Is it correct to give pets at Christmas?

Is it correct to give pets at Christmas?
Is it correct to give pets at Christmas?
Giving pets at Christmas, is it right?
Giving pets at Christmas, is it right?

When the date begins to squeeze us, we are already less than fifteen days away to define the gifts we will make, errors may occur. Many choose this time to bring home a new member, a pet. It is right? We are not going to debate whether or not it is correct, there is a lot on the Internet on the subject and we do not want to bore you.

Besides, pet sales numbers are skyrocketing these days, what does it mean? Do families really evaluate having a new member in the family in the right way? or are they rushed last minute decisions?

From our site we want to help you if you have defined give pets at Christmas, which is what you should keep in mind when choosing and if is it correct? it will answer itself.

The responsibility of having a pet

We must be firm about giving away pets at Christmas because we can all understand that does not just mean giving a cute puppy to our children or to someone we love, is much more.

We must be able to choose to live with a pet, regardless of size, breed or species, since it is one of the most important decisions of our life. We are assuming that the person who receives the gift will have to take charge and take care of another living being that will depend on her caregiveruntil the last of her days. Depending on the chosen species, we speak of a greater or lesser number of cares, whether they are he alth or hygiene, housing, food and their correct education process. We must think about what the person who receives him will do if he works a lot or has trips planned and if he will be able to give him the love and affection he will need.

We cannot choose a pet as a gift if we are not sure who we will give it to will be able to fulfill everything stated Give a gift a pet to a person who is not ready to receive it, ceases to be an act of love. Instead, we can choose a book or an experience (in a shelter for example) that teaches him what it means to have a companion animal, so that later on he is completely sure of what it means to have an animal.

Giving pets at Christmas, is it right? - The responsibility of having a pet
Giving pets at Christmas, is it right? - The responsibility of having a pet

Involve the family

If you have confirmed that the person wishes to have an animal by their side and that they will also be able to comply with all the necessary care, we must also consult with all the members of their family. We know that children want to have animals and that at first they will promise to comply with everything mentioned, but it is our responsibility as adults to commit to the newcomer and explain to the little ones what their tasks will be according to their age.

The responsibility of caring for an animal implies considering the needs for each species, not only treating them as more than objects but also considering not humanize them too much, since sometimes, they can come to cover the position of the absence of children in a family. For example, if you are thinking of adopting a dog or a cat, we recommend you consult these articles first:

  • What are the needs of a dog?
  • What are the needs of a cat?
Giving pets at Christmas, is it right? - Involve the family
Giving pets at Christmas, is it right? - Involve the family

Quitting is never an option

Keep in mind that both a cat and a dog can live up to 15 years of age, we must make a lifelong commitment with its good and bad moments. The abandonment of a pet is not only punishable by law, but it is also an act of selfishness and injustice for the animal. We are aware that the abandonment figures indicate that around 40% of abandoned dogs had been a "gift to their owners". You should ask yourself what to do if this experience goes wrong and the family or person does not want to continue taking care of the animal you have given for Christmas.

Putting in a balance the commitments that we acquire when receiving a pet in the family, they are not as high or expensive as the benefits of living with her. It is a privilege that will give us great personal satisfaction and we will be happier. But if we are not completely sure of the challenge, it is better not to try it.

It is our responsibility to be well informed about the species that we will adopt in order to be very clear about its needs. We can go to a nearby veterinarian to assess what type of family is going to receive an animal and which pet is recommended.

Giving pets at Christmas, is it right? - Giving up is never an option
Giving pets at Christmas, is it right? - Giving up is never an option

Before you give away…

  • Consider that the person is qualified to breed that species and really wants it.
  • If you want to give a pet to a child, you must make sure that the parents are aware that, in reality, they will be responsible for the well-being of the animal.
  • Respect the age of the puppy (whether it is a dog or a cat) even if it does not coincide with Christmas (7 to 8 weeks old). Remember that separating a puppy from its mother before time can be very detrimental to its socialization process and its physical development.
  • If we adopt instead of buy, it is a double act of love and we can involve the family in the selection process. Remember that there are not only shelters for dogs and cats, there are also adoption centers for exotic animals (rabbits, rodents, hedgehogs…) or we can look for an animal from a family that can no longer take care of it.
