Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - 6 steps

Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - 6 steps
Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - 6 steps
Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step
Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step

If you have decided to adopt one or several cold water fish, the most important thing is that you previously prepare a suitable aquarium for them.

In this article on our site you will discover everything you need to make them feel comfortable, safe and active in their new environment. From the essentials to the extra details so that you can enjoy looking at them and they can enjoy swimming in a wonderful aquarium.

Keep reading to find out how to prepare a cold water aquarium step by step.

To begin we must determine the size of the fish tank or aquarium and this will depend on the species we want to house in it. Find out well before the copy arrives at your home. For example, if we decide to adopt a piranha, we will need an excessively large aquarium, on the contrary, if we want to have a group of Chinese neons, a small aquarium will suffice.

If you have doubts about the size of the aquarium, it is always best to opt for a large and spacious one, this way it will always adapt better.

Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 1
Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 1

The second step is to get a filter: although it is not strictly necessary for a cold water aquarium, the filter will help you keep your aquarium clean and reduce water consumption. You must inform yourself in the establishment of the elements that you need for its operation, such as carbon or resins.

You can find backpack or cascade type filters on the market that are easier to install and handle, and are also located outside the aquarium so as not to take up space for the inhabitants.

Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 2
Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 2

The next step is to buy the gravel to place at the bottom of the aquarium. In the market you will find a diversity of colors, shapes and sizes so that your aquarium is the most original. We recommend paying attention to the fish or fish that are going to inhabit your new aquarium, for example: if you are going to get a crowntail betta fish, it is essential that the gravel is fine so that it does not damage its delicate fins.

Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 3
Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 3

Next you will add vegetation to the aquarium. This can be artificial or natural, it remains your choice, yes, if you decide to get natural vegetation you must place a layer of special fertilized soil for aquariums under the gravel, you must also inform yourself and make sure that the plant is not toxic to fish that will inhabit the aquarium.

If you have decided to use artificial vegetation, check that it is a soft element that cannot damage the fins of your fish.

Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 4
Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 4

Although not used by most people on our site we recommend adding artificial light to your cold water aquarium. The light must remain on between 8 and 10 hours a day without direct contact with the sun. The light helps prevent algae from invading the aquarium, and also provides hourly stability for your fish.

Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 5
Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 5

Finally you can add some kind of decoration element such as pirate ships, fake corals, rocks, small statues etc. As with plants, we must be careful if our fish is delicate. Be original to achieve a unique aquarium.

Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 6
Prepare a cold water aquarium step by step - Step 6


  • Try to use good quality water.
  • You can filter the water if it comes from the tap to avoid traces of limescale.
  • From time to time you should carry out a test to verify that the levels of pH, Kh, nitrites and nitrates are correct.
  • With the help of the filter we will change 25% of the total water every week.
  • You should pay attention to the gravel and clean it if it is dirty.
