If at any time we have to take care of a pregnant dog, the most normal thing is that we are assailed by doubts about the care that she needs. From feeding to deworming, through hygiene or daily exercise, even the most daily activities become a source of questions when the dog we care for is pregnant. Our veterinarian will be the professional in charge of resolving all these issues. In this article on our site we approach a common question in many queries: Can a pregnant dog be bathed? Keep reading and we'll tell you!
Basic care of a pregnant dog
A dog's pregnancy lasts approximately 63 days, with an oscillation between 56 and 66, that is, let's calculate about two months. Although a normal pregnancy allows the bitch to maintain her routine, the following considerations must be taken into account:
- Veterinary checks: As soon as we suspect that our dog is pregnant, we should go to our referral clinic, as it will be our veterinarian who will provide us with the guidelines to follow, also marking the necessary veterinary check-ups. These generally include a first visit to confirm the pregnancy by ultrasound and/or abdominal palpation and a last one, close to the probable date of delivery, to make sure everything is correct.
- Feeding: once the pregnancy is confirmed, we must feed our dog with a special feed for puppies, as it is the most suitable for cover their food needs during this period and the one that will follow during lactation.
- Deworming: It is advisable to deworm our bitch shortly before giving birth and, together with her puppies, while nursing. This practice will reduce the puppies' exposure to eggs that could be deposited in the environment. During this period, not all antiparasitics are safe, so we should only use those recommended by our veterinarian.
- Exercise: our dog will be able to lead a completely normal life, going on her usual outings and walks. We only have to prevent her from making big jumps or rough games with other dogs, because she could get hurt
- Precautions: before applying or administering any product to our pregnant dog, we must consult the veterinarian, since during pregnancy, substances such as those that have antiparasitic collars, pipettes or shampoos in their composition can be harmful as they are able to reach the puppies.
This last point of caution ties in with our initial question about whether we can bathe a pregnant dog. Let's see the answer.

The bathroom in the pregnant dog
The dog should continue with her routine, and this includes bathing as often as she is used to, so yes, you can bathe a dog pregnant, although we must observe the following precautions:
- Make sure that the bathtub or the place where we bathe it has a non-slip surface to prevent falls and bumps. We can use bath mats or even a simple folded towel.
- Always use a shampoo approved by our veterinarian, since, as we have said, some components could be toxic, especially in the case of shampoos with insecticides used to deworm. In this way, if you wonder what soap to bathe your pregnant dog with, don't hesitate to ask the specialist who monitors your dog.
- Handle the dog carefully, without pressure or sudden movements in the abdominal area.
- If she is breathing hard, she is uncomfortable, anxious or continually tries to get out of the bath, we should not continue washing. Stress is harmful.
And, while bathing is suitable for most pregnant bitches, there are circumstances in which it is not recommended, as may be the following:
- At the end of the pregnancy: this is a time when the dog needs peace of mind to search for her "nest". Unless bathing is a relaxing activity for her, it's best not to stress her out.
- Dogs that do not tolerate bathing: all those that become very nervous, restless, frightened or insistently try to escape from the bathtub should not be washed during pregnancy to avoid a non-beneficial stress situation during gestation. We can replace baths with more frequent brushings, if you tolerate them better or, in cases where it gets dirty considerably, you could use wipes or, if possible, wash only the stained area.

Can you bathe a pregnant dog with temal or amitraz?
As we have been saying, there are certain substances that are harmful during pregnancy The matter and amitraz are among them. Both are antiparasitic for topical use used against fleas, ticks and lice and that, in a small percentage, are absorbed through the skin and, in this way, can affect puppies in formation, causing teratogenic effects (malformations) or even abortions. Therefore, and although it is possible to bathe a pregnant dog, we can never do it with a product that has not been recommended by our veterinarian with the certainty that its use is safe during our dog's pregnancy. During lactation, precautions must be maintained, as these and other substances can also reach the milk. In this way, it is not recommended to bathe a pregnant dog with temal or amitraz, unless the veterinarian so indicates.