The pet rat

Table of contents:

The pet rat
The pet rat
The pet rat
The pet rat

Rodents are currently considered excellent companion animals and more and more often we find people who have chosen to share their home with these nice creatures, being common that the hamster, the guinea pig, squirrel, gerbil or mouse are adopted as pets.

What we may not find so common is to welcome a rat as a pet, since we mistakenly associate this animal with dirt and diseases, however, it can also be considered a domestic rodent, since in addition the rat can easily adapt to living in a human home.

In this article on our site we talk about the rat as a pet, trying to clear up all the doubts that may have arisen in this regard.

The nature of rats in the domestic environment

Rats are above all very sociable animals, which always stay in groups or in pairs, which tells us that Having a single rat as a pet is not recommended, as loneliness can even cause stress and depression in this rodent.

As pets, rats are exceptional against all odds, as they are very affectionate, playful rodents that also possess great intelligence, which even allows them to learn simple tricks.

Yes, it is important that rats are domesticated from an early age, which will facilitate their adaptation to the domestic environment. Once the rat has passed the adaptation period (in which it will be shy and distrustful), it will develop a great attachment to its owner, in fact, the rat requires the presence and daily affection of its owner to enjoy a full state of wellness.

The rat as a pet - The nature of rats in the domestic sphere
The rat as a pet - The nature of rats in the domestic sphere

Before taking in a rat…

Although the rat requires little care, it is important to understand that we are responsible for covering all its needs in order to guarantee a state of physical, mental and social well-being, for this reason we must understand that we cannot accept only one rat, but rather there must be at least two.

It is best to house two rats of the same sex, preferably females, as males can be more aggressive towards each other (not if they are sterilized).

It is also possible to house a male and a female rat, however, they must be separated at 6 or 8 weeks of life, at which time they reach puberty and therefore can reproduce.

The origin of our rat is also important and it is preferable to contact a specialized rat breeder. We can also go to rodent shelters Of course, before deciding on one rat or another, we must avoid adopting any rat that shows the following signs:

  • Red eye discharge
  • Reddish nasal secretions
  • Open wounds
  • Lethargy
  • Noisy Breathing
  • Sharp stool

As happens with any other type of pet, it is important to pay special attention to the rat that is predisposed to interact with us, since this animal may be the most suitable to adapt to our home.

The rat as a pet - Before taking in a rat…
The rat as a pet - Before taking in a rat…

What does a rat need in our home?

If we are going to take in a rat as a pet, it is essential to have the following tools to provide it with an appropriate environment:

The cage must be wide, each rat must have a space of approximately 0.23 square meters

The cage must have a feeder, drinker and a little house or nest that the rat can use as a hiding place

Cage bedding should be wood shavings, but pine, aspen or cedar shavings will be avoided, as they contact with rat urine can cause irritation of the respiratory tract.

We must offer our rat 12 milliliters a day of compound food for rodents and supplement its diet with fresh fruits and vegetables

Rats love cheese, however, it is not recommended as it can lead to obesity

Rats must entertain themselves in order to channel their great curiosity, therefore, we must have different hanging toys suitable for rats in the cage

The rat as a pet - What does a rat need in our home?
The rat as a pet - What does a rat need in our home?

The interaction between the owner and the rat

The rat needs your presence and interaction on a daily basis, remember that it is an animal capable of developing a great attachment to its owner.

You must handle your rats daily and pay attention to them, approximately for 10 minutes and several times a day, if it is not possible for you to dedicate this time, it may not be a good idea to take in this type of rodents in your home.

It is also very important that the rats be able to get daily exercise outside the cage, so you must be willing to give them a more space in your home, not just inside his cage.

The pet rat - The interaction between the owner and the rat
The pet rat - The interaction between the owner and the rat

Pet rat care

A rat can live up to 5 years, since it is a resistant animal, although it implies a significant risk of develop cancer.

To keep your rat in optimal condition, in addition to taking into account all the information set forth above, you should clean it at least every 3 days, in addition to carrying out an exhaustive disinfection and cleaning of the cage approximately 1 time per week.

To disinfect your rat's cage you cannot use bleach, as it is highly irritating, so we recommend that you consult your trusted veterinary center about which disinfectant suitable for pets you can use.

Although the rat does not usually get sick, it is important to recognize the signs that something is wrong:

  • Skin lumps or bumps
  • Red, irritated and inflamed skin
  • Continuous urge to scratch

In the presence of one or more of these signs, it is important to go to the vet as soon as possible.

The rat as a pet - Care of the rat as a pet
The rat as a pet - Care of the rat as a pet

Are you passionate about rodents?

As you know there are many types of domestic rats that we can have as pets if we have decided to adopt one. Among them we find more or less delicate breeds such as the Egyptian rat, which will need extra attention, so it will be essential to investigate the care of a hairless rat.

We also encourage you to discover other rodents on our site, such as the chinchilla as a pet or the kangaroo rat as a pet.
