Types of Belgian Shepherd Dog - Complete list (with PHOTOS)

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Types of Belgian Shepherd Dog - Complete list (with PHOTOS)
Types of Belgian Shepherd Dog - Complete list (with PHOTOS)
Belgian Shepherd Types
Belgian Shepherd Types

The Belgian Shepherd is a breed of dog that has been used as a herding dog. However, its furry and friendly appearance has also made it a good companion animal, so knowing the different types of Belgian Shepherd is essential if you are interested in adopt one of these specimens.

In this article on our site, we will introduce you to the main characteristics of the different types of Belgian Shepherd. Do you want to know what they are? Then read on!

Belgian Shepherd Characteristics

The Belgian Shepherd Dog originates from the country that gives it its name, where it was created between 1891 and 1897. Like its name indicates, it is a breed that, in principle, was used to watch over and protect herds.

It is a dog characterized by having a medium to large-sized body, with an agile and somewhat stylized appearance. Despite having muscles and showing strength in his work, this does not mean a heavy or solid physical structure. He has a proud head with an elongated snout, with a black nose, thin lips and triangular ears that are always alert.

With regard to the coat, the Belgian Shepherd's hair is abundant and shaggy in texture, whether short, long or harsh. It can appear in different shades, which represent one of the characteristics that distinguish the Belgian Shepherd breeds.

Although the personality that the dog will develop is strongly influenced by the upbringing and education it receives, in general the breed is a great lover of physical activity and life outdoors, so it enjoys spending time in parks and country life. In addition, it is characterized by being a safe and adventurous dog, highlighting a state of permanent alertness.

These are the general characteristics of Belgian shepherd dogs, since this is the only breed that exists. Within the Belgian shepherd dog breed, there are different varieties that we will see below.

How many types of Belgian Shepherd are there?

We have already seen that there is only one Belgian Shepherd dog breed, but how many types of Belgian Shepherd are there? Currently the breed has four varieties with their peculiarities, all of them accepted by the different official organizations:

  • Belgian shepherd malinois
  • Groenendael Belgian Shepherd
  • Belgian Shepherd Tervueren
  • Belgian Shepherd Laekenois

1. Belgian Shepherd Groenendael

The Groenendael Belgian Sheepdog is often called simply the Belgian Sheepdog. He is characterized by having a muscular but elegant body, with a high head that gives a sense of elegance. Two pointed ears highlight his features, giving him a friendly appearance.

Among the Belgian Shepherd breeds, the Groenendael has a double and dense coat, less abundant on the legs, but profuse on the tail and around the neck. As for the color of the coat, it appears only in a deep black and shiny.

This variety stands out for its agile performance during physical activities and requires daily exercises to stay in shape. Also, agility is a good option for him.

Types of Belgian Shepherd - 1. Belgian Shepherd Groenendael
Types of Belgian Shepherd - 1. Belgian Shepherd Groenendael

two. Belgian Shepherd Tervueren

The Belgian Shepherd Dog Tervueren is another type of Belgian Shepherd that exists. It stands out for its muscular appearance with the same proud head that characterizes the breed. The coat is smooth, thick and long around the head and tail, while it is shortened on the back and legs. In terms of color, the Tervueren has a black mask around its eyes, which stands out against the reddish or brown background of the rest of its fur.

This strain also requires daily exercise and is a good candidate for agility. For this reason, it is a good companion for people who lead active lives and enjoy spending time outdoors.

Types of Belgian Shepherd - 2. Belgian Shepherd Tervueren
Types of Belgian Shepherd - 2. Belgian Shepherd Tervueren

3. Belgian shepherd malinois

Among the types of Belgian Shepherd, the Belgian Malinois Sheepdog has somewhat different characteristics from its companions. Among them, the most obvious is his short fur and without the bushy mane surrounding his head. The Malinois also has a well-defined mask around the eyes and muzzle, the black lines of which extend to the pointed ears. The rest of the coat is carbonadocolor, which means that it has a lighter shade on the outside of the hair shaft, which darkens as it is approaches the base.

The body of this variety is solid, with firm and well-proportioned muscles. This dog loves doing search and trace activities, especially when done in the company of his human companion, to whom he is often very devoted. In addition, he loves to run, so outdoor activities in large areas of land are his favorite.

4. Belgian shepherd laekenois

The Belgian Shepherd Laekenois is the fourth type of Belgian Shepherd Dog. At first glance, he doesn't look similar to his fellow racers, though the body is also strong and muscular, albeit a bit more understated. However, the coat could be classified as disordered and is the main feature of the laekenois. The pelaje, semi-long, is shaggy, hard and even a little curly on the cheeks. It does not present a defined mask, although some of the carbonaceous combination can be seen in some specimens, standing out on the rest of the fur, reddish or yellow.

This variety tends to be overweight, so it is necessary to offer it a quality diet according to its age, weight and activity physical. See the following article for more information: "How to avoid obesity in dogs?". The Laekenois loves to interact with human and canine companions, although it tends to show reserve towards strangers, a characteristic that makes it a good guard dog.

Types of Belgian Shepherd - 4. Belgian Shepherd Laekenois
Types of Belgian Shepherd - 4. Belgian Shepherd Laekenois

White Belgian Shepherd

There is no such thing as a White Belgian Shepherd unless any of the above varieties suffer from albinism. What usually happens is that many people confuse the White Swiss Shepherd, believing that it is a Belgian Shepherd. They are different breeds and, therefore, we say that none of the Belgian shepherds accept white in the shades of their coat. For more information on the Swiss Shepherd, do not hesitate to consult the breed file: "White Swiss Shepherd".
