Introduce a second dog into the house

Introduce a second dog into the house
Introduce a second dog into the house
Introduce a second dog at home
Introduce a second dog at home

Do you love dogs and want to have more than one at home? It sounds very nice in theory, but in practice, it is a bit more complex than simply bringing another pet to live under the same roof.

To introduce a second dog at home, that the dynamics remain the same and that it does not affect any member of the family, which More importantly, consider what life is like at home and analyze the other dog's personality and habits, and then bring in the right mate.

Before introducing a second dog at home, we invite you to continue reading this article on our site, where we will teach you the best way to do it so that the arrival of this new pet is a great experience for the whole family.

Little by little you go far

Knowing the behavior of your pet with respect to other dogs is an excellent way to verify if he could be emotionally available for the arrival of another dog to its territory.

Despite being properly socialized, you should observe how your dog interacts with other animals the first time he sees them. From time to time, he brings new animals home and pay attention to how your best friend interacts with them and the fact that you are sharing his personal space

Dogs should get to know each other gently and carefully, don't lose sight of them by leaving them alone in the garden. Always go slowly, you don't want to push your dog into apprehension or reactivity.

Introduce a second dog at home - Little by little you go far
Introduce a second dog at home - Little by little you go far

When you have already selected the right one

When you think you have found the perfect "match" for your pet, you must make the first match in a neutral territory It It is preferable that both have their leash attached, in case you need to correct any movement with a negative trend and you can separate them.

When you get to the park let them look at each other but don't approach them yet. After a few minutes, start walking and allow each one to naturally get used to the presence of the other. Keep them separated by a distance of approximately 2 meters between them. This will be a simple energy issue. While you're apart, you can give each of them a toy that belongs to the other dog to help them adjust to the scent. Remember that dogs are animals with high olfactory abilities.

Introduce a second dog at home - When you have already selected the indicated one
Introduce a second dog at home - When you have already selected the indicated one

The approach

Everything must be progressive. The next day or on the same day, depending on the sociability of your dog, repeat the previous action. If you see that an anxious atmosphere has not been created, you can proceed to bring them a little closer.

It would be very positive if the place where they are is as open as possible. This will prevent both dogs from feeling trapped or cornered and encourage natural behavior. In this case you can use the long straps, or if you notice that they are totally calm with the whole situation, you can let them go but keeping very close to them. Let them sniff each other for a few minutes, then shift your attention (normally) to another action.

If all goes well and the dogs start to play, let them play for a while. However, from time to time, he redirects his attention to other more group activities, such as continuing the walk and playing tag. The purpose is that all these interactions in neutral spaces begin and end in a totally positive way.

Introducing a second dog at home - The approach
Introducing a second dog at home - The approach

Time to go home

We have arrived at the place that most interests us, the house. Remember above all that these first contacts will set the tone of the relationship. Bring both dogs into the house, but have them share and interact in the yard first. If you see that everything is going well, open the door of the house and let them in, but accompany them throughout the process. The new dog will smell everything(leave it, it's new territory) and the resident dog will be very attentive to her behavior to react one way or another.

Allow interaction between them but keep it short and positive. We want to prevent these interactions from becoming too long and too intense. If there is any sign of tension move them away and try again later, never pressure either dogs to forcefully accept each other.

Don't forget that you must have a second feeder, a second bed and even new toys ready so that there can be no conflicts between one and the other.

Introduce a second dog at home - Time to go home
Introduce a second dog at home - Time to go home

When you're away from home

The first few days when you need to leave the house and while your pets are getting used to each other's presence and sharing territories, separate their spaces. This will help prevent fights in your absence and minimize negative behaviors in both dogs.

When you get home, get them together and Spend quality time with both of you It's important to know that while a "new" dog in the family represents a company for the "old" dog, in no way, it is a substitute for your presence and your affection.

Introduce a second dog at home - When you are away from home
Introduce a second dog at home - When you are away from home

It has worked?

You will know that your dog is happy and is getting used to the presence of the new member, when he does not chase him all the time smelling his steps, is anxious smelling every place where he has been or simply leaves him go about your normal life at home. It will be your dog's indirect way of welcoming his now new friend

Introducing a second dog at home - Has it worked?
Introducing a second dog at home - Has it worked?

Other tips for success

  • Personal Match: If your dog is old and quiet, don't bring home a hyperactive dog, look for one with a calm character like the. We must try to make everyone feel comfortable.
  • Enough for everyone: Toys, beds, food bowls… We also refer to your presence. They need you and now your hands, kisses and caresses must be multiplied by two, as well as all the personal belongings of each one.
  • Be aware of body language and watch for signals between them but don't overwhelm them or force them to interact either. Growls can be simple alerts like "leave me alone" so if nothing else happens, don't worry.
  • Avoid jealousy, make sure you give everyone their personal attention and at the same time their group attention.

Don't forget that conflicts may arise, for this reason, before adopting your dog, assess whether you are prepared to take on extra expenses in case you had to contact an ethologist or canine educator.

You should also value the importance and advantages of sterilizing your pet. Especially if you're thinking of adopting a dog of the opposite sex and you can't financially support a litter, you should consider neutering one of your dogs (or both).
