Types of canaries and their names - Complete guide to breeds

Types of canaries and their names - Complete guide to breeds
Types of canaries and their names - Complete guide to breeds
Types of canaries and their names
Types of canaries and their names

Canaries are, without a doubt, the most popular pet birds around the world. So much success is due not only to its beauty and cheerful song, but also to the fact that caring for canaries is relatively simple and inexpensive. Although it is true that a good dose of dedication is needed to maintain optimal hygiene, offer them adequate preventive medicine and prevent the most common diseases in canaries, as well as dedicate time so that they can fly and exercise at home.

How many breeds of canaries are there?

Currently, more than 30 types of canaries are known, this being the most abundant domestic bird species in the world with the parakeets. Although there are many possible classifications, canary breeds are usually divided into three large groups:

  1. Singing canaries: here, we find the most coveted breeds in canariculture, thanks to their incredible ability to learn and play complex melodies and a wide variety of sounds. In the next sections we will see the main breeds of singing canaries.
  2. Canaries by Color: This is perhaps the most basic classification of canaries, based on the color of their feathers. It is divided into subgroups according to the predominant pigments in its plumage, the lipochromic canaries (shades of dominant and recessive white, yellow and red) and themelanic canaries (colors black, agate, green, bromine, isabela, brown and chestnut tones).
  3. Position or position canaries: also called design or shape canaries, they must present certain very specific morphological traits to be incorporated in this group. It is divided into 5 large subgroups: canaries with curly plumage; smooth-feathered canaries; shaggy canaries; smooth-plumaged canaries; and designer canaries.

Song canary breeds - Top 5

As we have mentioned, song canaries are the most famous in canariculture, since one of the most appreciated characteristics of this species is its vocal power. Of all the breeds of singing canaries, we can highlight 5 varieties such as the most popular in the world:

Canario stamped Spanish (spanish stamped)

An authentic breed of Spain, which preserves certain traits inherited from the native wild canaries of the Canary Islands. It is not an ancient breed, since its creation took place between the 40s and 50s. Its varied, powerful and cheerful song, for many fans of canariculture, reminds us of the sound of castanets.

Roller canary (german roller)

This type of canary originating in Germany is considered to be the oldest singing canary breed, having been developed more than three centuries ago. It is estimated that it has been used for the creation of numerous breeds of song and posture canaries, due to its strong appearance and good he alth. For many experts, the German roller is the type of canary that best combines elegance, rhythm and power in its song. Currently, the harz roller canary, a variety of the German roller, is considered the best singing canary on the planet.

American singer canary

As its name indicates, it is a race created in the United States, between the 30s and 40s. American singer canaries are highly prized not only for their varied and melodic song, but also for their excellent he alth and robust, attractive appearance.

Belgian Malinois canary or waterslager

The name "waterslager" is a reference to the ability of these Belgian canaries to imitate the sound of running water in the mountains. It is a very old type of canary, created in Belgium during the 18th century Until today, the only recognized variety of the Belgian Malinois canary must have completely yellow and black eyes. They are also highly prized for their large, stocky appearance, as well as their incredible vocalizing ability.

Russian singer canary

The Russian singer is the least popular of these 5 song canary breeds. However, its popularity has begun to grow in recent decades not only for its beauty, but also for displaying qualities that are quite similar to German roller.

Types of canaries and their names - Song canary breeds - Top 5
Types of canaries and their names - Song canary breeds - Top 5

Types of posture canaries

Pouring or shape canaries comprise 5 subgroups defined according to the most characteristic morphological traits of these varieties. Next, we will present the most popular types of canaries in each of the subgroups of laying canaries.

Curly plumage posture canaries

As we said, below we show the canaries belonging to the first of the posture subgroups:

Italian gibbous canary or Italian gibber

This is a young breed of Italian origin, created in the middle of the 20th century from various specimens of curly canaries from the south. They are medium-sized birds with a hunched body, sparse plumage that can come in different colors, and serpentine reminiscences on their head and neck.

Royal canary from Tenerife

This Spanish breed of canary, also created during the 20th century, stands out for its mixed plumage which combines voluminous curly feathers with smooth feathers, silky and compact. A wide range of colors are accepted in their plumage, including red, either uniform or spotted.

Spanish humpbacked canary

This type of canary appears, for the first time, as an unwanted result of selective crosses between the extinct Sevillian fine canaries. Its curly plumage is elegant, made up of delicate and well-defined curls, which should not appear in abundance.

Paris curly canary

This type of canary of French origin is created from selective crosses between Lancashire canaries and northern curly canaries. According to many experts in canariculture, it can be considered the curly canary par excellence, having emerged during the 19th century. Its curly plumage is elegant and bulky, being accepted in all color varieties. Its most characteristic physical feature is the so-called "rooster tail".

Other types of curly canaries

  • northern curly canary
  • Southern Curly Canary
  • fiorino curly canary
  • Italian Giant Curly Canary
  • padovan curly canary
  • Swiss curly canary

Types of smooth-feathered canaries

If in the previous section we talked about the subgroup highlighted by curly plumage, here we mention the opposite:

Belgian bossu canary

Originally, this Belgian variety arose from the natural mutation of the Ghent canary, a currently extinct breed, in the mid-17th century. They are medium-sized and robust birds, with silky plumage that can be solid or spotted, but do not accept reddish tones.

Munich Canary

This breed of canaries of German origin created in the 20th century stands out for having a narrow chest and a thin sword. Its smooth plumage is well attached to its body and can be uniform or spotted, not accepting the reddish coloration.

Japanese hosso canary

This is one of the rare types of canaries that have been developed outside of Europe. For its creation, curly canaries from the south have been used, but currently the Japanese hosso has a smooth and silky plumage that accepts all shades.

Canario scotch fancy

Created in Scotland during the 19th century, this breed is the result of selective crosses between the Dutch Canary, the Glasgow Canary and the Belgian Bossu Canary. Its body is elegant and stylized, with silky and smooth plumage that can be uniform or spotted. It stands out for its crescent-like display shape with slightly flexed legs, a characteristic inherited from the extinct Glasgow canary.

Breeds of shaggy canaries

Moñudo canaries are characterized by having a kind of fringe that gives them a unique appearance.

Crested Canary

This breed of English canary created during the 19th century is one of the most popular worldwide For its creation, made selective crosses between Lancashire and Norwich canaries. His characteristic pompadour is round, symmetrical and well centered on his head. Its plumage is abundant, completely smooth and silky, and reddish coloration is not accepted.

Lancashire Canary

This traditional type of canary from the United Kingdom is among the largest and most robust breeds, being able to reach 23 cm in length. It highlights a robust chest, a solid back and a horseshoe-shaped bow. The most recognized specimens are yellow, but their smooth plumage allows for different colors, with the exception of orange and reddish.

Glosster Canary

Also of English origin, this is another of the most appreciated and widespread canary breeds today. It is characterized by its small size, its solid and plump body, and its smooth and tight plumage. Although the varieties with a bow are much more popular, there are also gloss canaries without a topknot.

German Tufted Canary

This breed originally from Germany is created from crosses between the gloster canary and various German colored canaries. It was officially recognized in the 1960s, being among the youngest canary breeds Its forelock extends to part of the beak and the nape of the neck, but never covers his eyes. All color varieties in the smooth plumage of the German Tufted Duck are accepted.

Types of canaries and their names - Breeds of shaggy canaries
Types of canaries and their names - Breeds of shaggy canaries

Canaries of shape and design

Continuing with the subgroups of laying canaries, we now turn to those of shape and design, so that here we group subgroups 4 and 5, since there is currently only one breed recognized as "design":

Bernois canary

It is a Swiss breed created in the 19th century, from crosses between Yorkshire canaries. It is characterized by the elongated body, the broad chest, the prominent shoulders and the stylized neck. Its plumage is smooth and thick, accepting all color varieties except red.

Norwich Canary

This is a breed of shared origin between England and BelgiumThe first specimens have been Belgian, but the breed has only been defined on British soil. Its long and smooth plumage stands out, which must be well attached to the body, and can present white, orange, yellowish and Elizabethan colors.

Canario border

This type of canary native to Scotland derives directly from wild canaries, having emerged in the 18th century. Its body is oval in shape, with remarkable cheeks, and smooth plumage that is well attached to the body of the animal.

Canario fife fancy

Also of Scottish origin, it is born from a special selection of border canaries, also known as "miniature border".

Spanish breed Canary

It is a breed of Spanish origin, created from crosses between wild canaries and Spanish ringed canaries. It is a small-sized bird with a slender body, with a hazelnut-shaped head. Its feathers are short, well attached to the body, and can be solid or spotted, without accepting reddish tones.

Llarguet Canary

The youngest among all breeds of canaries currently recognized, having been recognized in 1996. Created in Spain from crosses between Sevillian, Levantine and wild canaries. Its body is stylized, with a thin back and chest, an oval head, compact and smooth plumage.

Canary Lizard

This is one of the oldest known canary breeds, Created in the 16th century in England It is one of the few canaries of design still existing. Its most striking feature is the feathers on its back, which are shaped like hemi-elliptic striae and have double coloration.
