territory, normally close to sources of food and water. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), a stray cat's life is influenced by:
- Extreme weather conditions: with temperatures that can drop below 0 degrees Celsius in certain areas.
- Unstable food and water sources: exposing them to dehydration and starvation.
- Exposure to parasites and infections: Sadly, nearly 50% of feral kittens die within their first year of life. We tell you more about Parasites in cats: symptoms, treatment and contagion in the following article on our site.
In these cases, the animal protectors are usually in charge of capturing, neutering and deworming the members of the colony to keep it under control. However, this task can also be carried out by citizens with the help of their local council.
City councils usually apply the so-called CER (Capture, Sterilization and Return) model for stray cats. As citizens, it is important not to feed cats outside the areas authorized by the authorities and, above all, not to abandon your pets.
Whether it is within a controlled colony or not, the truth is that the life expectancy of a stray cat ranges between 3 and 6 years, compared to that of the domestic cat, between 15 and 20 years old.
Maybe now you are wondering if you can feed stray cats? So we bring you the following article to find out. Also, don't miss this video about the stray cat colonies.
How to increase the longevity of a domestic cat?
Now that you know how long a domestic and street cat lasts, you are probably wondering if there is the possibility of extending its life expectancy. Although there is no magic remedy to help our cat live longer, it is true that the care and quality of life we provide have a lot to do with it.
Among the care that we must provide our cat, we will fundamentally emphasize offering it a food that must be of quality and according to its nutritional needs. In case of doubt, it is always best to consult a veterinarian, especially when they get older, since cats often need a specific feed for possible heart disease, allergies, etc.
Regarding the feeding amounts, it is important to find out before overfeeding our pet and causing obesity in the cat, a very damaging disease that reduces their life expectancy, especially in older specimens.
In addition, it is important to offer our felines wet food rations, since, in general, cats drink little water and need an additional source of hydration. Cats love this type of food.
He alth
We will also have to be attentive to our cat's he alth and go to the vet in case of any symptoms of illness. Some of the most common diseases in cats are:
- Allergy
- Bronchopneumonia
- Flu
- Otitis
- Conjunctivitis
- Waterfalls
- Bad digestion
You can prevent the onset of serious diseases by vaccinating your cat and restricting its access to the outside. If, on the other hand, we want him to leave and enter the house freely, we will implant a location chip.
Finally, we will have to provide constant hygiene to the cat's objects including bed, feeders, sandbox, toys… And very important: we must change the water very regularlyHaving a he althy and clean environment also influences the life expectancy of a cat.
Education & Activity
Likewise, the cat is an animal that requires attention and affection from its keepers to be well socialized, in addition to a physical and mental stimulationdaily, essential components in your routine to prevent behavioral and overweight problems.
With only 20 minutes a day of games and exercises we will be able to have a he althy and exercised animal and extend the life of a cat to the maximum. After having consulted this entire article on how long a cat lasts, we will tell you how to socialize a puppy cat? in this post.