Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - 6 steps

Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - 6 steps
Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - 6 steps
Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step
Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step

If you are preparing for a guinea pig to come to your home it is essential that you first have its cage or habitat ready. For this reason, on our site you will find all the necessary information you need to carry it out. Size, arrangement of the elements or the type of substrate of the base are frequently asked questions but they are important if what we want is for our guinea pig to be well cared for and happy.

Keep reading this comprehensive article to find out how to prepare a guinea pig's cage step by step taking into account their welfare and other important factors.

The size of the cage is very important for your guinea pig to feel comfortable in its new habitat. As always, we recommend that the cage be as large as possible although if we had to choose a minimum size it would be about 120 x 60 x 45 cm minimum, as recommended by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

The height of the cage is also important since in this way we can add a floor or tunnels and ducts to favor its entertainment. If your intention is not to buy a cage but rather to create a whole environment for it, you can create a specific pen for your new guinea pig, it will surely thank you!

Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 1
Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 1

At the base of the guinea pig cage it will be essential to add the substrate either recycled paper cylinders or pressed wood, you will find different types in pet stores and they are used to absorb urine and feces. We must add at least 2 fingers of substrate thickness to the bottom of the cage.

The substrate must be renewed weekly, although if you want to do it every 5 days you will improve the hygiene of the guinea pig's environment. You can also remove feces or very stained areas daily.

Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 2
Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 2

The guinea pig must always have unlimited access to fresh, clean water. For this we recommend the classic rodent drinkers as they are more hygienic as they make it difficult for the guinea pig to spill the water throughout the cage.

Keep in mind that if you have just adopted a guinea pig and it does not know this type of drinking fountain, it may die of thirst. If you notice that it does not drink water, provide it with a bowl so that it has direct access.

Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 3
Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 3

Remember also the food type of food for your guinea pig: this must be specific for this rodent and you will find it already prepared in regular stores for pets. It should always contain vitamin C. You should also add fruit and vegetables from time to time, every two days will be enough.

It is also essential that you add hay to the cage so that your guinea pig wears down its teeth.

Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 4
Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 4

Get a nest for your guinea pig and cover it with hay (if it's open) so your new pet will feel like in its natural habitat. You can also get a closed nest such as a shed, for example, add substrate so that it can accommodate. It is essential that any rodent has a hidden nest where it can take refuge and doze when it needs it.

Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 5
Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 5

Add an extra floor, stairs or toys several so your guinea pig can entertain itself when it's not with you, whatever you want! happen! Remember that the guinea pig is a curious animal that will love to run around and discover new leisure areas.

Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 6
Prepare a guinea pig cage step by step - Step 6


  • You must take your guinea pig out of the cage to exercise at least 4 hours a day.
  • Remember that outside the cage you should always supervise the guinea pig so that it does not bite any cable or dangerous object.
  • They usually live in groups of several guinea pigs, for this reason and to make them feel more accompanied you can get another of the same sex.
  • They whistle and purr at people they meet, it's their form of communication.
  • They are intelligent animals, they can learn to come when their name is called.
  • They tend to nibble when they are hungry, although guinea pigs generally do not bite their owners unless they are picked up improperly.
