There is a widespread belief in the cat world that cats are not very fond of water. While it is true that most do not like it, it is also true that if we get used to it from a young age we can carry out this task without problems. Now, At what age can a cat take a bath? How to bathe a baby cat?
If we have a cat, especially if we have had it since it was just a baby, surely we have wondered on more than one occasion if it can be bathed when it is a puppy. In this sense, there are different positions, as there are specialists who consider that if the bath is done properly it can be done at a relatively early age, while others advise against it completely. Likewise, if we have just found a litter of newborn kittens without a mother, it is also normal for us to wonder if you can bathe newborn cats or not That's why, in this article on our site, we are going to answer all these questions and more.
Should a cat be bathed?
Cat grooming is as important as sleeping and eating. They normally do it alone, with their tongues, and they help themselves with their legs, moistening them with their tongues to serve as a sponge. Also it is recommended to brush them to remove dead hair, as it benefits the condition of the skin, prevents the formation of hairballs and is a pleasant moment for cats that they are affectionate
For baths and brushing, it is better to accustom them when they are small and gradually, without subjecting them to force. Sometimes, we see that they come and go as if it were a game, something positive. We can also, after a brushing session or a bath, finish with caresses and games, in this way we will reduce stress.
So, Is it good to give a cat a bath? The answer is yes, especially if it is a feline with access to the outdoors. Next, we will see at what age a cat can be bathed, how to do it and how often.
At what age can a cat take a bath?
The specific age at which baths can begin is very relative, although it is recommended to avoid baths in small kittens except for reasons of force majeure. Thus, you can bathe a baby cat from 2-3 months old, being 6 months the ideal age, which is when it has already been dewormed and vaccinated. In these cases, precautions will be taken using products (brush, shampoo…) for specific use in kittens, drying them very well with a soft towel, making sure that they do not get wet due to the high risk of colds and taking care that shampoo does not get into the eyes, ears, mouth and the head in general.

Can a newborn cat be bathed?
Bathing a newborn cat is not an ideal situation, but in certain circumstances it is possible to do it. What situations are these?
- If we have found an abandoned newborn kitten or without a mother.
- If the newborn kitten is very dirty for reasons other than delivery. If the dirt is caused by childbirth, we will not bathe it, since it will be the mother who is in charge of cleaning it.
- If our veterinarian so indicates.
Under normal conditions, bathing newborn cats is not recommended. In this way, if your cat has just given birth and you consider that both her and her kittens are not as clean as you would like, leave them, the new mother will wash her little ones and herself.
Can a 1-month-old cat be bathed?
1 month of age is still a short amount of time to bathe a kitten. For this reason, we only advise bathing a 1-year-old cat in the situations mentioned above.
How to bathe a newborn cat?
As we have mentioned, bathing newborn cats is very common when we find orphaned kittens but, we warn you, it will not be an easy task. We must do it to avoid infections in her skin and, perhaps, because it is a fundamental task of the mother at the time of her birth.
The steps to follow to bathe newborn cats are as follows:
- Open the tap where we are going to bathe them until they reach a lukewarm temperature, almost pleasant to our hands. They think their normal body temperature is between 38.5 ºC and 39 ºC, and we want this experience to be pleasant for them. Use a thermometer if necessary.
- With one hand hold the little one and with the other wet its hindquarters, always from the back to the front. It is very important not to place the kitten right under the tap, since this can cause a lot of stress in him and even develop a trauma, which would bring many unwanted physiological consequences. It is essential to act with great delicacy and patience, making the bath a positive experience.
- Put 2 or 3 drops of Shampoo for kittens on your fingers and rub carefully to remove traces of pee and feces that they may have stuck.
- Rinse the kitten as before, without putting it directly under the tap, and then dry it with a softtowel. Drying is essential, so we cannot allow the kitten to remain wet, since, due to its still weak immune system, it could catch a cold. Consult the following article to discover all the information related to the cold: "Cold in cats - Symptoms and treatment".
Don't forget that newborn kittens cannot use aggressive or antiparasitic soaps due to the strong impact they would have on their he alth. You should only wash it when it is really dirty. Consult your veterinarian whenever you have doubts.
You can repeat this process to eliminate odors and try to be as compatible as possible with a "mama cat" who sanitizes them several times a day. You can also use wet wipes for the same purpose.
How to bathe a baby cat?
If the kitten is not a newborn, but we have been able to wait for the ideal age to perform the cat's first bath, the steps to follow will be slightly different from the previous ones. Thus, once the first question has been resolved, when to bathe a cat for the first time, which we have already mentioned is at 6 months, let's go with theprocess :
- First, we need to calm down our kitten if he is very upset. To do this, we can use games and caresses to relax. It is essential that the animal is as calm as possible, since, otherwise, it will associate the bath with negative stimuli and it will always be very difficult for us to carry out the task.
- Brushing the hair before bathing is always a good idea to promote this relaxed atmosphere that interests us so much, especially in specimens of long hair
- Filling a bathtub or container with warm water will be the next step and, if possible, the bottom should be non-slip, so the cat will be less overwhelmed. We should never bathe a baby or adult cat with cold or very hot water.
- We gently introduce the kitten into the bathtub, wetting it little by little. Patience is our best ally when it comes to bathing the kitten, since if we force him to do something he doesn't want, he will most likely escape or try to attack us.
- Apply the shampoo carefully, concentrating on the dirtiest areas and massaging gently and pleasantly. Then, we rinse it with the same delicacy.
- For drying, we recommend using a towel and not making sudden movements or excessive pressure on the skin. In case of using a hair dryer, it is possible that our cat will get scared, although it is a good way to ensure that he has been completely dry

How often should a cat be bathed?
Cats are extremely neat animals, surely we have seen firsthand how they spend hours and hours grooming themselves and taking care of their fur with care. For this reason, in general, cats do not need continuous baths These baths must be limited to special situations, such as mud, feces, sick and the veterinarian recommends it, that they are of a breed with oily fur or that they are in the period of shedding, especially in long-haired breeds, and thus eliminate excess hair that does not go away with brushing.
So, how many times should cats be bathed? The frequency varies considerably between some breeds and others For example, sphynx cats need more baths to keep their skin he althy, while Europeans usually don't. The frequency of bathing is also higher in long-haired breeds such as Persian cats.
How to bathe an aggressive cat or one that won't let go?
When we decide to bathe our cat and we already have everything we need ready, we may find that our pet is not willing to let us bathe him. For this reason, it is recommended that if our cat is not used to it or if we know that it does not like to bathe, we do the bath between two people, in case it stirs or escape.
In addition, a lot of patience and delicacy will be necessary, we must avoid getting desperate and we must treat him with affection, caressing him and talking to him affectionately in order to reassure him. As for the moment of putting it in the water, this is usually the most complicated, so it must be done calmly, wetting it little by little If we see that it is impossible wet it, we can resort to dry baths, but we will never put the cat in the shower directly and subjecting it to force, this is totally counterproductive. Once the bath is over we can reward them with a sweet as a reward.
The use of synthetic pheromones in the form of a diffuser is also a recommended practice to promote a relaxed atmosphere and get the cat to let let's bathe him.
Can you dry clean a cat?
Yes Although many cats have already become accustomed to water, there are even felines that love to bathe, it is not the most common. For this reason, when our cat does not accept bathing, becomes stressed and becomes extremely nervous and even aggressive, it may be a good idea to resort to alternative methods such as dry baths. These baths are made with a special washing foaml which, combined with an exhaustive brushing, will leave our feline clean and tidy. Today we find dry shampoos for cats on the market, very useful for cases of little dirt but that require washing, for cats with a phobia of water or for kittens that do not allow themselves to be bathed in any way. You will find all the information in the following article: "What should I do to clean a cat without bathing it?".

Products for bathing a baby or newborn cat
There are multiple products on the market designed for each type of coat, as well as for sensitive or reactive skin. To use them, we will follow the manufacturer's recommendations, as well as those of our veterinarian or feline groomer. When we talk about baby or newborn cats, it is essential to know that we must use a shampoo designed for puppies, since it protects their skin much better. Once they reach adulthood, we will have to buy a shampoo for adult cats.
On the other hand, it will be necessary to get a brush, also suitable for the cat's hair type and age. For baby cats, hand brushes or gloves are ideal, since they allow us to introduce them to this new experience by simulating that we are caressing them.
Can I bathe my cat with human shampoo?
The answer is no . When we go to bathe our cat, it is vitally important to know that human soaps and shampoos are not suitable for him, as they can cause skin reactions or damage the fur.