Budgie care

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Budgie care
Budgie care
Budgie Care
Budgie Care

The Budgerigar or Budgie is introduced around the world as a pet, it is the cage bird most popular in the world.

They are as intelligent as some large parrots and can be easily tamed. They are capable of learning to perch on your hand, play with certain elements, repeat words and imitate actions. They love company and joy. If you have or are thinking of adopting this fantastic bird, don't hesitate to read the parakeet care

Budgie Budgie Habitat

There are many types of cages for parakeets, however, it is important to choose well, since our partner will spend most of the day inside it. At a minimum we will have 50 or 70 centimeters wide, considering that its type of flight is horizontal.

We recommend looking for a cage that is wider than it is long. This size must be expanded if we intend to include another parakeet member in the cage. As bars you can use fruit tree branches, available in many stores. These types of bars are fantastic because with them the birds exercise their legs on elements of different sizes.

Provide it with a feeder (indoor if possible) as well as a suitable drinker, we will always keep both elements fresh and clean. At the bottom of the cage you should also add a special type of soil with calcium content that stimulates it properly.

The accessories of the cage of the parakeet must be according to its size, that is, we will not put a thousand toys and bars if later the animal has no room to move. If we want to have a very ornate cage, we will first think about buying a large one. We can include a swing, ropes or stairs.

The location, as in the case of other pets, it should always be a place free of smoke, direct sunlight, current of air or excessive noise. We will look for a quiet, fresh and harmonious place so that our new pet feels happy and at ease.

You can also have your parakeets outdoors, bearing in mind that they must have their shaded space, not expose them to excessive cold or excessive heat, as well as be sheltered from the rain.

Australian parakeet care - Australian parakeet habitat
Australian parakeet care - Australian parakeet habitat

Budgie Budgie Feeding

A budgerigar's diet should always contain canaryseed and millet, apart from other seeds. If you do not want to prepare the mixture yourself, in the market you will find food for parakeets already prepared, and even packages with extra vitamins, for example.

The parakeet will also need to receive a supply of calcium, an essential mineral, for this we recommend placing a cuttlefish bone in the cage, if possible totally natural, boiling it and letting it dry in the sun. In addition, it will help prevent excessive beak growth.

Another element that you can offer your parakeets is alfalfa, adored by most birds, although you must restrict the dose because it is quite caloric and can cause obesity.

We recommend offering daily (or every two days) good fruit and vegetables for parakeets, something they love. Apart from lettuce leaves or tender shoots, parakeets usually accept pear, apple or watermelon very well, among others.

Hygiene, essential to prevent diseases

It is very important that the cage and the items inside it are cleaned regularly. The accumulation of excrement as well as rotten food can cause the appearance of diseases of the budgerigar.

It is also advisable to check it frequently to ensure that it does not have parasites (you can detect their presence more easily on the wings). Generally in spring and autumn it is recommended to deworm the parakeet with specific products for birds.

Although we generally talk about very clean animals, we must make sure that they can clean themselves comfortably. That's why we recommend buying bird pools, allowing them to soak and clean better. If you can't find any, you can get a small plastic container that is easily accessible and fill it with water or use a sprayer.

Australian parakeet care - Hygiene, essential to prevent diseases
Australian parakeet care - Hygiene, essential to prevent diseases

Enrichment & Wellness

Having a large cage, allowing him to listen to music or offer him new toys from time to time is essential for our companion's daily life to be entertaining and positive.

Bird enrichment is important to avoid stress, frustration or loneliness. Parakeets are very social animals and if they are not cared for properly they can become sad and sick animals.

If you still don't have a companion for your parakeet, don't hesitate and get a bigger cage so that it can share its life with others of the same species. But if it is not possible, do not worry, it will be enough to dedicate time, affection and sweet words to make him feel loved and entertained.
